Is Russia the last hope for white race?
Is Russia the last hope for white race?
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Sloppy thread jdif
Yes, but whites will eventually disappear at some point anyway
Russia has never been white. They also have an illegal immigration problem from Muslim countries.
>Russian ... white
> Russia
> white
Everybody knows you're American, you can turn off the meme flag.
Never seen a wh*Te dog in my town. We send them to Gulag usually.
Damn I wish I could unleash a 10-foot roper cumshot on these slavic sluts.
> Yes, but whites will eventually disappear at some point anyway
And why is that?
Not for you, european scum. Russia for Russians.
Russia as a political entity? No. But after Russia collapses the last hwhites in the world will probably be living in the Siberian Stepps
You mean for all 100+ ethnicities of Russian federation?
LMAO They have a demographic problem worse than JAPAN!
I'd say Russians are honorary, but they ain't gonna save us. They don't really give a shit, they have issues to fix at home. And why would they help us? We haven't done anything to help them.
Like Ivan said (), Russia is for Russians. They won't save us, we have to save ourselves.
We could probably collaborate once we get our shit together though, Russia could be a powerful ally once we unfuck ourselves.
>he fell for the 'all people will be coffee coloured and there will be no more wars' meme that boomers say all the time here
Russia is the poor shithole with a lot of non-whites
We mean Russkie Slavs.
666 ethnicities are getting mass deported, and in case of tuvans, pro-turkey tatars and chechens - mass killed
Russia is 78% Russian. More Russia is more Russian than America or Canada are white.
Wasn't Russia founded by Vikings?
Russia is like 88% white in total because of Ukrainians who immigrate there
I'd say slavs are white, or at least honorary whites. But as a french Canadian, I would like my own to survive. I don't care as much about a people halfway across the globe than I care about mine.
We're cousins, but I'd want my immediate family to survive no matter what.
Russia is for Russians
I would deport Volga Germans at a first chance
There is no hope. Cherish the fact you are one of the last few generations of white civilization. We pushed humanity very far during our time on top. I hope the Jews that will ultimately win due to our innovation, work ethic, and pathological altruism will at least give us some credit in the historical archives
Russia has the most beautiful women in the world
>bait thread
Leave youbare finished. Latest estimates have Canada as 85% non white by 2100
Rurikids (Or Rurikovichs) were of Viking descent, yes. But they did slowly assimilate into the Slavic peoples they conquered, like many other conquerors in history.
The Rurikid dynasty ended with Ivan the Terrible's son, but many noble houses of Russia, including the Romanovs, had some Viking roots.
Ever noticed how everyone thinks that russia is so white isn't from russia but instead from a chuck country. No country alone is going to save the white race. It can only be saved when whites join together you fucking idiot.
>la rusia
Wrong. Russia is 65-70% Slavic at best with all the cucked government shenanigans
Reminder: Russia is already multicultural/multiracial and actively promotes that (and have always done that even during the USSR and late Czarist eras). Any ethnic seperatism or racialism is clamped down and forbidden. Real Russian Nationalists are jailed or silenced.
Putin’s "Russian" state-enforced multiracialism
>Open borders with China? Check!
>Open borders with Central Asia? Check!
>Open borders with Southeast Asia? Check!
>Open borders with Brazil and South Africa? Check!
>Supporting White Genociders like Mugabe? Check!
>Thieving everything, while most ethnic Russians and native nonwhites live in poverty? Check!
>Denying existence of the ethnic Russians? Check!
>Enforcing ever stricter anti-gun laws? Check!
>Enforcing the hate speech laws? Check!
>Illegal to create a nationalist party (for Russian Slavs only*) because of the article 282? Check!
>From 88% ethnic Russians to 65% under Putins rule? Check!
Never met one. AFAIK most of them GTFO to Europe already.
I know. We have do something about it. My province is slowly restricting emigration, but it may not be enough. Meanwhile, Ontario, British Columbia and other provinces are importing shitskins faster than should be possible.
I feel bad for my Anglo brothers, but it ain't much better here at home.
French Canadians and Anglo Canadians have always been rivals, but I believe it is time to put that behind us. We have no choice if we hope to survive in the 21st century.
Explain to me Russian females with kids, who's anchoring who?
That's just cruel to put kids through so-so public schools and throwing them back to where the parents live. I can't do that with a clear conscience.
No. America, Europe, all shall burn.
This was the case in SU when under excuse of “internatiolism” all ethnicities that cant assimilate into russians were massively repressed.
Now you can be easily imprisonned even for speech like “Russia is for Russians “ because other ethnicities here are rightful owners too
>Ghengis Khan's rape-spawn
Based Latvians coming in with the bants
Forest Brothers were absolutely based, fuck the commies.
I wish the Russian White Volunteer Army won the civil war, then maybe they would have left other countries alone or at least granted them more autonomy like they started doing in the late stages of the Empire.
Republican Russia would've been much better than the USSR, for both themselves and their neighbors.
europoors are subhuman
Solzhenitsyn was right.
Russia is still in the Hands of (((them))).
F to pay respects to all the honest hard-working Kulaks, Cossacks, Entrepreneurs, Priests, etc that were murdered by the Judeo-Bolshevik machine that still looms over Russia.
>chechens - mass killed
Keep up the good work, nothing of value would be lost!
Assimilation inside of Russian race should not be a thing. Mongrels like Pushkin and Ayvasovsky pose far bigger threat to the Russian people than all recent chink colonists and central asian migrants
That's a fake quote
The first 2 sentences in this one is real, the third is fake
You are parasites. Your kind cannot survive without a host. You make the host sick and mentally ill. You will destroy any sort of Human Civilization in due time if left to do what you want, and Humanity will never reach for the stars. We will never spread our eggs into other baskets across space, and Humanity will be doomed to die with Earth and the Sun.
Jews will be the death of humanity, and quite possibly life itself. That is why we despise you. It is not jealousy, it is knowledge of the threat you pose to our existence, and the existence of our future generations.
Mass shooters are faggots, they only attack those who are weak and unable to fight back. They are such pussies most of them shoot themselves before police even arrive, proving they are scared shitless of facing people who are armed.
I have no respect for those people. They are both murderers and pathetic little shits.
You read my post as if I was a Jew but I’m a potato nigger. I just am perma black pilled and have ho hope in our people anymore
And guess what. What race does mass shooters mainly represent?
Funniest post today desu
White men are angry, more news at 11.
Different races have different "violent" DNA, blacks are by far the most aggressive. But they don't contemplate.
Asians being non aggressive day-to-day still can unleash massacres, or fall prey to Mongols.
So few people really care. I meet whites all the time that say stuff like we deserve to perish because we used smallpox blankets which is a total myth. There is a small part of me that thinks my people are weak and deserve to die because look how far we have fallen. We are pathetic
I don't care about your race
all empires (in this case the EU empire and the Amerimutt empire) get racemixed as fuck.
its been like this since the dawn of time.
I restored this photo a few months ago.
Blacks chimp out faster and with less reasoning behind it.
Whites are slower at doing it, but if they get to the point where they decide to enact their radical solution, they'll do fucked shit.
Thanks fellow leaf, how did you end up learning about those guys?
Not many people know about them. Personally it was through looking old anti-communist songs from different countries, and I ended up on a video about the forest brothers.
Maybe Russia will become our ally, but they will never become our savior. That's fine by me: a people that cannot save itself is weak.
I went to Warsaw and Krakow about a week ago, it was really nice. The Museum of the Warsaw Uprising was pretty great, as a massive Jow Forums fag I almost creamed my pants when I saw the wz.38M they had there.
no, turkey is
No. Birth rate of ethnic Russians is low, though it is higher that of ehtnic Europeans
Well, I hope not
It is either an American, a canadian, or a Britbong that post these Russia veneration threads. They are the incels of incels.
Russians are too white
>white race
I have a big interest in WW2 and directly post war i think i found out about them during researching about the Courland pocket for some reason or just the general retreat of Army Group North. But i found that picture doing research for photos to practice colourizng on and restoring. I got a pretty big archive now of photos that i think are interesting and have colourized a few but it takes awhile.
This is the one i did of that picture, it was one my first-ish ones so it's not the greatest. Had a lot of trouble with the way the original photo was scanned or stored made all the guys on the lefts heads hard to add colour too. The two legit uniformed guys the uniforms should be pretty accurate i researched a bit on this photo and found some videos of a Forest Brother museum in one of the Baltic countries that had a display case of a real uniform. Also note that the second last on the right gun is a Sa vz. 23 which was a Czech gun made from 1948-68 so this photo is most likely at least from 1948.
Ethnic russians are white,open ny pca map. But yes,they have a multicultural country with millions of non whites and muslims from asia.
Russia is an ally of third world
that's pretty fucking cool. I don't come to Jow Forums often, I'm mostly a Jow Forums guy.
I'd like to see some more photos, you can send them to my burner email here if you want:
[email protected]
i hope all wh*tetoids will die
No. We had a bad experience with the 'white race'.
They lost of course, but I feel alienated since then.
I have not done a ton, i do them every now and then when i get the itch. I got a couple okay ones but it is hard getting them just right. I will post a couple then i can send you an email with them.
This is one i spent the 2nd longest on but i was a lot less experienced when i did it and it did not turn out the greatest. Two biggest flaws being the German sdkz half track colours and the dirt road colours.
>1 post by this ID
What is the name of this grey character?
Non-whites live in bumfuck cities in Siberia, which are not really suitable for life because of the fucked up climate and in the mountains of North Caucasus, European part of Russia is 97%+ white except for Tatarstan/Baskortastan.
Far eastern cities seem all white too
Yes, Far East is also white(I am from Vladivostok btw), but not many people live here. In fact the whole territory of Russia to the east of the Urals has like 25-30mil people if I'm not mistaken.
these are pretty good too.
Maybe I should try to learn how this is done.
This is my most recent one took me the longest out of any i have done, mostly because i never did any modern pictures before and their were a ton of small details i never really thought that hard on when i chose the photo. I think in total it was around 23ish+ hours maybe more to do this one. I have it all recorded i just need to render the timelapse. It came out okay not that pleased with it especially considering how long it took.
Won't clog up the thread with any more pics. Also if you are wondering why parts of the USSR jerseys are an off red that is because it was how the Jerseys actually looked at the Winter Olympics in Japan that year for whatever reason. Mismatched quality control or jerseys idk, Also how is the USSR Hockey domination era viewed in Russia ruskielads?
>posting a pic from some school in Yakutia or Buryatia
So what?
Boy, your women are crazy, unsufferable smug bitches, who age like goat milk. Crazy pussy
This is one of my reference photos for that picture.