How do you feel that (((they))) have won? All the kids and the generation coming up will be deeply indoctrinated by movies, shows and the education system. Radical communism is now so standard and accepted its in children's movies and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
How do you feel that (((they))) have won...
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Tom hanks played with my Woody
i find it hard to watch anything over a half hour unless i'm eating
QRD on what kind of propaganda is in Toy Story 4?
kids don't watch movies anymore dude
In one scene buzzlightyear gets "turned on" when Woody saves him from the cotton candy machine and starts vibrating.
Same here. Or if it's really late at night and I'm in the sofa watching nostalgia.
in the 90s they had a kkk member in the first one so I say its an improvement
That doesn't sound like communism but I'm not an expert
The only thing is that bo peep is a strong girl who went out on her own and made it. She still wants Woody's dick and consistently dropped her act to be with him throughout the film. Although she didn't settle down at the end.
The only real problem with the film were the two nigger toys. But at least they were true to their nature, wanting to mug old ladies and kill people
Reminder that Andy was one of us
Fuck off you know what a vibrating toy means in a kids movie with a Woody
but the kids don't
its a joke for the adults in the audience, kids will be none the wiser
pics a female and male that should be a male and a tranny with a MAGA hat to be one of the pol crew .
>The only real problem with the film were the two nigger toys. But at least they were true to their nature, wanting to mug old ladies and kill people
I have no choice but to believe you.
Feels bad man
Yes a joke.. maybe if your a faggot kike like you HAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAHAAHA LOOK AT THIS PEDO
Not ever going to watch this, any anons watch it?
if so i'd like a Jow Forums approved QRD on the movie
>Woody breaks his vow to watch for Bonnie
>Woody abandons his friends (friendship was one of the biggest themes in the previous movies) for some feminist
>Bo Peep went from being a nurturing character that looked out for the other toys for a strong independent woman
>Buzz getting sidelined in the movie probably because Tim Allen won't suck Hollywood's duck enough
>lesbian parents in the background
>villain (female) gets what she want without paying nay repercussions in the end
>"Yes you CAN-A-DA"
They won
you're so dumb, most people in the audience will be people with kids
those adult jokes are there so they don't get bored
shoddy pilpul
we both know it's the undertext of the scene that affects the consciousness (vibrator joke w/ a character named Woody; come on kike)
and you know those jokes aren't for the adults, the adults viewing it now care about nostalgia and nothing more.
So bored you need sex jokes around kids is today your first day on the job?
This guy explains it perfectly
I watched it with moviepass
>Toy Story 1
Perfect story, 10/10, classic disney movie
>Toy Story 2
Meh, good sequel, doesn't excede the expectations of the first one, watchable, better memes
>Toy Story 3
A bit forced, nice ending, big throwback to the fans of the first one, not much else other than nostalgia factor
There's no need for a Toy Story 4
Tom Hanks is a pedophile
goy story is the only movie series i can think of where each sequel is actually good
What did you expect? They pushed out John Lasseter during the #metoo jump and now the rainbow colored hairs have control of the series.
>There's no need for a Toy Story 4
Please. This is Hollywood. There will be about a dozen more Toy Story movies or reboots or spinoffs. Hollywood will pump the IP for every cent of profit until everyone hates Toy Story
Don't you guys get it? This shit is preordained. It's written. What part of the bible saying that if the Lord did not shorten the days and hasten His return that no flesh would be saved? You think things are bad now? You have no idea how much worse it's going to get because you don't care to pay attention to the one blueprint showing it. Before the Day of the Lord, the world will become again like the days of Noah before the flood. Yes, things are pretty bad, but are these things forced upon you into compliance where you are killed if you don't comply? No, not yet. But it will.
John Lassetter would have probably allowed the liberal shit to continue on. Dude looks like a proto-onions boy. Besides, Toy Story 2 was the last good movie wrote and directed. This guy thought Cars was a good idea ffs.
Classic Bill Clinton
*What part of the bible saying that if the Lord did not shorten the days and hasten His return that no flesh would be saved do you not understand?
Toy Story was packed with occult/Freemason symbolism from the get go. "To infinity, and beyond" is referencing Kabbalistic ascension into Ein Soph, the boundless infinity. Cowboys, and astronauts are symbols of Freemasonry. Cowboyism was started by Shriner Masons like John Wayne, and the Masons run NASA. Look at all the crescents, stars, and Isis horns throughout the series. The little aliens are from a Saturn themed pizza place where they get abducted by the claw machine. Andy, and the psycho kid represent duality.
So is 10% of the posters here
One day while Andy was masturbating, Woody got wood. He could no longer help himself! He watched as Andy stroked his juicy kawaii cock. He approached Andy which startled him and make him pee everywhere on the floor and on Woody too. Being drenched in his urine made him harder than ever! Woody: "Andy Senpai! I'm alive and I want to be INSIDE OF YOU." Andy: "Oh Woody Chan! I always knew you were alive! I want to stuff you up my kawaii ass!" Woody grabbed a bunch of flavored lube and rubbed it all over his head Woody: "Oh my! It's cherry flavored lube! Cherry is my favorite! Woody then stuffed his head up into Andy's tight ass! The other toys around the room watched intently as Woody shoved his head back and forth into Andy's nice ass, continuously making a squishy wet noise. The other toys also became aroused and they all gathered around Woody and Andy and started to urinate all over them, and then they started to masturbate. Andy: "Oh my goodness, Woody Chan! You are churning my insides up so well! Your nose is stimulating my prostate! OH YES! All the other toys became so aroused by this, that they could not help themselves anymore! They pushed Woody completely inside, and they all went inside. All of them wanted to be inside Andy's nice round ass. Andy: "No wait guys! My ass cannot hold this much! I'm getting so full! All the toys went inside of poor squirming Andy and pretty much, he was beyond full, and died from having his insides completely damaged. The mother came inside and found Andy, dead with a huge ass hemorrhage on his anus, with a HUGE belly full of toys.
dude you are literally a schizo
>Cowboys, and astronauts are symbols of Freemasonry.
What about electricians and plumbers?
Yeah Jim Varney was based and red pilled
pic related.
To infinity, and beyond!
(((Pizza))) planet
this guys gets it
deepest lore
No children’s show can top off what Arthur did.
What kind of degeneracy is in toy story 4?
Don't forget the coal burning couple with the half breed kid.
Or the gay nigger stuffed animals holding hands throughout the film.
And just all the damned niggers throughtout the damned film.
All the pedophiles on /co/ have been lusting at this toy doll for weeks now
There’s no way Ernest p worrel was a klansman. Sorry but I call bullshit
In Toy Story, Buzz catches sight of the Claw, thinking it's a spaceship that will take him to his "destination," and enters the rocket-shaped game as he is still unaware that he is a toy. Inside, he meets some Aliens who worship the Claw because they believe if one of them is chosen, they will "go on to a better place," an idea that is very much the product of being trapped inside the crane game their whole lives. One of the Aliens gets fished out by the Claw as Woody eventually catches up with Buzz. Unfortunately, Andy's violent next-door neighbor, Sid (who loves to torture toys), is seen taking control of the Claw and fishes Buzz and Woody out.
Hollywood is so bereft of new ideas at this point it's pathetic. Nothing but sequels and remakes.
>don't fight got they won
Juden confirmed
Unironically based
>tfw eva is real
......toy story 5 year 2024.
Buzz lightyear will have changed his gender. Woody comes out gay. Bo peep is an old tattooed roasty whore. Andy is a raging faggot heroin junkie who dropped out of college and now does drag shows for a living.
Welcome to the 21st century we are so progressive
Nip shit is all Freemason propaganda too.
I don't know why these purple haired idiots think every movie needs a gay couple with a kid. I know gay people and none have kids, and I've never even met a gay couple with kids. Not fucking one. I live in the Bay area. I've visited SF a shitload. Not one.
It's not common. It probably never will be because by the time it's ever normalized society will have collapsed.
(((Disney))) MeToo'ed John Lasseter, the ultra-goy creator of Toy Story 1 and head of Pixar, so they could Poz it up.
Shit, before 1990, the entire Disney corporation itself was based af. It wasn't until the hostile Jew takeover that it started going downhill, and now it's distilled GoyEstrogen.
Walt Disney was in leagues with CIA, and Freemasons. His Club 33 caters to them. All of his old movies are psychedelic, mind control for children.
Isn't there a spork that sexually identifies as a fork?
Bo peep was mildly pos’d. The rest of the movies was fine.
Meds. Take them.
FUCK. You just ruined the very first movie I ever saw in a theater.
That whole video was full of sodomy allusions.
Pretty much the same. Did you take 10 min away from black-pilling anons about Trump fucking up a campaign promise to make this thread, or do you have a plan to make things better
Take your meds
Did some research haven’t seen the film yet but yea sounds like forky is the closest thing to being gay propaganda in it. It’s not really direct at all and very very subliminal at most. Sounds like he’s a “spork” and is struggling with wether he’s a spoon or a fork or something. Also, wether or not he/she/xir is an actual toy or just a utensil glued to other garbage to make him into a toy. So yea kind of a quirky and very very subliminal reference to transgenderism though doesn’t exactly cross the line.
Oy vey
Notice how the shills always jump to jew pills.
Faggot kike holly Jew
Woody and his crew are now subjugated to the orders of some much more organized and capable female doll who's running the toys at their new place. Woody is not picked to play anymore by his kid, but instead his female sidekick is dragged out to play, and not only that, but his kid REMOVES WOODY'S SHERIFF BADGE AND GIVES IT TO HIS FEMALE SIDEKICK!
Woody's love interest, Bo, is given away to some other kid and asks Woody to join her, but Woody doesn't join her out of loyalty to his kid. Flash forward, Woody rediscovers Bo living at large in a town as a LOST TOY, aka single and childless. She's now gone from being a ladylike sheep herder to being what could roughly be described as a "tough chick" who has shed her effeminate exterior and mannerisms and doesn't need anyone. As their adventure continues Woody starts taking orders from Bo, willingly gives up his voice box to another overbearing female toy so that she can achieve the things that he's achieved in life (an obvious nod to checking one's male privilege) and at the end when he tries to get Bo to return to the gang she refuses to come and instead WOODY ABANDONS HIS KID AND HIS ROLE AND HIS ENTIRE LIFE TO LIVE A NON-TRADITIONAL CHILDLESS LIFE WITH HIS RIOT GRRRL BO!
So that about covers the anti-male and anti-family angle, but you know they wouldn't just stop there, right? There are two throwaway characters in this movie who are voiced by black actors (Kegan and Peele), and from their first appearance onward their main schtick is physically assaulting white (and in one case a white elderly) characters, which is obviously very funny, right? Keep in mind that this franchise is so anti-violence that Woody can't have a gun in his empty holster, but it's high comedy to have this guys committing all kinds of unprovoked attacks on people, who all just happen to be voiced by white actors...hardee har har.
very nice summary
should I visit /co/ or /tv/ for more of this analysis? is their based and redpilled takes there?
too lazy to head to fugging 4chinnal
bumping as always
The green frog at the end of Toy Story 3 is suspicious. The Simpsons mentioned the green frogs ruining Hillary Clinton. I've seen them elsewhere too. I think the pep green frog meme is glowing
Watching the message of the first Toy Story vs the messages in the sequels is bizarre how much culture has shifted.
That sounds like occult tranny transformation symbolism.
toy story movies are usually good enough that they don't need adult jokes to keep them interested. i'd rather watch a toy story movie than pretty much any marvel movie
how is ted still alive?
what's wrong with cars, you kike
>highest antisemitism since the end of ww2
Reminder to sage bait threads
do we really need to go all the way back to the first one to see how bizarre things have gotten?
Andy's toys as they almost go into the incinerator at the landfill.
This is where garbage, cascading down an enormous bowl, is burned to ashes by an incinerator at the very center of the bowl. Woody, Buzz and the other toys end up here as a result of Lotso's betrayal and face certain, inevitable death until they are rescued by the Aliens operating a giant claw.
The incinerator scene is the darkest scene ever made in any Pixar film.
>Holocaust style incinerator scene
>palm trees
>fire engine = fire magic(fire depts are Freemasonic in America)
>turn on the news
>Trump hating propaganda
>no news Channel gives an unbiased opinion on republicans
Just don't watch
desu i expected the forky character to pander to the tranny crowd a-la "im just as much a toy as any of you" kind of shit. instead he wasnt delusional about what he really was. he knew he was trash and he was happy with that fact.
So there's a rejected toys support group, and one of the toys is the American constitution. That's suspicious.
Well fuck. It really is propaganda.
"Bing Bong's Rocket"
"Inside Out"
Pic related shows clear penetration/sodomy symbolism. The broomstick is going up the rear end of the blue haired girl, and emanates from Bing Bong's crotch. Bing Bong's backstory sounds child abductor tier. He wears burglar style gloves, and has a Shriner clown flower pinned to his chest. He looks like the Dumbo pink elephants with the penis noses. His nose looks like a heart, which can symbolize sex/love magic.
Bing Bong was Riley's adorable imaginary friend created during her early childhood. However, as Riley grew older, she stopped playing with him, leaving Bing Bong out of a job and a bit lonely.
Drifting around Long Term Memory unbeknownst to the other mental denizens, he collected happy memories he liked into a bottomless bag. He greatly missed the times he shared with Riley and was desperate to not be forgotten until one day when he is discovered by the misplaced emotions Joy and Sadness, who were accidentally ejected from Headquarters. Afraid of their sudden appearance, Bing Bong initially tried to run, but when Joy presents herself, he is thrilled to meet her. As the two need to return to Headquarters, Bing Bong, who has been forgotten for a long time, agrees to help them, more so when Joy tells him she will put him back in business when she gets back. He proposes that they take the Train of Thought that will lead them directly to Headquarters, and shows them the way.
Film takes place in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Thanks for the analysis that this topic is doing to me and I would like to deepen it more because it is obvious that this does not end here.
"Lifted" shows ascension through beam of light symbolism(Saturn). Why do all these kids shows deal with snatching up kids?
1:13 Saturn symbolism
2:34 sodomy position
2:49 the World Tree
3:10 anus/sphincter imagery
4:35 UFO is sodomized by earth pole
4:44 phallus earth pole dripping with semen
Get treated for adhd
>>Buzz getting sidelined
Buzz was barely in toy story 3
Bo peep was pretty fuckin hot though lets be honest