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Just as wishy-washy as all other Republicans. I had high hopes for you, Trump...
Other countries like the UK are having their dichotomy's broken, when will we?

Impeach the dorktard

im fucking pissed we should be shooting illegals in the street what the fuck trumpstein

That's basically the only option we have left at this point. Genocide is a solution, not a crime.

why even announce it just do it


trump never intends to do it user

welp, I guess this proves it

nothing EVER happens

white people in all white countries need to start doing random shootings of non whites and when they get caught say it was done because of excessive immigration

>nothing EVER happens
your replacement is happening as you type this

Solution is code for amnesty.

This is what I've said countless times.
This whole thing is just a play.
A fucking TV sitcom.
Why not just do it instead of talk about it.

What solution? They're fucking here illegally. The solution is to send them back to the countries they're actually citizens of.

This is the only way it can be undone. Sad.

What is the asylum loophole and what does this mean for mass deportation? It seems like doing the mass deportation is more important than the asylum loophole from what little I can find on it. can someone educate me?

Wtf he just fucking posted something on Facebook this after noon about deportations. Fuck Trump.

There is a goal he is working towards. He announced tarrifs and never had to use them because mexico folded. He is hoping the same goes here, he wants the democrats to stop the 'asylum loophole'

>What solution?

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Women withhold pussy until their men capitulate and allow immigrations to stay.

I'll just go back to the pre 2016 blackpill default state of existence

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deport them already

LOL Good now the retards will have no way to weasel out of this one. You've been duped you fucking idiots lol. We told you as soon as this news went up that it would not happen.

Trump is either incompetent or unwilling to do what's necessary

Hell will lose a lot of support now. Will it make a difference during the election? Who knows but being tough on immigration was one of the reasons why so many voted for him. I bet the chamber of commerce gave him a call and told him to knock it off otherwise.

Make trump pay for all the debt we got from helping jew.

Once again Obama holdovers in government are impeding the President's agenda. This is not Trump's fault.
Hang the traitors, deport them all, build the wall.

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Big surprise

Here's what they're sliding

"a solution"?


So vote for the hair sniffer, commie jew, fake indian, faggot mayor, etc.,etc., right? That'll show Trump and the kikes.

Fucking retards. It's all shit, but i'll take it in smaller bites, thank you.


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deport home, maybe he meant home depot.

imagine glowing this hard

I'm still not tired of winning

Wow I had seen that 200k number being mentioned by Breitbart Boomers.
>Benefits on their way
I hope you all realize that doesn't mean $50 in food stamps like you as a white male would qualify for they're all "families" and women and children each get like $250 a month so a family of 4 is going to get about $800 a month in food benefits, and also a freee HUD house, free medical care, free dental care, free education, free ESL extra schooling for their scabies riddled bean children. That's going to be untold millions of $ every year on just those 200k and now that they're texting all their relatives down south that they made it millions more will come.
The military is on the border not to protect us from beaners but to protect beaners from us the military is there to defend them while DHS loads them onto busses and planes and flies them everywhere they're traitors and Washington would cross a river on Christmas to slit every last one of their traitor throats.
There is no political solution. Remember Wiemar Germany when they let in every single Russian? Ya me neither we're actually worse then Wiemar Germany. Even they had a border.

>If you don't like solid shit you must like diarhea
What if the 53% of people who don't vote are the smart ones? What if you used some of the hundreds or thousands of hours you may have poured into this like me to learn a language or to code or a skill of some kind in stead of putting your hope in some senile old fuck?

Of course he didn't. Why do you think no Republican president ever goes through with promises of mass-deportations? Because their rich kike donors won't let them. They don't give a flying fuck about diversity, but they do want to be able to depress wages with a neverending supply of cheap, disposable laborers.

We would have carved this fucks face on a mountain and hailed him as a hero for 100 years and the threw that all away for 50 pieces of silver I am disappoints.

Because the orange turd never had plans to do anything to begin with

This is his way of getting something higher on Congress's todo list. He's still going to sign whatever amnesty-ridden bullshit that comes out of there


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Thats actually a good plan

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>imagine being 100k RAID agents
>all pumped up to to deportation thing
>get told 1 hour before going
>cancel everything we going in 2 weeks
this is negotiation for brainlette he never had any intention to raid anyone to begin with it's cheap emotional manipulation as always
sad for everyone who genuinely thought it would happen

oh no those 2,000 people wont be getting deported

That's 2,000 more than Americans need in their country. I only wish mine had half the balls necessary to do it.

this will go unnoticed like a fart in a hurricane
Trump and Hillary are cousins
all but one of the presidents are related and trace back to the royal bloodline
the elections and the presidencies are nothing but a charade
The world is not an apple of truth with one tiny layer of lies, that being the skin. it is an onion and you haven't even touched the second layer
but stay asleep sleepwalkers
they're pitting you against the other side purely for the effect of having you murder more of your own people as they will run and hide

Wait, lemme guess, so now the Triggered TDS Brigades are pissed he didn't deport them?

Fuck man, I need more popcorn.