What makes gay men more masculine than hetero guys?

There's way less gay men than straight men in total, but they are a much higher proportion when it comes to Chads.

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Actually it's the opposite, gays are physically weaker and much more prone to mental/physical illness. We haven't even managed to fake a proof of the Gay Uncle Hypothesis, which guesses exactly what you say, that gays will be strong protectors of their extended families. But it's simply not true.

why are UK posters so gay and annoying now?

Because UK is part of Europe now

The limp wristed prison gay retards you meet online are not the real life gay population.
I know the water down there in Australia is literally infused with sóy, but that doesn't mean it's like that everywhere.

i think homosexuality its just a fetish, i don't think its related with certain physiological or personality traits

Most fetishes define your physiological or personality traits though
also cope harder

>fucking guys
choose one

That dude has awesome legs.
Anyway, a lot of gay men want to look like the object of their desire - if they desire masculine hunk, they try to be one. That helps them to get one.

>I know the water down there in Australia is literally infused with sóy

Correct. Which is why I drink distilled water (which liberals actually believe will explode your cells and drown you)

In "real life" I have met enough gay people and read enough older literature to know this issue quite well. I've pissed shit out my dick and I've been legally attacked by the "gay community" of my hometown. I have been there, done that, and bought the t-shirt. Lying to me is not so bad, but you are also lying to yourself if your post truly isn't satire.

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>Most fetishes define your physiological or personality traits though
aany proof? because as far my experience goes most faggots i have encountered they were very different characters

You sound like you drink wine and lattes probably together at the same time as you suck ethnic penises.
I wish there was a hotline I could dob you into

Lol, faggot.

ITT OP brought his own gay squad to prop up his shitty gay post.

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All the good ones have been arrested and sent to reeducation camps

i think this is why so many trannies. no one got what they wanted from other's, so they became it for themself.

A common trait among people with mental illness is the denial of reality.

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fag posting and cucked by mohammad. From owning a quarter of the world to being regulated to an Island. The absolute state of UKucks

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Literally every homo I've met is a feminine submissive softie that did exactly what I asked them to often without questioning me.

> Doesn't like vagina
> Masculine

Pick one

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Many of them are actually attracted to grown ass men.

Dear god those thighs.

>distilled water
>explode your cells
No friend, but it will leech minerals from your bones though. Hopefully you take a suppliment.

because only faggots lift
only face, height, and frame matter.

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Most of they're reason for living is fucking a bunch of other dudes because dudes are horny compared to women

Gay guys are obsessed about their appearance like a female, so they are more likely to go to the gym. It's not rocket science nigger.

>a supplement

you mean like, a marrow bone in my soup?

Gay men are effeminate and emulate women in behaviour. Gay men don't feel masculine enough and want to be taken care of, like women. They feel like they can't lead and make decisions about others.

ive been to a fag bar. youre wrong lmao.

>it’s another op trying to sneakily convert vulnerable anons into poop pushers episode

You should be hung

Morons. The fag is the pink shirt wearing loafer-faggot seen in the reflection, taking the photo.

fag has a literal banana in his pants. you can see the stem

You mistake masculine for physically fit. Both are great but they are not the same

If a hetero guy acts male, and gets accused of acting like a male, anything can happen. From losing job to going to jail. Being gay makes you immune to all of those things. Sexist oogling? Why am gay. Showing skin or complmenting a female co workers style? Why it can't be sexual, for I am gay. Any form of skin contact? Well gay.. so not sexual. Gets called in to HR because someone said you did X? Why that is homophobic and not they have a problem.

If cis men did a parade when they run around in front of kids in full nude, they would be getting indecant expo charges, at least.

Bro have you ever been to a gym where gay man go. Because non of those guys could be called effeminate. they are raging testosteron beasts.

Men who want to fuck other men have to be fuckable. Just like women have to put in effort in their appearance to attract men. Straight guys do not often have the need to beef up or groom themselves to the extent that gay men do because women do not put as much importance on looks when compared to men.

it's shopped

>Bro have you ever been to a gym where gay man go. Because non of those guys could be called effeminate. they are raging testosteron beasts.
They might appear as masculine at the gym, but feminine in other forms of behaviour

>DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

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