
Attached: 3bd.gif (310x760, 23K)

My wife just cried.


You don't have a wife, Hanz. You have a roof you like to climb and set on fire and get rescued by SWAT and sent to the asylum again.

Not me. The true me is someone else.

Ok these digits even spook me now


I swear this place has become plebbit redux. Lurk more and post less, Hans, until you figure out how digits work.

Is this the same tard that was posting some weird bullshit about scanners earlier?

>not having the pattern recognition skills to realize that both of OP's referenced posts end in trips, followed by an ending number that comes previously in the sequence.

increase autism levels, user.

Go on

>end in trips
>doesn’t end in trips

Pick one, user.

Holy fuck you are stupid

It’s just Hanz with a VPN.

I looked in the archieve and apparently the whole 21st has been scrubbed and my feel told me i missed something

What did you see user?

Reply or i dont care anymore

What the fuck are you on about? Go back.

Seriously why is everyone behaving like a retard suddenly

I guess its better if i leave Jow Forums. Scanners be trying to suggest me i lost my wife again or something - just because i was not present during the last hours - how ridiculous.

I mean imagine it

I have been on Jow Forums permanently the last few days and the one time i didnt obey, i lost my wife

I call bluff on this one

Have fun in hell scanners - mindcontrol freaks

>t. normie faggot.

Because we're mostly made of water, and all of our fundamentally necessary bodily processes use properties of water to assist them in proper function.

There was a jolt in the position of the magnetic poles which accompanied a sudden drop in magnetic field strength and it's fucking with the chemical processes within our nervous systems.

Many chemical reactions require the transfer of electrons between atoms, and because we live in a magnetic field, there is a normal interaction that exists between them. But if you alter the state of the magnetic field where the interaction is occurring, it also affects the electron bonding of the matter within that field.

So everybody is acting crazy because very small changes in brain chemistry can alter emotional states widely based on the individual, and the health of the neural network being subjected to the changes in nervous signal propagation...

To me it looks like ur liars and this guy Chose my side while you all chose satans.

Game over.

I pull up the link and this is the 2nd comment I see.. wtf

Attached: Screenshot (336).png (574x575, 451K)

lol, they can't even dress their puppers up and take a photo without it being about Trump. What is wrong with them?

Like others have said, The don lives rent free in their minds. This bloke is just so far gone he needs to be gassed honestly, there is no saving them. He exemplifies american consumerist culture, all the while thinking he is "resisting."

I have no idea if the President is currently at Raven Rock, but if he is I imagine it's precautionary rather than reactionary...

People and animals are behaving more and more erratically, to varying degrees of cognitive impairment. This is to be expected as both the relative angle of the magnetic field lines change, and as the net intensity of the field diminishes.

Different people will respond with varying degrees of susceptibility, but everyone is being, and will continue to be affected until the dynamo has completed this cycle.

It will get worse before it gets better. What we're seeing right now is a harbinger of events to come; an early warning sign.

if you dress your dog up, you'e a faggot

"Impeachment NOW"
sounds like a spoiled brat.