Reminder, if the bible is right 99,9999% of you faggots go to hell, because you are sinners, and even after accepting youre a sinner, you go and sin again!
Come to Christianity
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All semites are niggers
I mean the bible clearly states that:
Romans 3:23 New International Version (NIV)
23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
But only 99.99% go to HELL
Jesus died for all of us but only the ones that believe in him and his sacrifice will have their sins washed off of them, through his glorious victory after Jesus has risen from the dead.
>99,9999% of you faggots go to hell
Probably more than that.
You think the god who fucking torture-murdered his own son is going to show humans any leniency?
Dream on, christcuck.
>if the bible is right
That's quite a stretch.
Taoism is a middle size religion, with few believers, but it has hospitals based on their beliefs, and these practices have science proving them.
Meanwhile christianity is the most believed religion and no one would go to a hospital where you're anointed, prayed for and recited a few psalms because you would fucking die.
Jesus wasn't even a real person, you Jewish cocksucker
>pic related
To be a kike is to hate Christ. All who deny Christ are honorary kikes.
Paganism isn't white. It came from the worship of Semiramis and her dead husband Nimrod, the original globalists at the Tower of Babel.
Yes, I should be punished because a God makes his existence so subtle that the only evidence is from moral humans.