Daily reminder that amerimutts boil their water using the microwave. Truly subhuman

Daily reminder that amerimutts boil their water using the microwave. Truly subhuman.

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you're a fucking idiot

I microwave ice cream when its too frozen because it hurts my teeth because I eat to much sugar and that makes my teeth weak.

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Only during the summer, to keep the house from getting warm, Florida is hell.

Usually I use a cast iron boiler on the stove to make tea among other stuff.


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I saw an Aussie post that an hour ago! Thief paki!

If you did they stole it from me

i found this in space engine anons.

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My father does this and I hate him for it, he ruins all the ice cream by doing it and only uses it once.

does anyone have an image of mugshots with spics that are classified as white?