This is a thread for the discussion of Paganism, the future of Aryan Race, European History, Culture and Traditionalism.

ᛟᛟᛟ Places to start learning ᛟᛟᛟ

Varg's channel

Survive the Jive playlist "Paganism"

ϟϟϟ Recommended channels and Media ϟϟϟ

Survive the Jive

Aryan Kitchen

Forgotten Roots


Survival Russia

Jackson Crawford


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Other urls found in this thread:


European paganism is a dead religion.
All the things we know about it is speculation.
The only thing worthwhile about paganism is the study of nature in living in harmony with it.
Even the idea of the old ''gods'' is unfounded. Most of what we know about paganism is written down by Christian missionaries. There isn't even sufficient proof that we ''worshipped'' trees - see Irminsul. All we know is that we decorated them, just like we still do when it's Christmas.

Study nature, become self-sufficient.
Don't become a larping viking fetishising a time nobody knows enough of to claim to know the religious beliefs of these people.


link is dead


LARPagans all have an Israel flag if they weren't using VPNs. To hate Christ is to be a kike.

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why is the baby italian?

t. fedora that knows nothing about the subject other than what he reads on Jow Forums

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I'm not an atheist.
I've read the eddas.
We know shit about their actual religion.
We have remnants here and there of old traditions, but most of the things we think we know they believed in is speculation.

Prove me wrong, larper.


So how do you prove the Poetic Edda is written by Christians? The Prosaic Edda is written by Snorri but the Poetic Edda is older.

Varg also has vids on Bitchute. He has a new Youtube channel (I'm pretty sure its him) as well where he just speaks in LOTR related analogies


I didn't say that. I'm saying the interpretation and the relevance these stories had to the lives of the people was written down by Christians, who have been known to lie for political reasons. We only have the stories, the remnants of traditions, likely lies by Christians and documentations by Tacitus. We don't know the exact meaning of any of the traditions they had, especially since they were corrupted by Christians, and they aren't around to ask anymore.

As i said before, study nature, study history, study traditions, study fairytales, study shamanism, study herbology but don't try to bring back a vague religion while worshipping the past. We know where the past lead to, better focus on creating a healthy belief system based upon knowledge. Not speculation based upon the fetish of worshipping ancestors.

Whats with picture of the hippie?


the Cuckening of Thor, by St. Boniface

>Around the year 723, Boniface was traveling with a small party in the region of Lower Hesse. He knew of a community of heathens near Geismar who, in the middle of winter, would make a human sacrifice (a child, typically) to the thunder-god Thor (yes, THAT Thor) at the base of their sacred oak tree, the “Thunder Oak”. Boniface, in part from advice from a brother bishop, wished to destroy the Thunder Oak to not only save the life of the human sacrifice, but also to show the heathens that he would not be struck down by lightning at the hands of Thor.
>As the story goes, Boniface and his companions, reaching the village on Christmas Eve, arrived at the place of the sacrifice in time enough to interrupt it. With his bishops’ staff (crozier) in hand, Boniface approached the pagan crowd, who had surrounded the base of the Thunder Oak, saying to his group, “Here is the Thunder Oak, and here the cross of Christ shall break the hammer of the false god, Thor.”
With a small child laid out for the sacrifice, the executioner raised his hammer high. But on the downswing, Boniface extended his crozier to block the blow, miraculously breaking the great stone hammer and saving the child’s life.
>Boniface picked up an axe nearby and, as legend has it, took one mighty swing at the oak when a great gust of wind arose through the forest and felled the tree, roots and all. It lie on the forest floor, broken in four pieces. Though afterwards Boniface had a chapel built from the wood, our story takes us to what stood immediately beyond the ruins of the mighty tree.
>And so, the Germans began a new tradition that night, one that stretches to the present day. By bringing a fir into their homes, decorating it with candles and ornaments, and celebrating the birth of a Savior, the Apostle of Germany and his flock gave us what we now know as the Christmas tree
*tips fedora*

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Your argument consists of dismissing readily available knowledge by stating you think it is dead.

The Poetic Eddas has an abudance of lore that tells us exactly what their religion was. You just repeat whatever bullshit Varg spews in his ranting about placentas.

Are you keks actual traditional Pagans or romanticised, women lead Neo-Pagan larpers?
How was it morally right for VIKANGZ to go around and rob fellow white inhabitants of Europe?
Do you consider slavery to be righteous and kidnapping women from neighbourhood to be used as sex slaves your right, like nogs do in the US and South Africa all the time?
Is raping others morally righteous in your opinion?

What kind of God commanded morals do pagans even have lmao?
Are you going to follow your ancestral traditions and conduct human sacrifices on regular bases in time of celebration to receive blessing from Odin and other gods?
Did you kek even know that Odin demanded you to sacrifice 9 person for every 9 years as per Ynglinga's saga?
And that Viking chieftains did even murder their own sons to receive longer life from gods?

If Paganism is superior to other religions, why is the practise dead in Europe?
Why is it only such shitholes as Amazons and African jungles where pagan traditions are alive and ruling their KANGZ societies?
How did Christian steal your traditions when your own ancestors chose to convert their ritual habits for embracing Christ?
Is there even existing any sacred literature that's not written by Christians years later?
Why wasn't it preserved if such texts were worth of preserving?

> at least pagans are not divided & cucked

>If X isn't around anymore that must mean it's bad
A European poster should now this especially not a good line of logic

> The Poetic Eddas has an abudance of lore that tells us exactly what their religion was.

No, it tells us what folk stories they had.

my good gods pls stop
>European paganism is a dead religion.

yes so please leave us alone

If you've actually read the Poetic Edda you would know that is false. But sure, if you want to pretend then be my guest.

nownow Kevin, it's spelled "know".
Put that petrol can down.

It's spelled Bruce ya dumb cunt

Alexa, which country has the largest Jewish population outside of Israel?

Show flag

don't bother
pagaNEETs like to LARP as fauns instead of doing real religious study about their OWN religion
every single one of these faggots evade the question when asked if they ever read the Edda, it's fucking amazing

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Pagan cucks, you will be the first to runaway if real fight starts. Hitler wrote about you

thanks for the links I'm going to flag all of his videos for Nazi HateSpeech now. Hopefully we'll get these videos cleaned off of you tube. Nice one guys.

Abrahamic DNC gang arriving right on cue.
Fuck off to your own threads, stupid deracinated burger jujupets

>The buildings are cool so that means the Christian god is real
Whoa...really never thought about it like this

>I'm a real traditionalist guys
>Your thing is bad because it uses older technology than my thing

DeUs VuLT my literal progressive!
Nice whig view of history my king, very cool!

> instead of doing real religious study about their OWN religion
yeap, exactly.
even worse is the fact that once you ask them about their virtues, you hear all the same women's empowerment tier shit about independence and creation of their own morals.
And once you point out to them that all of that means they have no moral high ground to put their whore of girlfriends on leash and that women are as independent being not bound by others morals allowed to whore around as much as they wish, you'll see how fast they start to backpedal and proclaim how they'll copy all of the old Christian values to be "their religious values".
Every time, the same circle to be closed through a bit of discussion, like it's written into a book.

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Well pagans, I must admit it...

I was born and raised Roman Catholic and still attend mass but yesterday my fiance and I went to celebrate the first day of summer (midsommer?). We went running out in the nice weather, and I burned incense to honor the day when we got home.

I don't know if that is formal 'paganism' but we were both thankful to nature for such a beautiful day I don't know if that qualifies but I guess I dipped my big toe in the pool

Says the guy using Moral theory taken from pagan Rome, following a religion seeped in paganism. Forgive me for disregarding the opinion of someone running around with a cross( a pagan symbol) talking about logos ( a pagan concept) while celebrating Christmas ( a pagan religion).

we must sacrifice children to a pantheon of homosexual gods to save our race from gay pedophiles
inb4 that doesn't have to be a part of paganism
inb44 im not a larping neopagan

Low IQ mohamad thinks conflating neopagan/wiccan larpers with odinists/asatru is a sick btfo.

Wait 'till he hears what his fellow christians have been up to!

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well none of that shit is fucking real...

and if I were to say, that just because there are goder here again.. well there are some of those morons yes

but on the flip side you got oposite too, and I kek that you haven't found this yet, but this I don't remember if it's 1 or 2 or 3... am not allowed to diss them but I kek ass off, the do, this fertilty rite called völseblot... I can tell you that in modern times pölse means sausage ...

lol I don't even know where to start, but they actually worship a dried horsebenis, they sing this song and pass it around .... hahaha this was also very regional back in the days they were weirdos then too, but yes still this is their rite, is all regional you see as inflicted by norwegian customs today

but I promised I wouldn't troll, so go ahead hahaha. dried horsepenis... and what they sing

it's them and it's up north.. nobody will reckognize them, it's about dried horse penises there that's restricted to romerike... but I get kinda scared with them.. I think it's about mannablot.... human sacrifice I don't know but it sends the chills down my spine

> I don't know if that is formal 'paganism'
it's not, and once these "pagans' " ancestors converted to Christianity, they continued these kind of habits (dancing around bonfire, washing themselves in sauna etc.) but worshipped God instead.
None of that is even banned in the Bible, so proclaiming these to be "pagan" traditions is a complete ignorance of both history and understanding of their "religion" or Christianity for that matter.
People claiming this are literally living 20 years in past and believe in old memes they red back then to be the truth. The true urban rednecks, lmao

Varg's channel has been shoahed but thanks for life is a glitch! (((They))) fear the revival of native European spirituality and the end of Neo Judaic cult christianity.

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Many people have this misconception about Valhalla being the Germanic equivalent of christian heaven. But this is not the case. Any devout heathen will know this.

>What it Valhalla?

Think of it as your own ideal universe where everything works for your own comfort as you wish. Where you learn the secrets of life and the cosmos. Valhalla is the place where you can gain infinite wisdom but it is not permanent state.

Valhalla is not heaven because average white folks cannot go to Valhalla even if they have followed the teachings of the Allfather and lived a honorable life.

>Who can go to Valhalla then?

Jarl's kin who have lived a honorable life always go to Valhalla as they are chosen by Óðinn.
Karl's kin who have lived according to the teachings of the Allfather and died in good battle.

>Who cannot go to Valhalla?


>What is Jarl's kin? Karl's kin? and Thrall?

Óðinn sends Heimdallr known as the whitest skinned God to Earth to create a better race. His first attempt is called Trell (Thrall), but he is black, ugly and stupid, so Heimdallr pays no attention to him and keeps trying. The next result is Karl (Free Man), who had brown/red hair, is tall and strong. He is still not satisfied though, so he keeps trying. Then finally he gets a son called Jarl (ProtoNorse *EirilaR, English Earl), that is fair eyed, intelligent, beautiful and fair. Heimdallr had finally created a man who is good enough for Óðinn and Valhalla, so he teaches him and only him the secrets of the gods and Valhalla is opened up to his kin. His kin is the only one that will be let over the bridge that leads to Asgarar ("the court of the Æsir" or "the yard of the Æsir"). The others will ignite and fall down like rocks if they set their foot on this bridge, that is guarded by Heimdallr.

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>Jarl (ProtoNorse *EirilaR, English Earl), that is fair eyed
Notice how it is written fair eyed in the Havamal not blue eyed? It is now confirmed by Science that blue eyes are actually fair eyes as they do not have any blue pigment. They appear blue because when visible white light hits it, it scatters the lightwaves. Blue is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter waves, making the blue reflect most easily and making it more visible.

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Places to start learning

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I see you clearly know nothing about Christian theology, and live 20 years in the past with your meme tier history & theology beliefs.
> conflating neopagan/wiccan larpers with odinists/asatru
I know people from both of these larping camps, and after talking with them about these type of issues, they both literally spell the same women's empowerment shit.
The literal only reason why the lads won't actually preach on "their ancestors' " conservative values is due to being cuck enough of being afraid of negative social repercussion from wicca feminist women. And the women are just childish whores or former social retard tombois who just want to have a normal relationship and life but go against the normal habits because they were bullied in childhood.

>Now Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took their respective firepans, and after putting fire in them, placed incense on it and offered strange fire before the Lord, which he had not commanded them. And fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed them, and they died before the Lord. -- Leviticus 10

Cope, more.

>So what are the Pagan equivalent of Hell and heaven? Do they even exist?

Disclaimer: I'm a Germanic Pagan. I do not speak for Slavic, Baltic and other European Pagans even though our religions are quite similar.

Our forbear had rather more realistic concept of hell and heaven than christians. According to our Germanic Pagan ancestors hell and heaven exist in the same place at the same time!

Let me elaborate. Imagine there are two men, one likes classical music but hates rap and the other one likes rap but can't stand classical music. If you put these two people in a same room and make them listen either rap or classical music it is going to be a hell for one person and heaven for the other one, at the same time.

If you follow the teachings of the Allfather (study the Havamal) and live a honorable life you will inherit Thule (heaven) from your ancestors so will your children. This concept of hell and heaven is then reinforced by reincarnation. If you don't want to be born again in a world you hate then work now and try to make it a better place for your kind. That's the Pagan spirit.

The more you think about it the more it makes sense. Paganism is our ethnic religion. It surely is the way to preserve our race, culture and ethnic identity. Paganism will ensure a bright future for our race.

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>t. christcuck
How does it feel to be on the side of lying Jews against the followers of native European spirituality?

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>Can't refute anything I've said
>makes a non-argument.
Low Energy, Joseph al Wagner.

>Believing cringey Christcuck power fantasies


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> human sacrifice I don't know but it sends the chills down my spine
there's quite a lot written about this by German missionaries in Sweden. There are also quite many folk stories in viking sagas about people sacrificing a viking chieftain in hopes of better harvest, which turned out completely failure. Their solution: do it again.

Our beautiful ancestral home survived the islamic caliphates the mongoilan empire the black plague and two of the most deadly world wars in human history only to become more powerful and technology advanced any of the other nations on the planet and now it wont survive for another for another 50 years with women children being raped by muslim grooming gangs with no one saying anything for fear of being called a racist at least when we followed christ we knew who our enemies and and didnt invite them into our home

Thanks for the link dingo

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>trust me goy I know these people irl, my biased anecdotes can tell you more about your professed belief system and kinfolk than you could ever know.

Stay in school mohamad

Lame old copy pasta

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paganism is dead because of christcucks who came to kill us and try to change our thinking forcefully. it never succeded for them, but they suppressed paganism. its not like reading a kike book, its passed on by generations and if you cut the chain then its over. so we are atheist now and i will never take christcucks religion which was brought here with sword

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how about you start from proving your urban legend tier claims with actual historical research backing your claims instead of opinion pieces written by alcoholic cucks who claim their drinking habits being part of their "religion"?


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your ancestors own tribesmen literally helped them to do this for sake of power, wealth and better education for their children.

user.. as it's not a big deal today, I want you to talk with my gode

look is how it works, look it's adopted in christianity, you have a gode that controls an area,, spread all over. like in islam they also used to be judges.... and no I don't go, I just kek at those who lit worship a dried horse benis, that is a real thing, lol haha though local, is only romerike who does that hehe, that's the area slighlty north east of oslo... hedmarked will have non of that degenerate shit

glugglugg, but user we're not missionaries or anything we're like jews and stick to our self, but if you have questions ask a gode

theres probably a reason why christianity is the biggest religion it has to be the correct one right?

>people making sacrifices to Thor
>in Lower Hesse
Germans called "Thor" Donar and not "Thor"
(Donar = Donnerer = thunderer)
>(yes, THAT Thor)
tell me more about THAT Thor

my tribesmen? talk more shit. it was latvians who were traitorous cucks and divided

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Oh, are you saying the cross wasn't used by pagans? And that somewhere in the bible it states the birth of Jesus to (coincidently) fall on Yuletide. Or that Heraclitus was not the one to come up with the idea of logos? Go read a book, Christ nigger.

Who showed this boomer how to use Jow Forums?

Also this
These fucking braindead burgers shitting up these threads with their rarted materialistic and whiggish sperging, completely incapable of thinking metaphysically, just living impulsively and spewing DNC like they've been programmed.
A shekel for the goy.

varg has gone completely nuts again and goes on about dna and odin....

NO! that is not how it works Varg and you know it, nothing is passed dookdfg...

when a child is born, thre norns will sit there and spin the web for this child. this means at this moment the outcome is decided, your way to go there is your own choice but you will always end up at that point..

it's what haunts odin, he knows already that he and fenri are going to gas each other... and nomatter what he does, he can't change it, so this drives him nuts

what this means is that even Odin him self has to adhere to the rules of urd, verdande and skuld

then varg goes on about odin dna...wtf nonsene varg wtf ar you doing? you are better than this

so youtube banned you so what? stop bitching man nobody gives a shit about drama move on and make us musik!

Havamal is more important. It came directly from God. Don't read it if you don't have high IQ. Different people tend to interpret Havamal differently. It is like the Jewish Torah, short but contains vast knowledge. Sadly we don't have our own Talmuds to interpret it for the common folks in the tribe.

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a reminder that this is actually varg he doesn't only do rEEE REEEEEE REEEE music

and this on the other hand is lit scripture, this is the varg we want

Ironic coming from Lithuania which BTFO crusadecucks. When they later converted, first thing the Christian ruler did was import a bunch of Jews and Tatar Muslims. Lithuanian king converted to christianity only 500yrs ago as soon as he converted he start importing non-whites and literal fucking jews. Right now there are extremely small conclaves of semites and christniggers in Lithuania because of the christian king. Its fucking hilarious and mind blowing once you start digging into history what you find out about christkikes

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nei dæven snakker om sola, halla varg!

men jeg ærlig jeg, jeg håper du tar det innover deg det jeg sa. hvem du hvem faen @£@±¡@}¡

stop. Vi digger deg varg, men gå tilbake til rota pls

Vi har busta deg flere ganger her vi, det er barefett det! men ja ikke innrom det så klart, ikke gi dem en finger fyfaen...


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This is pretty chill, even though I don't understand what he's saying.

>hvem du hvem faen @£@±¡@}¡
rap og hikk
det skulle liksom være at du var forbanna på meg lol

men det skjonte du såklart for du er jo ikke akkurat helt svensk... meg derimot I dag ihvertfall fullstenidg svensk

> Oh, are you saying the cross wasn't used by pagans?
as a weapon of shame? Sure, not as a object of worship or associated to gods thou.
> (coincidently) fall on Yuletide
you could literally count it with the events mentioned in Bible and historical records.

you got whole loads of reading to do, you useless kaffir.

der ern ja hahahahaha

be nice!

Deep down they that they are dishonest. The have to lie and insult otherwise how would they win the argument? God is surely on our side.

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it's a norwegian lullaby

it goes
>it will be good to sleep, sleep all the night to the next day

Christians have their own Neo Judaic version of reality.

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noffs stop it! I am not going to bed and I don't got any small ones here either I am free to drink beer.. for now.. I turned off my phone

This. Christianity and Paganism cannot coexist Christians want to dominate Europe and Europe was predominantly Pagan. Meaning if we let Christians have land on this continent, we are letting Jewish culture take over our land.

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At best they were nefelum cucks. Have fun worshiping your nothing.


>as a weapon of shame? Sure, not as a object of worship or associated to gods thou.

Even the Catholic church admits the cross was used before they had it. I don't see how you can make this claim.

>you could literally count it with the events mentioned in Bible and historical records.

You literally can't. You aren't even told to celebrate the birth of Jesus in the bible as Jesus says not to honor God the same way heathens honor their gods. Jesus wasn't even hung on a cross but a stake, and you have like 8 variations of crosses you pray to.

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By that logic Nicki Minaj, Taylor Swift, 50 Cent, Lady Gaga (insert any pop culture musician here) are good artists because they gain a lot of views and have big concerts.

Paganism is a religion for healthy communities made up of a few individuals living in harmony with nature. It is a religion for the strong, the pure, the beautiful and the healthy, and to these people it is still the only religion worth practicing.

In short Aryan religions did not fail, it simply failed to remain as the official state religion. Because Paganism is an ethnic religion unlike globalist Christianity which does not see race, culture or language and believes in conquering the whole world for the tribe of Israel.

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>have fun worshipping your nothing
Oh the irony

Yeah Jew worshiping christfaggots are the biggest lolz generators on pol. Their christcuck faggotry is so cringe worthy.

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That was probably a christcuck shill using a VPN or an actual jew using reverse psychology
A VPN service is like 10 bucks a month, probably tons of people larping on here

jew worshippers think crusaders are somehow anti-semitic, take back jerusalem for jewsus goy, the vatical (((paymasters))) are our enemies though, fast forward to 1948 and we did it again for them

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Well said.

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How can christcucks defend Europe when they were too busy fighting wars for (((their))) holy desert land (eg. Crusadecucks and deus vult LARPers)? When they were too busy killing White people for keeping Pagan traditions (Northern crusade, Baltic crusade, witch burning/human sacrifice)? When they were too busy killing other Christians for not following the same christian denomination (30 years war, countless other religious conflicts)?

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>Loki's tauns
>goddesses are sluts
>goddesses have incest

>Balder's death
>got killed by a mistletoe

There are many other cases of degeneracy to be found in Norse mythology.
My question is: which stories in Norse mythology are genuine and which are not? I get the feeling that Christians either added degeneracy to the existing stories or came up with degenerate stories all together.

All Christians do is fight each other. It's really quite sad. You see it every day on Jow Forums. But this is the way it has always been for them. If you become a protestant, a Catholic will tell you that you're going to Hell. If you become a Catholic, a protestant will tell you that you are going to Hell. If you are a protestant affiliated with a church unlike other protestants then they tell you that you go to Hell. There seems to be no escape from someone accusing you of sin and condeming you to Hell. It's actually quite silly.

As a heathen, they all tell me I'm going to Hell; it seems to be the only thing they agree on lol but be that as it may, what they think doesn't matter to me, because they have all been exposed. Honoring the spirits of my ancestors and the virtues of my gods brings me strength. All Christianity ever did was worry me with which side I should be on. Odin does not trouble me with the poison of Christianity's autistic factionalism.

Enjoy the Ragnarok you Christ bitches.

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varg used to be a god damn good muscian, before he started to juts sperge out like these other youtube narcisists....

this is from håvamål, he did what wardruna do before they were even a thing

so this is the varg, the epic varg we want to see

not some blalbala youtube,.... ib4 shill but fuck off jewtube

come on gib there anonymous


Study the Havamal it came directly from Óðinn. Everything else take it with a grain of salt.

I have been following the teachings of the Allfather for 6 years. Now I am a millionaire directly competing against Jew owned corporations. Before that I was nothing.

I have memorized every single verse in the Havamal and I have studied it. I know the true meaning of all the verses (or at least that's what I would like to believe). I can interpret verses for you if you wish.

Also Varg's Paganism Explained series are great if you want someone wise to interpret things for you.

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my god I miss that varg, hint hint

come on man! stop this jewtub narcisim I me bla... Varg pls make music

Unlike Varg, I actually know that the Poetic Edda is true and I don't believe in evolution. Varg is a con artist.

>Study the Havamal it came directly from Óðinn.
is true, it lit means the tall ones speak

you can see him here