Before clownworld there was the Doomer stage

Before clownworld there was the Doomer stage.
Whats the stage after Clownworld?

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When the joke stops being funny, and we beg to wake up.


Piss Earth 2025

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brown world


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Kali Yuga

Purge world

We're growing closer to the point we can't joke about it any longer. We can't rage any longer. We can't despair. We can't do anything.

We're approaching the last laugh.

>Whats the stage after Clownworld
"Reactionism" of course.

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Gamer world.


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malicious compliance and unironic leftism

Nah seriously guys, this has already been answered many times. Its Piss Earth 2025. This is canon. Get on board or you'll be missing out on one of the best memes.

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Like someone said up thread, the last laugh. Show ends, curtains come up. It all gets too real, there's no insulation between us and the comedy any more. Everyone has been affected. Poz saturates everything in way that makes today seem trivial. You'll see that the end of everything that's ever mattered has come, not in the distant way you see it now, but in a sort of gnosis, true experiential knowledge. Worse is that while everything around you is falling apart, while the world is obviously dying a spiritual death, they will cheer. Everyone that matters, everyone in power, and every fool that follows will cheer. The death of everything wholesome will be met with thunderous applause.

Ha, ha, guess it was funny while it lasted.

Batman World

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The Great Reboomering, where we become the boomers of the next generation.

clown observing at a distance

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nightmare world

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There's nothing. You grow the hell up and realize that people doing goofy shit that you personally find morally abhorrent is a feature of having a free and open society.

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>What are you even talking about? What are those statistics?
>This can't be real, this is all crazy shit. This is not real.
>Fuck you nazi racist.
>Ok maybe some of it is true
>Fuck we're doomed. Take the black pill. It's all ogre. /Doomer/
>It's so fucked up it's funny in a way. A fucking parody of reality.
>Enough of this, time to end the comedy. Time to plan real change.
>Time to act.
Everything is going to be ok. We will win.

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My father was handed a beautiful, young, trad wife just for showing up and hes twice the autist I am. Its a good thing she didnt live long enough to see whats happened, it would have hurt her too to see what women do to themselves.

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That was like six pills ago.

Maybe you ought to stop taking weird pills you find on the internet.

Nigger cattle world is the final destination

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Maybe you should stop being a disingenuous faggot.

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Fuck free and open societies then.


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So you are telling me that Jow Forums meme machine is nothing more than a MKUltra radicalization experiment?

both pics seem fine to me

Suicide world

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Its a matter of taste.

>release vale for anger
a well written blackpill is still a self-defeating prophecy

Either that or beg to have your brains blown out


Just where the hell do you think you are?

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i actually have the answer already
when you eventually start going and looking for people who are also woke to the jewish lie, you obfuscate your personality to avoid wrongthink
basically the catpill is talking like a retard all the time so normies think you just got out of mkultra
but really you're just so radicalized that everything you say is spot on and only other radicals will know what you're saying
that's how you organize
it's called the catpill because part of personality obfuscation is a different "persona" so i decided to type like a furfag online so everyone thought i was some raving faggot. that way i'd fit in with most circles.
when spouting nonsense, you probably end up triggering a few federal red flags but they can't pin you on anything because half of what you say makes no sense, and the other half is dogwhistling. eventually the feds should just start ignoring you because you sound like a total retard, but i can't confirm that
there's a few other reasons it's called a catpill tho
cats do not give a shit about anything, they do basically anything they want. so you go around and just act like you don't give a shit about the world. this is ironically a pretty chad-like behavior, so don't be afraid if women take notice.
cats are also lazy, so if a woman sees you being so cool and edgy she may offer to fornicate with you to procure a litter of kittens from her genitals. she may, but you're a glorious broke millenial and she just got out of college, so she's paying your rent for the forseeable future :P
also the dates are on her. and hotel.
you can say something like "muh equality" or whatever.
but yeah that's what i came up with in this time of crisis.
>"when stupidity is normalized, act like a moron."

A distributed hyvemind MKUltra experiment, yes

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Pagliacci world

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purple world

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doing things outside of minecraft

Reminder that the democracy in your picture can only exist in a white, racially homogeneous society. Democracy with Jews/Blacks/Arabs is 7 cannibals and a vegan voting on what's for dinner, and you're the vegan.

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Gatekeeping safetyvalve richboy.
Hitler would have gassed that cunt.

The clowning will continue until you laugh

Nightmare world was 2011

Reconquest & Purge.

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God I wish.

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The cold embrace of the void


Total War

After clown world, there’s No World.

Nigger world

>Ironic neo conservativism
>Unironic boomerism
You've been warned.

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>Whats the stage after Clownworld?

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Exactly. No emotion at all is being allowed and any outburst suppressed. Like taking soma from 1984 but with brainwashed liberals using social pressures and groupthink.

Is this image implying that we have women's rights to thank for Japanese schoolgirl porn?

Our entire society is predicated on the idea that people don't just carry out random attacks on large groups of people for teh lulz. We gather together in huge numbers for many reasons - the schoolyard, the football game, the mall. Anybody with a working vehicle can do as many murders as they like.

There's a petrol station near me. They have the schedule up behind the cashier's window for when the petrol tankers arrive. Do you know what security arrangements they have to stop someone stealing several tons of liquid explosive?

None at all.

Hit the driver over the head with a rock and take his truck. Crash it into whatever you think will burn the prettiest. By the time anybody realises you're even thinking about doing it, you've done it.

John Brunner descrived it in 'Stand on Zanzibar' - the rise of hobby terrorism, because blowing shit up is easier than people would like you to believe and most of the populace are just intensely bored.

Well yeah pretty much.

Having grown up in a city that is nearly 40 percent black, it will be a hellscape only those that have lived it can imagine.

Checked, blessed digits. I like it.

What about "doom;the browning light of kali yuga purges the last laugh of a suicidal mime on a piss planet:endgame"

The Last Judgment

Piss Earth 2025

Whatever meme will dupe the edgelords into working for the establishment.

We are the mime btw

who would tell, that soma was an allegory of today LIKES.

Mad world

The Reichpill, Hitler is return and lead us to glory once again

>implying hitler ever existed in the first place
the rabbit hole goes way deeper then you ever imagined

>goofy shit

Yeah that's one way of putting it. These darn goof balls. I just want to give them a bullet hug.

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You alright Japan, you alright

the image on the left is fuckin based, do you think i give a fuck what happens to people who victimized me?

I wonder what it's like to feel victimized by people just because they exist.

Well if you don't wanna do what they do, just don't do it. LGBT are like what, 5% of the US population?

Get me off this ride world

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After the joke comes the reaction.

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Yep... sadly it's going to take these brainwashed idiots to see for themselves that it's not a strictly enforced archaic morality (inherited from a kike religion no less) that keeps civilization intact but rather, as Terry Pratchett put it, "mutual self interest".

Economic collapse

Everyone breaks off to the seas as a one world government forms and tries to censor the past.

Everyone whgo wants to live freely becomes a pirate. It's the Great Pirate Era, user.

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Burning world stage.

Oh boy, I can't wait to find out what mutual self interest I have with people who fuck kids. I love having to tolerate and negotiate with subhuman scum that want to destroy civilization and drag humans down to the level of hedonistic beasts. Post-totalitarianism is great!

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Youre a turk living in Bulgaria arent you

Sorry, no, not good enough. This isn't about some weirdos dressing up in flamboyant outfits and me not liking it. This is about men claiming to be women and destroying actual women in sports, men in dresses trying to get into women's bathrooms, homosexuality/transgenderism being glorified, pedophilia becoming normalized, and society becoming weaker, more dishonest, more insane and more disgusting. Please fuck off with this "it doesn't affect you" type bullshit, because it does. I will fight with everything I have to prevent a future society that I think is completely disgusting.

Clover Stage

The commonality is your drive to survive and to thrive to the best of your ability and that's on the biological level before any of your cultural conditioning could even possibly become a factor

the radical stage

The wheels of "progress" has been set in motion, and there's no brakes on this train, so scream if you want to go faster

A group of people that is being constructive to society does not have commonality with another group that is being destructive leeches to society. "You have to tolerate them because you are both people trying to survive" falls flat when they are the force killing you.

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>using a libertarian flag to advocate for tolerance towards Marxists and their encroachment on your civil liberties

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Society is what happens when you put down the keyboard.


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The Internet is the perfect containment area


In the 5 stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance), clownworld could be the first steps of acceptance. Hopefully for the other side nobody stops laughing because there's not much left to do after that except...

You should have raptured.

Silly choices get silly prizes