>LA and San Francisco with their massive bum problems are the 2 most filthiest disease ridden cities in America
>California hasn’t had a major earthquake in almost 30 years
>With a major earthquake electricity, water, and gas will be knocked out, infrastructure will collapse, and hospitals will be overcrowded
>This will leave people vulnerable to the disease ridden bums
Who here’s ready for The Black Death: California Edition
before i knew "internet" i always think USA is a great country especially california i thought it was like a literally like hollywood movie when people always happy and goes to beach everyday after day of working.
Nothing ever happens.
Recent reports state that climate change could bring it to California.
Yeh right, nothing to do with the complete moral and physical collapse of its culture and infrastructure.
Why are you retards always talk about California? I bet you flyover faggots secretly wish you were living here. Will be fine.
multiple quakes off the coast of Oregon blue wave soon
Hate to break to you but even before the 90’s not all of California is Southern California
also check the gcp dot its off the hook today
New California beach front property. All the refugees will be food for the sharks.
33 is a magic number, no?
Listen to this, Indonesia's mentioned, if even briefly.
Maybe in 1950 or so, but then Mexico happened.
live in California. made the mistake of taking my family downtown for lunch and two niggers took as shit on the street outside where we ate. Then one of the niggers wipe his hand with his ass and took paper out of the trash can to clean his hands. Yep fucking great place.
More accurately Regan happened
Not if you live on the coast, in a forrest, or in any of the large urban areas.
Does not leave many areas worth living.
The desert?
Fool, you've dumped enough plastic to the ocean to fill up land the size of Texas. You have no say on anything. Until you un-3rd world your filthy ass, you shouldn't be allowed to speak and should be sterilized just in case.
They opened up drug shops by legalizing weed etc, now the homeless junkies gather there because they can't be thrown into prison for drugs, then they blame it on Christians for feeding the homeless and saying they are the ones attracting these junkies there.
Leftist logic right here guys.
bump bubonic plague is makin a comeback
sad you white people basically bring civilization to this savage earth now you guys cant have pride in your own race and will be labeled/branded as racist
im sorry polack we cant really do anything about it our advanced islands are just java outside of that its just mining and palm farm
i already knew about jews "GRAND PLAN" here in my country there is huge percentage that muslim here got controlled by jews and they not even realize it what i mean is this wahab muslim trying to start destroy my local culture saying as blasphemy against islam so i suspect jews behind it because if there is no culture or race the world will be conquered like piece of a cake
California was once a paradise. Leftists destroyed it.
As (((they))) intended. WW2 was the turning point and the good guys lost
Just offer nembutal and solve the problem humanely already for fucks sake.
yeah seeing it on youtube and twitter vids that state have people shitting on the street.
it is already too late user they've won the only thing at least we can do its stay fit and gain muscle when the time come we prepared for it
I know, I live in California and weep for what it’s become. It was once The shining beacon of America, with thriving industries and fields of plenty. Then Regan sold it out and it’s been in ruin with no hope of change ever since.
Yeah because you keep voting the left loonies in every time. Apparently the majority of CA people are fine with the omni-present fecal matter and general misery. There are about 70k homeless in LA county alone, almost all of them americans while the illegals are living off of your tax money fairy comfortably. That nigger obuckamba had closed down most your the mental asylums and now those guys are roaming free in the "streets of san Francisco" You couldn't make this shit up.
You mean the niggers and said spics keep voting them in
Let the left wallow in its own shit.
Correct, but it must have started way back when you still had the white majority. Now those same motherfuckers had fled to CO and TX and let the illegals completely take over everything. You need to have a photo ID to buy smokes/booze, but if you wanna vote? Nah, ain't no need, senor. Come right in, Alejandro.
Then there are people apparently voting from beyond the grave. Funny how the dead always favor dems huh. That old senile kikes Bernie wants to give voting rights to inmates. Who will they vote for...
I don't know, I think CA is too far gone. Might as well cut them loose now before they spill over to the neighboring states.
I suspect most of those fleeing Cali into Texas and other states will vote demonrat, thereby spreading the contagion.
No doubt. How do you think Beta O'Rourke came so close? Texas is turning blue at a alarming rate and it's only a matter of time before it turns into Mexico again. Once you guys turn into Nigeria, the rest of the world will follow and it's pretty much the end of our civilization. Un-kike your govt first and quick.
Regan’s amnesty happened, in 2 election cycles it turned a solid red state into a blue state.
And there is a point both of you are stating, as long as there is still democracy nations will always be in peril of the leftist menace.
wake me up when half of San Francisco is abandoned because everyone is dead of the plague
>causeway cannibal
>me and my friends are so excited that possibly some sort of shit came and washed itself up on the shores of Florida causing people to go full rage virus
flyover fags will die first though
>Less populated, spread out, and clean areas succumbing to a plague before more populated, close together, and filthy areas
>The absolute logic of the left everyone
Bring out your dead!