No one is BORN gay

No one is BORN gay

A person can BECOME gay in his/her early teens because if tiny things that could have been easily avoided.

Once these unfortunate souls turns gay (because of tiny things) it's too late... you can't change them back.
It's literally like a man who in his early teens finds he gets a hard on when finding his sisters underwear - and later turns into a transvestite.

We are not born with a sexual orientation, it ALL happens in our early teens (and this can be prevented/guided).


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Digits speak the truth

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found the faggot. Who diddled you?

>No one is BORN gay
That is true, but there are some people who are more predisposed to it than others.

>it ALL happens in our early teens
No, it can happen in early childhood, and even before 5 years old. That is why we see higher rates of homosexuality in boys who were molested before 10 years old.

Bowie wasn't gay until Jagger's dick went up his ass.

And vice versa.

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david bowie just ripped off Mark Bolan

>No, it can happen in early childhood, and even before 5 years old.

No it can't AT ALL.
It ONLY happens when people sense their first arousal emotions because of hormones (usually in the early teens ).
It's completely impossible to be gay before hormones kick in.

The sad fact is that ALL GAY people could have been perfectly straight if they were guided right in the early stages.

You want the real blackpill? Gay people are 99% of the time abused or molested and making fun of them instead of helping means you make fun of people who experienced one of the worst things in their childhood. Its like pointing a finger at someone with down syndrome.

I miss David :(

Gay people are literally a product of a failed society (or people who were failed by society).
If they grew up in a different family they would have been straight and ONLY loved the opposite gender.

Well if some anonymous schizoid retard says it I suppose I should disregard all empirical research and accept it as reality. After all, he did use capital letters in unnecessary places.

>Gay people are 99% of the time abused or molested

That's not true actually. They turn gay because of something that happened to happen in their early teens (like finding womens underwear.... or somehow getting repulsed by girls for some weird reason - maybe smell whatever - which all could have been avoided).

Today the media PROMOTES people turning gay, so it will be even worse than ever before.
Gay promotion in Hollywood movies and TV shows should be BANNED outright. They are even making childrens shows to show how OK gay people are (which is absolutely insane if you have an IQ above 105)

found a faggot

the main reason for the globohomo agenda push trying to spread the gay a much as possible is population reduction, the gay is one of the many tools the globalists are using to "peacefully" cull the world population

all these memed out faggots spouting globohomos rhetoric are incredibly sad and irredeemably lost

What happened to me? I never got molested.

Hell yeah keep me updated on that globalist bullshit.
Using the same shitty argument as fkin gender activists, how does that feel?Thats some impressive power turning sb to being gay by spreading word of it.

you just blocked it out

Yes you did.
And if only by hearing of gays not being damned to burn in hell i guess.
These threads are literally a troll fiesta.

100% agree user.
People that promote LGBT as normal need to hang.

>globohomo memeflag

doesnt have to be molestation. could be other factors such as a lack of a proper masculine influence, bad parenting, parental drug use in the prenatal stages, media conditioning, social pressure, or stress. there might even be a genetic contribution that predisposes people, but the science on it is (understandably) full of smoke and mirrors and a lack of sufficient attention.

Yes, there are people "running the show" making this happen.
The "ultra smart". But they are not doing it for you or for the gay people, they are doing it for themselves. It must be easy for them when there or so many stupid of us.

This, it's a transmittable mental condition, homosexuals are much more likely to molest children and children who were molested are much more likely to turn out gay.
Sure some are more predisposed to it but abuse by a person of the same sex seems to be a trigger.

Furries seem to suffer from a variation of this imprinting effect too. Lack of human affection in early childhood imprints you on the next best thing, a huggable furry bear your parents put in your crib.

there are gay an lesbian genes

Maybe we deserve to vanish for having so many stupid sheep

>there are gay an lesbian genes

sorry Muhammad

you gave to go back

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You are stupid as fuck

Believing everything you read to be facts. KEK, how can someone turn so retarded?

I bet he even belives that Assad were behind the gas attacks in Syria and that Germans gassed the inmates of German camps in ww2...

Everyone who believes that shoud have their brains removed.

spam harder Muhammed.

obligatory sage

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sorry to break the news to you bro; but the only people who believe in the notion of 'gay propaganda' are closeted homosexuals.

In a humane way of course

And everyone who are anti-racists are ACTUAL racists...

>same fagging is not possible anymore

Cos... of course if you are AGAINST something that must mean that you are the same thing.

If you are anti-nazi... it MUST mean that you are a secret NAZI yourself of course...

(I'm pulling the numbers out of my ass to avoid X, Y and Z, I don't know the actual numbers, I'm not sure it's even been studied in enough detail.)

Nobody says it's entirely due to abuse.
Let's you're born with a random number, from 0 to a 100, of Gay Predisposition Points. Anything above 90 means you're going to be gay later in life. Say sexual abuse adds 25 or 50 or however many points. If you're born with 91 you're going to be gay with or without abuse.

>>Once these unfortunate souls turns gay (because of tiny things) it's too late... you can't change them back.

this statement is a load of bullshit. a lot of that shit is porn induced for most people, anyway. and this is coming from someone who had a trap fetish until I actually met one. even the ones who pass completely have VERY distinct tells that put you off almost immediately in person.

So... if you are anti-gay... it's means you are gay... and if you are anti-straight people it means you are straight?!?

>a lot of that shit is porn induced for most people
That's what I call one of the 'tiny things' (that could have been prevented EASILY with government control)

basically this

There are genes that predict which sex you are attracted to.

If a woman get it she is a dyke, if a man has the same gene he will fuck any woman that moves.

Another variation will make a woman into a breedmare, and turn a man into a cocksucker.

>There are genes that predict which sex you are attracted to.

No, there is no such thing at all. It's ALL about upbringing and the tiny thing that happen in your early teens.

The gene theory (which is complete BS) are trying to explain to the masses that there is nothing we can do and that people are just born this way - which is a complete LIE.

Struggling repressed homosexual detected.

>17 post by this ID
fuck off Muhammad. Did the pride parade pass by your window?

did you see a gimp and get an erection?

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If every boys had a supersexy girl "available" at their first signs of hornyness (when the hormones starts to kick in for the first time).... there wouldn't be a single gay man alive today.


wow i must have struck a nerve

Mudslimes are subhuman scum and and actually worse than kikes.

You can deny science all you want, it will just make it easier to wipe you shitskins off the planet

obligatory. Sage

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I can assure you I'm more of a white Norwegian than you are. My genes go back to the old kings of Norway (before the black death).

Some science is good, but what you are saying is NOT science at all.

NO ONE IS BORN GAY - THEY BECOME GAY IN THEIR EARLY TEENS BECAUSE OF TINY THINGS THAT COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED EASILY. It's not their fault, the fault likes amongst people like you who try to explain it in the wrong ways (mine explanation is the right one).

So being gay is a fetish.

The same things that turns boys gays in their early teens are the same things that creates fetishes (this is the time when all fetishes really start to form). - and being gay is really just a fetish.

sure Muahmmed keep telling yourself that.

Your hatred of fags, lack of tech understanding and anger of being called out,

Means there is a 90 % probability you are: Old, Muslim and secretly really, really love dick.

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Stfu faggot

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FNot being gay is lame. Enjoy your divorce straightfag.

>and being gay is really just a fetish.

A fetish out of control one could say... and now even embraced and even PROMOTED by society.

When will they promote trasvestites etc.? (who are not gay but just get turned on by female clothes)

When will they promote paedophiles who get turned on by.... (it's not even their fault to be perfectly honest - it could also have been prevented).

There is only one problem with this argument and his initials are Justin Trudeau.

Point is everything happens in your realy teens... and it could be small, tiny things that made it happen. This should be all over the media to educate people but no... they instead insist people are born gay (even before they know what arousal is...

Bro you've been posting for an hour and a half

Seething Muhammed, angry that he got turned on by the pride parade today.

Has to get his frustration out somehow,

But is he wrong though?
Even if turned fully on.

If you are identifying as straight, but you are turned on by the pride parade i have some sad news for you.

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I have kids, have seen them grow up. There were 3 kids in their kindergarten and early elementary school classes over the years that were obviously going to be gay. Years later they were.

Projecting much?

.... you don't really have strong grasp of the English language do you?

If a person is turned on by the pride parade,
they are obvioslu gay / tranny lover

But is he wrong?

maybe family context turned them into this

Factually wrong the science of genes and sexual behaviour.

His anger is obvious sign that he is a closeted homo

>muh closeted homo

played out imo


I do think some are born that way, not all, but these kids were flamboyant and swishy, the had siblings that were normal, and the parents weren't overly indulgent. One of the dad's would look down and pinch between his eyebrows whenever the kid would prance about.

it's a fact.

90 % of people that are repulsed by gay are secretly gay / have gay thoughts

Being free from women sounds like society gave then a golden ticket desu

But it's obviously true that people get manipulated into this stuff.
No one is born a cigarette smoker, but many smoke cigarettes.
This is also true for poles, in many cases.
It's unhealthy and being pushed.

Of course there are gay genes. Just because a lot of them are sluts doesnt mean they dont wear pants.

Men are SUPERIOR to women though so why would they want to have sex with the inferior gender?

it's might be pushed, but if that was all of it explain all the butt bumping in the ancient world. There was no media to push the gay agenda in Rome, Greece or Persia.

or all the gay animals.

Same sex attraction like all other sexual behaviors, has a significant genetic component.

Most of the fags back then was feminine twinks on the side though, jail type shit. "Man" on "man" was frowned upon even in those cultures.
And it's was immoral as hell back then too.

You drank the soi-aid bro

>i don't like the facts. So obviously everyone else is shill / tyranny/ basedboy / JDIF.

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Spartans were femenine twinks?

You're playing dumb.
You know how it was and what I mean.

>you can choose to become gay
>you can not choose to become un-gay
This doesn’t make sense, choosing to change can’t be a one way street if you’re able to choose in the first place. Is this just a projection of your homosexual guilt?

You are 100 % factually wrong.

Ancient Greece was gay AF. Sparta included.

Homosexuality was so frowned upon / immoral they put it on their artwork and their leaders would openly have gay lovers.

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There are many, many people that have done just that.
It triggers a lot of people for some reason.
pic related is one

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>Once these unfortunate souls turns gay (because of tiny things) it's too late... you can't change them back
Not true.

And guess what, it's still degenerate.

I have actually been accused of being gay, for saying that I think this or that is gay. That was before everything really did turn gay.

>No one is born gay.
Except OP.

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When you are born you don't think about sticking penis into hole.

Ganymede was JUST a cupbearer!

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why the fuck would you post bowie and type something as retarded as this

Is it gay if you like Darla as a dude in your teens?

>It's pushed by the media
>Even when present in the ancient world it was frowned upon
>even if it wasn't frowned up it's still degenerate

nice talking to you peabrain

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Yeah the spartans were weird militarized freaks which is why they were fags. Athenians weren't gay though, that was just the elites who thought it was trendy since the spartans did it.

Hate spiders? Heh, you must secretly want to fuck spiders!

>Kids start watching porn at as early as 7
>constantly seeing dicks every day
>fucking years go by of this and now at 15 they've seen 12k dicks
>Couple that with the faggot left pushing homosexuality awareness and acceptance
>Big fucking surprise when little Timmy comes out of the closet

Homosexuality is a social cancer. Porn is out of fucking control and is destroying our country. Everyone is so worried about pedophiles, yet when the parents are not watching the Internet rapes their fucking eyes. The fucking insane part is how what is seen is a very small portion of what is happening, it's a tumor under the skin and the first cracks are showing. We are in for some dark times.

Yes and it disgusted the Romans.

This but unironically. Seeing dicks in porn from a young age affects you
t. Hits close to home

It's obvious you're looking to maximize your sodomy, be honest.

based and redpilled