Give me one reason why robotics won’t replace female hookers

I am highly convinced large brothels with real women will be a thing of the past in 2050. Rather than that, we’ll end up with perfectly run, cozy, wellness places where men are cared for by robotic women. Likewise robots will also serve women in places for them. Obviously, personal robots will also exist, but due to men wanting variety and the experience, robo-brothels will stay around even when personal robowaifu prizes drop.

All that being said, will the traditional family unit of a biomale and a biofemale with biokids be broken up in favor of mixed robo-biological families?

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Because it should replace all women when we we develop artificial wombs.

Would you use your friends fleshlight even if he cleaned it first?
Robo-brothels will not be popular.

>Would you use your friends fleshlight even if he cleaned it first?
2 million Germans visit hookers every day. Robo parts made from synthetic material can be decontaminated way better than female biological material and sex organs.

It's weird brothels aren't legal in U.S yet we lead the world in everything degenerate

I agree but for different reasons.
The Chinese in particular are flooding the globe with cheap hookers.
The governments with legal sex work licences let it happen because they actually don’t want brothers existing.
They prefer the Uber model of gig economy escorts without legacy licences on buildings.
It won’t be robots which destroys legal brothels but Chinese private operators which are a kind of robot I guess

I know Asian girls that work in the USA. Trust me there are so many sex workers in your country it’s mind blowing, particularly the West Coast.

possibly by 2050 you can buy any woman whit a small amount of food if you have any that is. so i dont se the point of robots

Sorry point I’m making is you probably do lead the world in underground private girls

People marry a human fleshlight after she fucked miles of stranger's dicks

Sex with another person isn't the same as fucking a doll though. People will buy silicone vaginas to fuck while watching VR, not go to some scummy robo-brothel.

Keep hearing how many hookers we have, yet i never see them. Ain't doubting the fact we have many, but i think you have to have contacts for them, they don't wander the streets at night anymore, least 99% of them

>Give me one reason why robotics won’t replace female hookers
The feminazi's aren't going to bloody allow it

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Look for a neon "Open" sign lit up after 11pm. For a spa or massage parlor. You'll need photo ID to prove your over 18 to get service.

This, why would I have a daughter when I can make sure I have a son? Won't most males do the same?

>Sex with another person isn't the same as fucking a doll though.
What if you cannot make out the difference because robotics makes advances that leads to life-real bodies and conversations?

Sex doll brothels are already a smash hit. So much so feminists and sex workers are trying to shut them down. This is a thing user.

It won’t happen because whiny feminists will kick and scream until they are banned. And because they are whaman, they will get what they want.

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Advanced AI sex robots will think about what their purpose in life is and then seek out incels to make them happy.

If she was serious, she should have said “I’ll make dumb robots who only want Chad customers and reject men truly in need”.

Thanks Canada

That’s such a 2020s view of the world. You need to view things from a 2040s perspective, a world where the majority of men don’t have a chance to a family or sex life. Think about Blade Runner 2047, just way more real.

>I’m gonna build a sex robot that doesn’t have sex
Lmao, what a great idea, ma’am.

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You have 2 choices.
Get an Asian friend particularly Chinks they’ll know.
Certain sites or apps which operate for Asian communities will point you in the right direction. Think trading and swap sites like craigslist aimed at Chinese.
Wechat people nearby feature finds tonnes in Asian areas. Line is good too.
So much of this stuff is handled online these days you just need to know where to look.
ISG and punterplanet are a good start to at least get a feel for how it is locally.

It's a fad. People are curious so they go once. There will be no robo-brothel empire in the future.

>year is 2046
>sad.. Alone.. Horny..
>contacts local enrichment center, ask for pajeet
>talk to him.. He says come over
>you give him 40 martin Luther king jr bucks
>you go in his garage
>you fuck a limited edition burger king (trademark) robot sex toy
>pjeet forgot to wash it
>you get ebola and die

Least we ain't speaking German

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weirdo dollfuckers will always exist. so what.

congrats, you're an NPC. you were literally made for each other.

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The new population doesn't pay for sex, brothel owners going out of business. Who would have thunk it.

>congrats, you're an NPC
Nope, you can also not tell whether something is an AI or not if it is well made.

> “I am highly convinced large brothels with real women will be a thing of the past in 2050.”
> “Real women will be a thing of the past in 2050.”

Fixed that for you

still has her tits out

>We still have not decided, as a species, that women are sentient beings
I was going to take issue with this, but realized everything she wrote was a stunning endorsement of that theory.
It's like a femanon circular firing squad I can't even, anons.

You know those 'blowjob machines' that people sometimes post ? whats up with those ? why do people not buy them for personal use ? could it be because its the size of a vending machine and costs like $5000 ? if so why don't we just 3d print our own ? it takes a standard hard shell onahole like a Tenga ( red thing ), I could also put vibrators on the clamp ring and if I use some sort of solenoid electromagnet with an oring it could operate the tengas suction valve. What more do you need ? We can avoid the roasties master plan to deprive us of robotic companionship.

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>2 million Germans visit hookers every day

if that is true prostitutes must be far cheaper than I expected

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>Raven Hotel style AI
Somewhat spooky Hans. But yeah, that's probably what the coders would aim for.
If the thot had a quater of the brain your toon it radiating, she'd be talking about mal-ware to infect sex bots.
But there's zero wahmin out there with that kind of intellect

streetwalkers are the bottom of the hooker food chain and tend to be low-iq junkies. most common is women who do their whoring at home or do outcalls. guaranteed those exist around you but you wouldn't know it unless you're looking for them

Please, please tell me Jurgen Rudloff is a jew!!!

There are so many fucking Chinese sluts.
It makes it harder to find Aussie ones.
Have to browse for several minutes just to find a new white girl I haven't sampled.

Not sure how much you expected to pay for a slut but most of them are like 50-100€

How many of you anons actually have fucked a top quality sex robot? I doubt any of you have the money to have experience that. And if you did, I’ll bet most of you would be a bit disappointed.
Sex robots will not replace women much better than a flashlight or a hand. There’s just something about real women that gets my cock hard while the thought of fucking a silicon doll just doesn’t really turn me on that much. Even the perfection of the body built into a sex robot making her 12/10 in physical appearance only gives about a 4/10 for actually sexual enjoyment.
I feel like even having a disgusting old milf with a whiskery mole above her lip sloppily sucking my dick is far more satisfying than cumming into a gorgeous silicon doll.