Socialism is bad

>socialism is bad
>national socialism is good

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One has private property. The other does not.

>national socialism is good
Good for whom?

One helps out our race and country the other helps out foreigners and wants to destroy us

Someone is a retard.

Protip: it's you

>free handouts with black people
>free handout with a homogeneous, hard working, intelligent population


You could never get a hot Japanese GF, point-dexter.

>sneed good
>chuck bad

Wow no one's ever posted this before, I'm totally stumped as to how I should respond.

Are you retarded, i never said i wanted one.

Iknorite. Wrap a dogshit sandwich in a different wrapper and they line up.

> works every time

Here, I'll bite. Socialism sees socialism as a way to acheive communism, eventually. On the other hand, the nazis took bit and pieces from various political ideologies to either attract the masses or because they thought these were best (not sure). Anyway, when it comes down to the economics, it is widely different. The nazis basically let private corporations do whatever the fuck they wanted with two rules: 1. Part of the profit made on German soil must stay in Germany, forcing them to reinvest into the country. 2. Don't use shit that could be used for the war machine (the only state ran industry), I.E.: steel. Also, when you look at how they both treated farmers: the ussr beat them to a pulp and squeezed everything out of them while the nazis tried to help them maximise their production.

socialism only works if u have white people only. no jews or niggers etc

globalist socialism is bad.


Good for the volk. Not so good for foreigners and Jews.

Same issue it always was: pure socialism doesn't work because it's multicultural. Natsoc does because you have the inherent ethnic loyalty

Socialist policy is an altruism dependent.
National socialism taps it from an instinctive sense of ethnic unity
Marxian socialism harnesses altruism from the aether

>National socialism taps it from an instinctive sense of ethnic unity

No such thing.

For LARPing snownigger mutts

What a cuck

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China is natsoc but everyone hates China.

>Arguing with a Jow Forumstard
The average Nazi LARPer is just another leech wanting to pretend that somebody should be in charge of his life, or he sees himself as the central planner. Don't expect rational thought from automatons

You're an crypto kike if you talk shit about our women
Theres nothing more beautiful than a blonde or a redhead woman
>inb4 you post cherypicked images of good looking asian girls

>I don't understand that economic issues don't exist in a vacuum, or that problems are likely to result from social issues related to race, religious tension, or adherence to incompatible belief systems in close proximity
Socialism for a denationalized state such as ours (or mine, show your flag, faggot), would be an absolute disaster, in a way that it was not under NAZI Germany. This really shouldn't be hard to grasp, but it apparently is for faggot libertarians

For the master race. Sadly, there is no such thing. Unless we start implementing eugenics like the chinese are doing with embryos to recreate the ubermensch.

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communists are the real nazis, you know

That's the most stupid thing I've heard today.

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He's right about them being roasties, though
If only we had a solution, user. Do you know of a solution that would unpoz our beautiful women?
Any solution at all?

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national socialism has private property, it has strong bonds with the people and the people benefits
socialism does not have private property, all socialist politicians are rich as fuck while the normal guy in the street has to eat trash or stand in food lines to eat and the people does not benefit
hmm i wonder what the difference is

both are bad u dumb fuck

One good one bad

They have an open market and people can own property.

>literally stealing money from jews to fund the army
>non jewish shmucks drafted into said army

Army is welfare.

If you would know literally anything about national socialism you wouldn't post such garbage. communism and national socialism are two extremes on two completely opposite sides. Their idiologies are completely different. Just sain muh they are the same cause nazis killed a lot of people and commies did too doesn't make them the same mutt.

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I could be completely wrong but
wasn’t one of the loudest proponents of National Socialism a commie Italian whose name I think was Giovanni gentille ? This pasta commie wasn’t happy with the one size fits all socialism and therefore advocated for and pushed for tailored socialism based around the nations national identity aka National Socialism.

>good for the Volk
You know we have an English word for this right? Folk. I know the left and Obama co-opted it but still

He was prob. refering to the german word for folk "volk"

Try looking under all the brainwashing

Are you then going to acknowledge how the state under the nazis could literally take ownership of pvt companies if they didn’t comply with the states wishes. The first big company to encounter this was the Junkers company. Junkers (the man) wasn’t keen on his company focus being military only.

The state said ooga booga and after some nazi tier chimping out Junkers was state owned. Not much different than the fucking commie filth when it came to business.

>National Socialism is exactly the same as Marxist Socialism.
Imagine being that ignorant...

>1 post by this ID
Oh I see. You're a forum sliding shill.

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I understand that I just cringe a little bit, the rest of his post was in English so use English, if we have an appropriate translation. I don't know if folk is truly appropriate since at least in the common vernacular folk doesn't have the same ethnic spirit that from my understanding "volk" carries with it, but still.

>Are you then going to acknowledge how the state under the nazis could literally take ownership of pvt companies if they didn’t comply with the states wishes.
You say that like it's a bad thing. If a company is anti-White it shouldn't exist in a pro-White nation. Simple as that.

So says the honorary intellectual nigger

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You forgot international on your first line.
>international socialism (ie Marxism) is bad
Not all socialism is Marxism.

Junkers wasn’t anti-white or anything you literal retarded baboon. And your nigger tier belief that because it’s an ethno state the government will be efficient was proven false by just how poorly state owned companies were run. The Germans were always short on tanks and their aviation programs were a larger cluster fuck.

>Junkers wasn’t anti-white or anything
If a corporation isn't pro-White, it's anti-White.

>you literal retarded baboon.
Said the little bitch who believes everything the Jews tell him. lol

> And your nigger tier belief
As opposed to your cuckservative beliefs? lol

>that because it’s an ethno state the government will be efficient was proven false by just how poorly state owned companies were run. The Germans were always short on tanks and their aviation programs were a larger cluster fuck.
"Because the Jews who wrote the history books said so! Also, the holocaust totally happened."

Do you have a single thought in your head that wasn't placed there by a Jew?

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socialism wouldn't work outside of a homogenous society, too many factions would be fighting for their "fair share" even if it was distributed equally they would still be fighting.

Exactly, OP.
What’s the point of the thread again?

funny how coastal elites laugh at Appalachian poor people living in converted containers, then do it themselves and it is artsy and edgy.

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Socialism gives freely to all, and it attracts shitbirds (called "migrants") from all over the world.

National Socialism gives only to ethnics who can't provide for themselves and puts those who can to forced labour if need be.

both are good. libertarians are the true enemy

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All socialism is bad, including national socialism. It's the nationalism part that's good.

