Trump Defunds Planned Parenthood

Roasties BTFO
Moloch BTFO
Kikes BTFO

>A federal appeals court today ruled President Donald Trump can partially defund planned Parenthood while the abortion business’ lawsuit against his administration’s new rules moves forward.

>The Trump administration finalized an administrative rule that would partially defund the Planned Parenthood abortion business and deprive it of as much as $60 million in taxpayer dollars. This action adds to President Trump’s record of defunding the Planned Parenthood abortion company.

>A three-judge panel said the administration will likely prevail in the legal battle over the Title X family planning program since similar Reagan-era rules were upheld by the Supreme Court almost 30 years ago.

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Good. Fuck those whores

how much fucking money are they getting 60mill is not going to effect them holy shit


exactly wtf how much money do we give them

In the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, total revenue was $1.3 billion: non-government health services revenue was $305 million, government revenue (such as Medicaid reimbursements) was $528 million, private contributions totaled $392 million, and $78 million came from other operating revenue.

Next remove the 19th amendment. Women need to be put in their place.

It's partial because there are multiple sources of government funding. Trump is defunding a program that the Executive branch has full control of.

>It's o-only $60mil/yr
Stay mad.

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its literally nothing in comparison


>PP was using money that went into their organization to go around and push political shit that had nothing to do with PP (ie lobbying for tranny bathrooms)
>PP gets defunded
>baby-killing communist pedos cry that's not fair
Keep peeling away money from that ((Deep State)) onion. At least make the kikes pay for their own propaganda instead of robbing the taxpayers to do it.

This 100%

Since the left has recently shifted in favor of postnatal abortions, I have a solution that will please everyone: shift PP down to the border to do postnatal abortions on anchor babies. Compromise!

60 million < 1.3 billion

glad to see the useless fuckin democrat do at least one thing on his 2016 platform

besides work deals with Israel to enrich his family

maybe if the fuck did something else for America it wouldn't just be jewish settlements that were getting named after him

>its literally nothing in comparison
It's more than 10% of their Federal Funds. Which is why they sued to try and stop it. It's far from "nothing".

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those quads don't lie

10% of 1 of there funding sources

they'll just sell more body parts
and snatch more babies

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d'you think we'd have to rope the most rabid ones to ever achieve that?

they might sell more parts but I don't know how they can get people to fuck more kek

The other sources being business transactions and private donations... You are a special kind of stupid.

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Thank God

>other operating revenue
Baby parts.

>Next remove the 19th amendment. Women need to be put in their place.


Planned parenthood was the only thing keeping the whites alive. Enjoy getting replaced even faster goyim.

As it should be. I'm pro-choice, but if they want it one way, condoms should be subsidized by the government as well. Get fucked, roasties.

Ghettos are rife with extortionists like Kermit Gosnell. We'll be fine.

Wow, yeah, gr8 b8 m8. Ya got me.


Lol, enjoy the spread of STDs, lack of mammography and screening, and more poor and violent (mostly nigger) children spreading in your country.

America really is Satan's dream come country come true.

That's going to happen anyway, mostly because whites are too pussy to fight for their survival. Having sex is not going to save you.

Both of you are retarded.

but you'er retarded too user

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I didn't say you were wrong, just retarded.

Hoes Mad

satan btfo

we are all retarded here together

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those aren't quads newfren