National Socialist Food Banks

I've been thinking alot about branding recently.
Call me an optics fag if you will, but i dont think we have a chance of winning this war without a fuckton more hearts and minds on our side.
Specifically i was thinking about the level of indoctrination the average american gets in regards to the swastika.
As a teenager he sees it on the arms of the roaming hoards of the undead he either "kills" or "is killed by" in a plethera of games created for his indoctrination evoking levels of rage and hatred that speak to a truly genius form of propaganda
As a young man he watches movies where the rapists, degenerates and cut throats all wear it.
As a mature man he marvels at the ability of his ancestors to destroy the evil wearers of the swastika, regardless of their literal in some cases familiar connections to them.
The average White American is taught to hate the swastika…
What if we could change that?
Not with one action alone mind, that will take decades.
But at least one action specifically.
Namely, National Socialist Food Banks.

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I am well aware then many of you actually are in possession of jobs and families you worry would be harmed as a result of participation in such an organization by ((them)). (though these people could still and indeed have a duty to anomalously donate to our organizations)
But i am also equally aware then many of you, such as myself, are relatively young man dispossessed by an educational and financial (((system))) literally designed to higher people of every other race, gender and sexual orientation but yours.
Are you going to take that sitting down?
If not i would suggest doing something that will actively help your brothers and sisters, crushed beneath the boot of international Jewry, namely by volunteering at or creating a National Socialist Food Bank.
The heart land is checkered with a thousand small economically depressed post industrial heroine filled shitholes where our brothers and sisters live in little better then well maintained ghetos.
THIS is where we have the greatest potential to grow our numbers.
Not the numbers of the "alt-light"
Nor of trump populism
Nor of cucked nationalism
But of legitimate National Socialism.
And the easiest way to grow our numbers here will be by attempting to sincerely work towards helping them as what they are, members of our people.
This will also give us chance to actually FIGHT the huge amounts of anti-national socialist propaganda levied against them on a daily basis.
When we show up delivering food?
>Swastika arm bands.
When they come to get food from the bank
>Swastika on the wall
When they come to have meal at the haul
>Speach explaining exactly (((who))) put them there.
The death of evangelical Christianity and the rise of the "cosmopolitan" left has left a gapping hole where they're previos donations and support of poor white communities use to be.
We can and should exploit that opening

Attached: swastikaarmband.jpg (480x268, 24K)

>inb4 fucking fed honey pot.
Yes, you got me.
I am black transvestite jew working for the federal government with the nefarious plan of getting whites interested in national socialism by helping poor white communities.
Honestly user if the jews wanted you dead the patriot act gave them you're name location while reading this.
>inb4 burgers arent white lmao
The last 2 ideological world conflicts were won by the people who controlled the united states.
If you cant se the inherent value of controlling the most powerful industrial and militarized nation in the world home of over one hundred million ethnic europeans you are a fucking moron
>inb4 to long didnt read
your lack of attention span is most impressive.

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any "national socialist" branding wont work, it has to be done under nationality instead of a racial approach. Like the "German American foundation foodbank".

Swastikas, Hitler and all that shit is a dead horse and will garner negative attention. Also Good luck trying to rally people on pol to some kind of real world action. Its probably just all spics jerking off to traps anyway.

Also there really isn't much of a need for food donations because the government gives people food stamps. Even "Food Not Bombs" doesn't really exist anymore. Your idea is admirable but you really should reconsider this Nazi larping faggotry.

I think it's a fine idea, user.

This really doesn't change the reputation of people that claim "muh National Socialism" of being unemployable and violent. I don't mean that in a disrespectful way, but it seems to be a consistent pattern of behavior for Whites that want to adopt that title.

I don't see why proclaiming National Socialists can't make a functional working model within a community of other proclaiming National Socialists. Why do you think they have failed to do so, so far?

As with your disclaimers, not a jew/fed/nigger/shill/eCeleb pay pig/etc.

>I don't see why proclaiming National Socialists can't make a functional working model within a community of other proclaiming National Socialists. Why do you think they have failed to do so, so far?
I think that the cheif issue is that most natsocs havent really understood how revolutionary ideologies work.
Most who can break the indoctrination to the point where they actually embrace the ideology do so because they hyper logical very fact oriented people.
The sort of people you can actually convince through the use of a logical argument.
The problem is most people like that assume that everyone else is the same, when in reality something between 70-90 percent of the public basis their opinion on emotion then uses logic (if they use it all) to justify it after the fact.
The vietcong didnt get the vietnamese people on their side by winning debates.
They did it by convincing the vietnamese people THEY were fighting for THEM, and the US was trying to kill and oppress them.
In essence we tend to try to win head when we should be winning hearts.
And the quickest way to a starving mans heart is through his stomach.

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Fuck off with your soup kitchens of hate

well dude, you sound like some kind of commie, giving people shit for free? huh? HUH?!!

Don't use the swastika, use the sonnenrad, it's not nearly as known in its use by the NSDAP

Attached: BlackSun.svg.png (2000x2000, 153K)

Supurb idea, but ditch the swazie and hide your power level. Same principles, just no 1930s.. Food would need to be harvested and transported by party members I assume so more jobs for those without them.

Now all you need is the money to purchase some farmland and bunkhouse for your collective farm.

That's where it falls apart... id you lack the capital to start.. but other than that I think it's very effective and productive political craft.

i think the kikes might actually be dumb enough to call it this on the news.

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i believe it was and is called the Schwarze Sonne
which means black sun but im no expert

Also, its going to have to be a private club with membership applications process because if you make it public and your opponent finds out about it they will shut you down for not ushering EBT carriers to the front of the line. Also the local "charities" will see you are being more effective and cutting in on their territory... and they will rat you out to the inspector and you will have a gaggle of policemen with ar15s at low ready, trying to check your permits, food cards, usda inspections and assembly certificates.

You would have to do it like meals on wheels with a private membership.

Try seniors and single moms, also homeless vets would be a priority I would think. But open discrimination would get you shut down, they have to apply to a private club to be legal.

And if you're serious... get local and paid professional legal advice first.

While this isnt a stunt purely for publicity, i wouldnt mind the optics of some antifa and the aclu litterally trying to shut down a food pantry that is feeding a starving white community.
Infact it might be the potential for GREAT optics if we stand our ground over it and make them send guys with guns into to take food boxes away from poor white children.
either way it seems like a win to me.

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Nobody remembers the last 100 times people where arrested for feeding homeless or the last raw food distro center raided by swat over an open milk container... but they DO remember that the 1930s brownshirts won their votes by improving the lives of their constituents, directly. Your root idea of gaining respect and appreciation by a helping hand up is very sound. Focus on making lives just a little bit better, then they will seek the message themselves. (The Catholic missionary model)

Also whites have totally forgotten in group preference. As a Korean can go to any major city and look up Korea town, and access vacation rentals, flop houses, discount automobile rentals, jobs and more that are ONLY accessible to Koreans.

Nothing wrong with this, every other culture does it to thrive. But whites must tread carefully as laws have been established to specifically prevent them alone from doing this... hence why I said you need a competent legal advisor before starting.

Anyhow, I thought it was a good idea and is based on sound and effective principles. Warm hearts and full stomachs....the mind will want to know where it came from.

thanks for the bumps my bro, good posts to

why continue with impersonal symbols with retarded baggage? why accept your enfeeblement?
let healthy children, true smiles, and functional homes and lifestyles be your new symbols. everything your enemies lack