FACT: It is not gay to cross your legs

Not sure who started this thing where we assume any guy who crosses his legs is a huge faggot? Can Jow Forums enlighten me as to why people make this assumption.

Attached: 313fea8.png (812x960, 622K)

It's not gay, it just looks really gay

Sure, this is politics related

Ankle on knee straight as can be
Knee to knee a fag is he

shut up, faggot.

It is gay. It represents feminine penises and low testosterone. Fucking retarded ass mutt.

Attached: demon mutt.gif (640x550, 204K)

That's a gay rhyme

tpbp ever based and keeblerpilled

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sometimes i sit with my legs half crossed. when i do this i feel the need to stop fucking women. so crossing your legs is probably gay.

I cross my legs to hide my dick.