Claims to be the master race

>claims to be the master race
>looks like this
Why are incels so retarded

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Looks like this
You mean old?

Have love emcel

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agreed idk what op was going for

he was chad

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He wasn't doing it for himself, we was doing it for humanity and you need to start with anything to buld up something better.

Emotions are a spook.

>"The ideal Aryan is tall like Goebbels, slim like Göring and blond like Hitler"

Any sauce for this claim? Or is it jewish projection? What National Socialist literature claims that Nazi's thought of themselves as a master race?

>The master race (German: Herrenrasse, also referred to as About this soundHerrenvolk (help·info) "master people") is a concept in Nazi ideology in which the putative Nordic or Aryan races, predominant among Germans and other northern European peoples, are deemed the highest in racial hierarchy. Members of this alleged master race were referred to as Herrenmenschen ("master humans").

The Nazi official Forrester Koppes believed that the Nordic race was descended from Proto-Aryans, who he believed had prehistorically dwelt on the North German Plain and who had ultimately originated from the lost continent of Atlantis.[1] The Nazis declared that the Nordics (now referred to as the Germanic peoples), or Aryans as they sometimes called them, were superior to all other races. The Nazis believed they were entitled to expand territorially.[2] This concept is known as Nordicism. The actual policy that was implemented by the Nazis resulted in the Aryan certificate, the one official document that was required by the law for all citizens of the Reich was the "Lesser Aryan certificate" (Kleiner Ariernachweis), which could be obtained through an Ahnenpass, which required the owner to trace her or his lineage through baptism, birth certificates or certified proof thereof that all grandparents were of "Aryan descent".

The Slavs (along with Gypsies and Jews) were defined as being racially inferior and non-Aryan Untermenschen, and were thus considered to be a danger to the "Aryan" or Germanic master race.[3] According to the Nazi secret Hunger Plan and Generalplan Ost, the Slavic population was to be removed from Central Europe through expulsion, enslavement, starvation, and extermination,[4] except for a small percentage who were deemed to be non-Slavic descendants of Germanic settlers, and thus suitable for Germanisation.[5]

hei söta bror. hva smaker negerkuk som?

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>le incel
Summer. GBTR.

They weren’t ideal men, but they knew what the ideal man was, that’s what’s interesting. If they were being untruthful they’d say that they are the ideal man but they didn’t, they spoke the truth. It takes tremendous courage to say you are inferior and raise someone else to stand above you.

1. Goebbels was not tall, 2 Goring was not slim and 3. Hitler was not blonde.


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>claim to be god’s chosen people
>look like this

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He indeed wasn't an ideal aryan looking guy. but he fought for what was right and now we have brown people and niggers roaming in mother europe creating mutts.

Any information on Forester Koppes? Seems his page doesn't exist. Any known books or first hand documentation.

>old people look like shit

the most redpilled people are self hating

Japanese master race.

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>OP is a phoneposter

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I always wonder how the fuck did people follow Hitler when he looked like an emo fag
Not only that but even Nazi haters don't point this out that much, guessing everyone is uglier than him.

>I always wonder how the fuck did people follow Hitler when he looked like an emo fag
Well tv/ the internet didn't exist back then the way it does now

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He never said that.

Look for the trial of baby blood to find the worst perps.

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Who is that? General Tojo?

>It's da Joooz

How many fucking times do we have to explain you brainlets that we never considered ourselves superior to anyone? It's a stupid overrated meme that is being constantly pushed by people who know absolutely nothing about the national socialist ideology

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>only chads should fight for the aryan race

When are you people finally going to die?

some mongol clearly jitzed into his bloodline.

ppl like dont get it.
master race? yes or maby, the best race that the World have seen fo far? YES look at the history of the World..
its not about god or gods, its not about skin,hair or Eyes, its about what you do and or did, its about the legacy you left behind.
what the fuck have anyone other than the Whites ever done for this World?
there are some things that the Browns have done but it is such a small part that it drowns in all the horror they have created.

He was purer than you. Ugliness has nothing to do with racial purity you mongrel

>we never considered ourselves superior to anyone

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Don't get mad Hans.

This is stale pasta that shills and CIA niggers post here every time.
Is always the same photo and the same text.

Inferiority complex.

"Master race is a translation of the rarely used German words "Herrenvolk", "Herrenmensch", and "Herrenrasse". It is claimed to have been an important racist concept in National Socialist Germany. Revisionists have disputed this translation and interpretation and argued that it is an example of Allied psychological warfare."

The word Herrenvolk (gentlemen people) was often (deliberately?) mistranslated into English as "master race", after which it was falsely assumed (without looking at the original text) that the original word must have been "Herrenrasse".

This created the false impression that the word "Herrenrasse" was widely used in Germany. In reality, however, instead of the word "Herrenrasse" the word Herrenvolk was the one that was used in Germany, and even this word was used only rarely by National Socialists. Thus, Joseph Goebbels said on 17 January 1936 in a speech on the Berlin region day:

"Heute steckt in jung und alt, in hoch und niedrig, in arm und reich der besessene Wille, die deutsche Nation wieder zu einem Weltvolk emporzuführen. Jedermann bei uns ist davon überzeugt: Wir müssen an der Beherrschung der Welt teilnehmen. Wir müssen deshalb ein Herrenvolk werden, und deshalb müssen wir unser Volk zum Herrenvolk erziehen. Das muß schon beim kleinsten Pimpf anfangen, der schon in dieser Herrenmoral erzogen werden muß."
"Today there is in young and old, in high and low, in poor and rich the will, to make German nation again to a people of world. Each with us is persuaded of it: We must take part in the control of the world. Therefore, we must become a people of gentlemen, and, therefore, we must educate our people to be a people of gentlemen. This must already start with the smallest schoolboy who must be already educated in this gentleman's morality."

People are by no means the same as race, and the right translation of "Volk" into English would be people, folk or nation. The English word "master" is not the right translation of the German word "Herr" in the context of the word "Herrenvolk", because the word "master" is connotated with the slave-master constrast. But the Germans were never involved in slavery, so a more appropriate translation of "Herr" would be gentleman (which means a fine, distinguished person with high morality). Certainly, "master" is an inappropriate translation in this context.

As in other cases, this Allied propagandist "master race" lie was also continued in the course of the re-education and "denazification" after the war and German-hostile forces state even in the present days that "Herrenrasse" has been a central concept during the time of National Socialism, although not the slightest proof exists for this.

t. Heinrich Khan

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trump wants ICE to evolve into the new SS police

the whole "master race" thing is kike projection. they're the ones who obsess over being the supreme race chosen by god, yet look like literal fucking demons. whites just want to be left alone by non-whites.

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Reminder he was a gymcel

The revisionist Carlos Porter has also argued that "master race" is a mistranslation of German.

"The word "Master Race" appears 82 times in the Nuremberg Trial transcript. Not bad for an extremely rare word, mistranslated, used a known total of 8 or 9 times."

On Mein Kampf: "Hitler never uses the word "Herrenrasse", only "Herrenvolk", 3 times".

>claims to be white
>looks like this

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The revisionist Hadding Scott has argued that "master race" was used in English already in 1868, long before the creation of National Socialism. Regarding accusations against Germany, "master race" accusations were made already during the First World War, as one part of essentially false Allied propaganda. The WWI Allied propaganda selectively cited the eccentric Karl Felix Wolff, claiming he was a "Pan-German leader", when he was merely a writer without academic credentials.

Scott also writes that "Contrary to widespread belief in the United States, Germans during the period of Hitler's rule did not habitually refer to themselves as members of “the master race.”" Furthermore, "The term master-race (Herrenrasse), while it had been used by a fringe-figure during the First World War, seems not to have been used in German National-Socialist literature at all. The word does not appear in Mein Kampf, nor in Rosenberg's Mythus, nor in any German National-Socialist material that I have seen.

Herrenvolk appears several times in Mein Kampf, but this word is not properly translated as “master-race” (although such invidious mistranslation is commonplace). Herrenvolk is a general term referring to any people that happens to rule over another people, like the Normans in Mediaeval England, or, subsequently, the British in their empire. A German publication from 1933 states: “The Romans were undoubtedly the most important hegemonic people (Herrenvolk) of world-history” (Monatsschrift für das Deutsche Geistesleben, 1933, p. 317). Herrenvolk thus denotes imperial achievement rather than racial quality.

Even this misunderstood word Herrenvolk was not, however, an important element of National-Socialist propaganda."

An article in states that "A common deception technique is to falsely caption or otherwise misrepresent an authentic photograph. Shown here is the front cover of a 1943 issue of the British magazine Parade, which was a tool of wartime Allied anti-German propaganda. It purports to show a disheveled and malevolent-looking German soldier, above the caption "Master Race." Derek Knight, an Englishman who served during World War II with the British "Army Film and Photographic Unit," revealed later that the man in this photo was actually an uncomprehending Egyptian who had been found on a Cairo street. He was persuaded to put on German helmet and a uniform-like jacket, and to permit himself to be photographed."

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I don't give a shit about whatever revisionist historian you are quoting, you are retarded or just plain lying if you are claiming the nazi's didn't view races as superior/inferior

Anything else would be idiotic. There is no "german race", thus no master race.

I fucking wish, too bad he's a slave to the jew.

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You are retarded for believing anti-German lies that are being spread to ridicule us. We did not view ourselves as superior to anyone, how fucking hard is that to understand

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damn he aged quick

thats what war does to ya

The nazis (you?) did and you are lying.

In what world is that a Chad

Here's a bunch of Russians who VOLUNTEERED to fight on Germany's sides, and people claim the Germans viewed the Russians as inferior. There's also a video out there that shows Russian people on the streets celebrating the Germans, holding large portraits of Hitler

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-2008-0338,_Russische_Freiwillige_in_der_Wehrmacht.jpg (800x565, 46K)


>English translations

Had sex.

Explain to me the concept of Ehrenarier if races weren't ranked.

Honestly if you take off the cringy glasses he's kind of handsome.

Woman don't care about looks anyway. Only security.

shut the fuck up pea brain

nazis were (((he who must not be named)))

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My original German copy of Mein Kampf from 1936 has none of that master race stuff in it.

How do you feel about the Jewish race then?

Even a guy with a weak chin looks better compared to the alternative

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>"b-but r-race mixed mongrels were inferior!!"

they weren't even discriminated that much against by the people, they actually felt sorry for them

>that much


Jews should not live in Germany or Europe in general, it's that simple. They should be deported somewhere far away in a humanitarian way. There's even wikipedia pages about the Madagascar plan and the Havaara Agreement but even they are politically correct. Look up some accurate information on them

by the PEOPLE, not the government, just like how the government didn't approve of Kristallnacht and violence against jews

>Jews should not live in Germany or Europe in general
why? If no race is superior to another?

Can we get a pic
I mean pics or it didn't happen.

shut the fuck up on god. how u dare abuse holy Himmer, you the fuck ure? i will punch ur face for that. even if im a girl and im not strong like men

>the government didn't approve of Kristallnacht and violence against jews
holy shit aaahahahaha bro. You are genuinely arguing the nazis didn't want the poor Jews to be hurt. C'mon now.

Lol, more than 90 percent is as had black hair and darker eyes, all its leaders were shorter and darker! The blonde and blue eyed were masivly upheld in good retard, praised and made to feel superior! They were also not promoted to truly lead, but they were first in lines on fronts and the deaths in the army for the race of blonde blue eyed folk was high, as they were brave, superior and disposable!

Because they don't belong here, there's no problems with tourists, teachers, international students etc they just shouldn't stay and live here because it isn't their homeland.

The Kristallnacht (meaning Crystal Night), also known as the Night of Broken Glass, refers to the night of 9–10 November 1938, during which pogroms in National Socialist Germany damaged Jewish buildings and property and Jews were beaten and killed. It occurred after the Jewish Herschel Grynszpan assassinated the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath in Paris. The pogroms were quickly claimed to have been planned or supported by the National Socialist regime. The Kristallnacht has continued to be one of the most well-known and criticized events of National Socialist Germany. Revisionists have criticized various aspects of the politically correct version.

The revisionist Ingrid Weckert has argued that "No legal measures were taken against the Jews in Germany until after the international Jewish "Declaration of War" against Germany, as announced, for example, on the front page of the London Daily Express of 24 March 1933. This "declaration" took the form of a worldwide boycott of German goods." Thereafter, there were legal restrictions on Jews, an official policy of supporting emigration of Jews, but the pogrom of the Crystal Night is argued to have been an extraordinary aberration and not in keeping with either the official National Socialist Jewish policy nor with the general German attitude towards and treatment of Jews.

stop spamming paragraphs, just link to something if you have a source

The events are frequently stated to have been organized, encouraged, and/or accepted without intervention by German authorities and National Socialists. Revisionists have instead argued that the authorities tried to stop the events.According to Weckert, when Hitler learned of the events he was furious and sent a telex message to all Gauleiter (party leaders) offices: "By express order from the very highest authority, arson against Jewish businesses or other property must in no case and under no circumstances take place.
"Himmler ordered Reinhard Heydrich to prevent all destruction of property and to protect Jews against demonstrators. The telex communication of this order still exists. It is in the files of the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg. However, during the Nuremberg trial this telex order was presented in three different forms, with forged amendments to change the original meaning. In my book Feuerzeichen I undertook to restore the original text."
The head of the SA, Viktor Lutz, ordered that under no circumstances could SA men take part in any demonstrations against Jews, and that furthermore the SA was to intervene to stop any demonstrations already in progress. As a result of these strict orders, SA men began to guard Jewish stores that very night wherever windows had been broken.

Hitler stated that "It is terrible. They have destroyed everything for me like elephants in a china shop-and much worse. I had the great hope that I was about to come to an understanding with France. And now that!"


It was the Panzerdivision Das Rite

"nazi" word comes from jews. they are national socialist, kikes

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>national vanguard
>the ''alternative'' encyclopedia
thought so

Stfu Muhammad !

The fact that Himmler, Goebbels, Hitler, etc. did not resemble Aryans, only served to make them more heroic; they were doing something even beyond themselves, for the greater good. This is a virtue that people today have no understanding of.

You don't even want to look at it because you're afraid for the truth because you're a whiny little commie cunt

>tfw I unironically look like Himmler
Aryan status confirmed.

I'm not a communist at all, you sound brainwashed

I'm just going to drop this right here to irritate that commie britbong

“Germany is our public enemy number one. It is our object to declare war without mercy against her. One may be sure of this: We will lead that war!”
—The Jewish LICA founder and leader Bernard Lecache, Droit de Vivre, 9 November 1938.

Revisionists have argued that many factors point to the events being organized and/or incited by non-Germans. Possible motivations have been argued to include causing anti-German sentiment, causing pro-Jewish sentiment, Zionists wanting to increase Jewish emigration to Palestine, and Zionists wanting to influence Britain, which at exactly this date was making a crucial decision on whether to halt further Jewish immigration to Palestine.[1]

The event turned the tide of public opinion in the USA and UK against Germany. In the USA and UK, there were National Socialist political parties. Many American-German and American-Irish were interested in volunteering for the Germany army and many did (including volunteers from non-European British colonies).

The assassin Grynszpan was an 17-year old unemployed Jew. Herschel had a reputation for disliking work. Despite having no job or money, he in 1938 for many months lived in a hotel in Paris very close to offices of an important and influential pro-Jewish organization, the International League against Anti-Semitism (LICA), today the International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism (LICRA). He was also able to buy a handgun with cash. His family was later able to emigrate to Palestine, despite his father being poor and the British demanding that immigrants must possess substantial wealth.

The usual stated motivation for the murder is that Grynszpan's parents, along with other Polish Jews, had been expelled from Germany to Poland. Less often mentioned is that this was due to a Polish attempt to in effect permanently ban from Poland the Polish Jews living in foreign countries, by demanding that they must quickly apply for a special stamp for their passport in Poland, or otherwise their Polish passports would become invalid.

Exactly what happened to Grynszpan is unclear and has caused much speculation. He never faced a trial, but was later taken into German custody, and spent some time in German camps. He presented numerous different and contradictory versions regarding why he committed the assassination. It is uncertain if he survived the war or not. It has been argued that he after the war returned to Paris, where he received a new name and new identity papers.

Don’t waste your time trying to explain shit to a bong, Hans.

A 2016 article stated that "a photograph discovered in the archives of Vienna’s Jewish Museum now appears to show that Grynszpan survived the war. The snapshot, taken in Germany in 1946, shows the then 24-year-old in a gathering of displaced persons. Its discovery effectively clears up one of the most enduring mysteries of the Nazi era. “There is little doubt this is Herschel Grynszpan,” said Armin Fuhrer, a German historian and journalist who discovered the photograph along with Christa Prokisch, an Austrian archivist." The article also described various other forms of evidence supporting that Grynszpan survived the war.

Does this poster glow?

Weckert writes that "Although he was a totally obscure Polish Jew with no money and no apparent supporters, nevertheless one of France's most famous lawyers, Moro Giafferi, appeared at the police station a few hours after the shooting and told the police that he was Grynszpan's attorney. Nothing could possibly have appeared about the shooting in any newspaper before his arrival. How then could Moro Giafferi have possibly known about the shooting? [...] He was not a sorcerer, but someone even more powerful: he was the legal counsel of the LICA. The LICA was founded in Paris in 1933 by the Jew Bernard Lecache and operated as a militant propaganda organization against real or imagined anti-Semitism. [...] Moro Giafferi was well worth the fees LICA paid him as its legal counsel. He apparently enjoyed spectacular scenes. He had already achieved international renown at a mass meeting in Paris following the Berlin Reichstag fire of February 1933. Without knowing at all what had happened, he nevertheless delivered a spiteful speech against National Socialist Germany in which he accused Hermann Göring of setting the fire. In February 1936 Giafferi hurried to Davos, Switzerland, where the Jew David Frankfurter had shot and killed Wilhelm Gustloff, the head of the Swiss branch of the German National Socialist Party. During the subsequent trial it was clearly established that Frankfurter had been a hired murderer with backing from an unidentified but influential organization. All clues pointed to the LICA, but with Moro Giafferi as his defense counsel, Frankfurter remained silent about who, if anyone, had hired him. Amazingly enough, Frankfurter's answers to questions about the shooting showed the same pattern as Grynszpan's answers almost three years later after Giafferi arrived to help following the shooting of Ernst vom Rath."