Trump is Jewish. What’s the right humanist political approach to Race-Cults like Judaism controlling all of society undemocratically?
Trump is Jewish
He does look kinda odd in this photo. Maybe you're on to something...
>Trump is Jewish.
2019 US Congress jews (1.4% of the US population)
Tammy Baldwin (D)
Bernie Sanders (I)
Ron Wyden (D)
Chuck Schumer (D)
Jacky Rosen (D)
Ben Cardin (D)
Chris Van Hollen (D)
Richard Blumenthal (D)
Dianne Feinstein (D)
Adam Schiff (D)
Brad Sherman (D)
Pete Aguilar (D)
Alan Lownethal (D)
Mike Levin (D)
Susan Davis (D)
Ed Perlmutter (D)
Bill Posey (R)
Lois Frankel (D)
Ted Deutch (D)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D)
Jan Schakowsky (D)
Brad Schneider (D)
Abby Finkenaur (D)
John Yarmuth (D)
Jamie Raskin (D)
Elissa Slotkin (D)
Andy Levin (D)
Dean Phillips (D)
Josh Gottheimer (D)
Lee Zeldin (R)
Jerrold Nadler (D)
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D)
Max Rose (D)
Eliot Engel (D)
Nita Lowey (D)
Suzanne Bonamici (D)
David Cicilline (D)
David Kustoff (R)
Steve Cohen (D)
Elaine Luria (D)
Kim Schrier (D)
Makes me think. How do jews have so much power? Thoughts?
>T shirt of USA
>Burning in flames
>Black man in the Tshirt
Was this a protest or a prophecy?
Show flag
The real jews make out with the wall, that's what the hasis were doing on my birthright trip
They just need to keep their chaotic country America intact, so they hate him within America but love him from Israel. It's just public relations. They're always scheming bullshit. You're brainwashed by it.
oy vey
How do jews have so much power? Thoughts?
Jew detected.
Everyone knows America was created and controlled forever by the kikes.
He's not Jewish. He's just been infected with Las Plagas.
How do jews have so much power?? Thoughts?
How do jews have so much power... Thoughts???????
Trump is Scottish you fucking homo
How do jews have so much power... Thoughts??
Jew detected.
Fuck off, Jew cunt.
The best thing that could realistically be done is dismantle the dollar and return to a gold based system. The Jew only has power because he has dollars. Except those dollars aren't actually backed by anything. Enforce gold or other precious metals as the new currency and the Jew would collapse as almost none of them still control any major mining operations. It would return the market to a truly free and fair market.
No ideas?
Just HOW do jews have so much power? I mean, they are only 1.4% of the US population and 0.0025% of the world population... yet...
How do jews have so much power? Thoughts?
So much power... how?
Hard work and intense nepotism
>How do jews have so much power? Thoughts?
>How do jews have so much power? Thoughts?
>How do jews have so much power... Thoughts???????
>How do jews have so much power... Thoughts??
>Just HOW do jews have so much power? I mean, they are only 1.4% of the US population and 0.0025% of the world population... yet...
>How do jews have so much power? Thoughts?
>So much power... how?
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2. Read through this thread, it's all there:
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, dumbed-down, easily controlled subdued sheep. They are 1% the US population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us. In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
And the elite globalism pushing jews are one thing, but the elite can only exist because of the 'regular' jews. Jews are far more politically engaged and culturally aggressive than other peoples, it's why they are so 'successful'. There are basically no jews who just want to be left alone, the type of person that makes up the vast majority of other races. 99% of them are in a constant state of striving for dominance and ethnic self-promotion.
They get into everything, any institution, and steer it towards protecting and enabling the tribe. Many of them aren't even fully conscious of why they do it, it is just completely ingrained into their culture. So, there‘s the grand jew globalist conspiracy at the top, and the overall trend in behavior (that results in various smaller schemes) towards the bottom.
E.g. just compare the decades in America pre-WW2 vs post WW2, also look at US relations with the middle east in that time.
Now = "Oy vey, Israel is your only friend in the middle east, goyim"
Then = The US had good relations with the entire middle east
Having no moral values, being skilled liars, sticking together...
Calm down now. You are desperate and angry. You will only lose again. Seek some kind of help.
>How do jews have so much power? Thoughts?
Considering the people who have tried to destroy them throughout history, the only reason the Jews are still here is the will of God.
/pol better get right with the Lord!
enjoy a fine marijuana cigarette
lazy job isis dude
first jewish president
>thanx goys