Force us to become a liberal country after ww2

>force us to become a liberal country after ww2
>ridicule us for being a liberal country

Why are the allies so evil?

Attached: germany.jpg (1920x1200, 521K)

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Maybe dont declare war on everyone and gas 6 million innocents, next time nazi scum

>Hans thought he could actually be one of the cool kids.
Oh I am laffing m8

It's true, Germany got absolutely fucked by the CIA and was a testing ground for what has become SJWs.

>beating a dead horse

Ridicule and schadenfreude are all the allies know.

>tell you to be democratic and let the people have a say in your government
>immediately become an utter cuckold nation

Sorry, but I have to let off steam

Everyone seems to bash European politicians for letting in refugees and not doing enough to stop terroristic attacks

I've been living in Germany for all of my life, I moved to Canada for few months, years maybe. But I love my country Yes, there is inequality and crime and terrible things happening in Germany and in the rest of Europe. Like everywhere else

But if you are a bit familiar with Merkel, you know she is one of the best, if not the best policy maker in the world. Since her election, German economy, aid for those in need and pretty much everything else has improved a lot

As to the refugees, of course they are an incredible burden for Germany and Europe. But what do you want to do if not let them in? You can't close the borders (see Schengen and the most fundamental elements of the EU). In my opinion, you can't send them back or just let them die on their own, because that's not only cruel but also selfish as f***. We have the capabilities of taking them in, the majority of these people are the most thankful and giving members in our whole society. And if other EU countries, or the US, or just anybody would have agreed to at least take in a fraction of the number Germany took in, no country would have been in much trouble to give them a new home

And what about the terrorists? First, the majority of terrorists aren't refugees. Check that on Wikipedia or whereever you like. Most of them are radicalised at home or in the internet. And those who came as refugees would have found another way, no doubt. It's easy to get to Europe. This place is so open in any way, you just cannot give 100% security. As many of you might know, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety"

Attached: oktoberfest.jpg (3570x1680, 438K)

You're supposed to fake it. Instead you went full retard


Japan had been left with an ultra-conservative government, as to prevent left-wingers compliant to Red China and the Soviets come to power.

The latter is a hilarious thing, they had to constantly interfere in Japanese elections. Why not just install a one party regime? But see, there's a powerless opposition..