Why would I want this man to win the culture war?

Why would I want this man to win the culture war?

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because he's a remaining sane one in a world of shit. nice ad hominem btw, squirt. you will not divide us.


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the culture war is a distraction designed by (((them))) to give you something worthless to fight for while (((they))) replace your population and economy, making both unsustainable and ending first world superiority.

that moron cannot win the culture war, neither can the wokes or the moderates. (((they))) have already won, the minute you were convinced that there's a culture war at all.

Not /pol
Shit slide threads
Kys niggershit op

if he triggers the fuckwits then he's alright by me

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Oh is he bombing Iran now, for Israel? No he isn't you stupid idiot. Back to the drawing board kid.

look at poo talk about (((them))) you are part of (((them))) poopy face

you don't know what you're talking about. lurk more, brave memefag

U don't a wannabe rightwing larper like him does not represent real rightwing people.

At most he's a usefull idiot

your kind are not welcome here poopy face. you are part of the problem

This is exactly what I imagine 99% of you queers are, I’m fucking ashamed I even associate with you. If anyone found out I post here I’d kill myself.


No thats not true. They have no place in white countries butt u always need allies and Indians know that muslims are a threat. Even more than white countries right now.

if you accept them as allies you will have to let them in and thats the poos main goal in life. to poop in white countries

Agreed, if you support India you support their population's rapid expansion which will inevitably lead to a browner world.

HAHAHAH its so true,just go visit that subreddit
The_Donald has a combined IQ of 1

>implying it isn't absolutely delightful to make libshits cry.

>This man is your friend, he fights for freedom