What if Jesus is actually God?

How screwed would you be if you were to die today?

Would you be in danger of the Judgement or have you been saved by Jesus?

Attached: Jesus_dies_cross_passion.jpg (500x472, 46K)

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Id ask for forgiveness when hes judging me

i'd probably go straight to hell for asking what the fuck he's been doing for the last 2000 years while humanity has been fucking suffering. i might be in a lake of fire for eternity, but at least satan is honest in his intention to destroy us. god is a damn liar.

Jesus is the Judeo-Masonic symbol of satan.

Wake up! Christianity is Jew worship!

God reveals himself to anyone who earnestly seeks him. He's not apparent in your life, because you've never once in your life, from the heart, sought him. Instead you've let the lies of Jews infiltrate your mind and convince you into hating him.

Settle down Kike. Humans have free will, God cannot intervene in daily life like that even if he wanted to because our lives are supposed to be tests. Humans ate the fruit of knowledge and in exchange we lost what it meant to love. Your time here on Earth (maybe it's hell tbqh famalam) is to see if you can find out what that love was that we once lost.

Judaism is the only true religion. Everything else is for cucks and sub humans. Go to your local rabbi now!

oh i know, if i just tried a little harder i'd be able to rationalize all the disease and famine and rape and murder and war that an all-powerful god has the power to stop but just didn't for whatever reason. if i just had some faith, amirite?

>believing in sky gods

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I'd be fine because I have accepted God's free gift of grace, Jesus' death on the cross for our sins, all I have to do is believe in Him and accept. I know I'm saved because God poured out the Holy Spirit on all believers, and the Spirit lives inside of me, guiding me to all truth and confirming my faith at every moment.