Tucker personally persuaded Trump not to attack Iran. Tucker literally prevented a new war.
Fuck tapeworm neocon Bolton
Tucker is either a NatSoc or Third positionist.
Heil Tucker!
Can't cuck the Tuck.
Based and Tuck pilled. Fuck Israel, kikes and neocons.
they are going to pull the plug on him for sure. Sean Hannity keeps distancing himself from Carlson because hannity has shown he is a jew loving catholic scum lord who puts money above the truth otherwise he wouldn't have dropped the Seth Rich investigation.
I'm a Catholic and I hate Hannity.
Hannity wants Americans to die for Israel.
Hannity is honestly a fucking moron, let’s be honest
Kike on a stick, kill yourself
Didn't much like this guy before.
His commentary on this shit has definitely gained him some respect from me.
He is a Jew. He's rich and def not a socialist idiot
Unlike Hannity and other Fox boomers Tuck has a large, authentic younger audience which will follow him. He can make a YouTube channel and get more views than Fox.
>inb4 he gets shoad on YT
I'm sure dozens of thousands would follow him on bitchute, which would only increase the popularity of the platform.
You're not remotely high enough in the papal hierarchy to be the kind of catholic i'm talking about. Most Catholics are good people simply deceived into putting traditions of men before the Gospels of God. Hope you'll come around but you probably won't.
Hannity worships Reagan, the worst gun grabbing corporate neocon ever
Hannity started seth for money though
Needed to keep his dealings with Cohen hidden and the incestuous relation he has with the RNC
I hope so he's one of the few people i respect on (((TV))) he and lou dobbs are pretty on point and when he had chuck schomers top aid on to point out the hypocrisy of israel getting a cement gaza strip border wall with american tax payer money but not our own southern border wall i knew he was woke. He's only gotten more potent since they went after his family.
>Fuck Mexico
>Fuck Israel too
This is indeed one man you cannot cuck. Everyone should watch and learn.
I was a little shocked to hear he didn't have firearms in his own home and that he hadn't taught his wife how to shoot or defend the kids, hopefully they've rectified that mistake but still that was my one complaint about him.
Queen of Jow Forums
and Hannity went apeshit on Thursday. Then he didn't even appear on his own fucking show last night
He was home reading the transcripts of his pillow talk with Manafort.
Bolton was on Tucker's show literally the day before Trump put him in his administration.
>listening to s man with that haircut
Trump should bomb Iran immediately
Remember when Trump bombed Syria and started ww3?
Shut up, checkers.
>caring about how a middle aged man looks
Found the fag.
tucker is a jewish puppet just like pompeo trump and bolton.
Are you Pat Buchanan?
>everyone is a jewish puppet except the ones that are constantly pushing the jewish NWO agenda
>never names the jew
>literally works for fox jews
>media calls Trump literally Hitler
>prove media right by ousting the jews
There's a reason why he's a billionaire and the president of the most powerful country in the planet and you're a shitposter from the shittiest country in North America.
>naming the Jew on national television so you can get fired
He doesn't do it directly for the obvious reasons stated above. However, he did it indirectly the other day when he showed Lindsey Graham admitting that it would be a war for Israel.
>numerous times called out israel
>gets payed to redpill people on TV and the fox kikes are forced to pay him since he boosts their network views
As Nick Land (most intelligent person) said: Tucker is the most important person in media for the last 10 years.
He's the only tolerable person I can watch on any news network.
Thanks Tucker.
He's their top dog now there is no fucking way they would sacrifice him and his ratings
you are doing a shit job ad advertising MLP and your waifu. You a brainlet when it comes to politics.
>names Soros many times over
>doesnt name the jew
shoo shoo
>Tucker personally persuaded Trump not to attack Iran.
Can he persuade trump to actually deport illegal immigrants?
>Fuck Mexico
They're the only ones stopping illegal immigrants at this point.
I keep hearing about that, if that's true he straight up deserves a Nobel peace price.
Are there any sources about that?
What did he said to trump, is there any video or interview he did on that?
Maybe an episode of his show, which?
>>never names the jew
>>literally works for fox jews
Don't be ridiculous. All of the main media companies are run by jews. His career would be over in a second if he directly called them out. Don't be autistic. This is the real world. Tucker works at the best network he can and he calls out jewish power as best he can. If you can point out anyone on a major network who is doing a better job fighting for us I would love to see them.
Lew Rockwell was on RT today calling for peace.
Remember to cut urls after the question mark to avoid tracking code
God bless.
Tucker Carlson, the man who single handedly prevented the communist metric system from being implemented in the United States and Burma.
You are all fools. Tucker says nothing not approved before hand by Trump. Most of the media is pure leftist propaganda. Trump has a few propagandists of his own though too.
How can one man be so based?
He tore Bolton a new mustache hole the other night.
or how can trump be so retarded where a tv grifter is his greatest advisor?
He is also a fucking long time lurker and occasional shit poster.
Mexico is the main fountain of illegals.
Mexico only "stopped" illegals because Trump threatened them economically with tariffs and even closing the boarder in its entirety which would destroy Mexico overnight economically.
Tell me again Jew boy, how Mexico is "the only ones stopping immigration".
This user gets it.
Nobody directly calls out the Jew.
We send billions to the Jew.
We fight their wars.
We die for the Jew.
We risk nuclear wars with Iran (or terrorist dirty bombs) for the Jew.
All for the Jew.
While the Jew pushes nigger love for our women via gaslighting on TV that Niggers are human and "just as good to mate with - you racist".
Who would you recommend?
any vid of hanity going ape shit?
Anti-immigration is more important than war with savages.
Idiot neocons cannot understand it.
told the president only china would win if we when to war...also the cost of 5 trillion and he would lost the presidency
Thank you Tucker, very cool