Civil War in Europe, particularly in Germany

Quick rundown: We are closer to a civil war than you'd believe.

Recently, there has been a lot of movement in our right wing scene. The assassination of a centrist politician is linked to it. Last year the news broke that members of the KSK (think SEALs or SAS equivalent) were not only planning, but preparing to kill lefty politicians in case of a Day X. This came up because of an investigation into a previously discovered network of current and ex-military training civilians for that exact thing. Franco A., a soldier who was preparing to commit terrorism in the name of islam, stood in close contact with that network. Not to mention that it was also found out that the right wing scene has extensive ties to secret services, police and military. All of these departments are very unhappy. And all of this was very quickly memoryholed and almost all of the people involved (save for Franco) suffered 0 consequences.

What do you think about that? Can other european user chime in with similar stuff that happened in their country?

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>What do you think about that?
Terrorism is never justified

fake gay shill nigger kike slide thread

Sure, but that's only because of collateral damage. Terrorism in the context of a civil war to take out specific strategic objectives isn#t just justified, it's going to be necessary.

Tell me what I'm sliding real quick, ahmed.

I hope you guys are the first. The minute one goes off the rails others will follow.

Violence is always the answer against those that seek you harmed

Haha Germans doing anything other than complaining about wasteful americans and then jumping into their BMW M series. Civil War press f to doubt

In that order Objectives:

1. MAKE IT understood to everyone that its the jewish mafia that is control!
2.Remove the jewish mafia and influence(Problem everyone is brainwashed oout of their minds, but they have accelerated the white genocide agenda so more people are waking up and or dying and see "something is wrong)
3.Remove the (((Jewish Mafia)))
4.The rest will be easy all the other mafia's and traitors are controlled by Mossad and will be easily removed.

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Yeah no shit. Once SHTF the holocaust will not only become reality, but even it's wildest depictions will look like cushy dreams

shoot them
stab them
douse them in gas and burn them.
Put their fucking heads on a spike, then do the same to every single darkie man, woman, and child.
in minecraft.

Attached: Devilish_4a1cb5_6238404.jpg (470x595, 81K)