Jow Forums has a problem

the jews are a threat because in many ways they are not inferior. the problem with they are inherently greedy and scheming.

Jews are inferior.
Jews also boost other jews into positions of power without effort being required.

in short they rule everything legally while also being inferior biologically.
not like this matters though, your not even here to read this so sage

Americans have literally the least fucking merit to go with the moral angle

>there's never been an illegitimate hierarchy in human history, ever

Name five things a Guatemalan has done for the world.

A parasite needs a host to survive. The host is better off without the parasite.

Also, a parasite can exert a form of mind control over ants and snails... does that mean the parasite is a higher form of life than them?

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>"Something something AMERIKA SUKZ"
>Literally who country

first off, hilarious coming from someone in your country. second off, look up which "americans" it is who are being amoral in any position of power. its not the european whites.

K antifa, ur wasting time

Yes, it has.

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