this fucking image is filled with tiny words, check this shit out
twitter link:
high res image link:
thoughts my fellow cunts?
this fucking image is filled with tiny words, check this shit out
twitter link:
high res image link:
thoughts my fellow cunts?
Other urls found in this thread:
how does this guy make a living?
i'd like to know because i bust my ass and would prefer not to
He ll probably get away with it again. Dont fight it. Embrace it.
how is he holding a little sam hyde. what the fuck is going on
Iv'e done this. Microwave it first
i cannot see the lil words
Sam Hyde is in Israel making music videos.
Why don't you just tell us already, Sam?
Orbiters on plebbit and he made a bundle on BTC a few years back.
>off-topic jewish eceleb spam
just report these threads
Fuck you stupid nigger
did he post an image June 14?
Paywall videos and donations
His content isn't as high quality lately with sets or costumes etc, but it's a lot easier to just listen too
It's basically him doing short podcasts
Not really worth the money but as only 1 in 5 are any good
he did on twitter but didnt have shit, im trying to find his insta and facebook
>HWD EPISODE 6 10:53
there are only 4 eps i thought
think his parents are rich
Does he even have a dad
His relationship with his mum was dysfunctional as fuck
he literally made millions in Litecoin years ago
yeah this is the last clue from both images
sam, kys.
who cares, he's a tranny fucking faggot
this, he got rich off crypto
And are you funny?
Then shoosh
>alt-kike, hangs out with Dicky Spencer and (((Weev)))
>admitted he doesn't really hate the Jews, acts like one to his fans and employees
>thinks white people should just wise up to Jews' trickery and engage in identity politics like every other minority
>implies that Jews/Blacks/Shitskins/Gays are to be tolerated in our society rather than dealt with
>unironically stated that he thinks comedy can relieve racial tensions and gladly makes fun of white people
What does Jow Forums see in this faggot?
Shut up kike
You gotta be entertaining
lol palm tree I get it
"Look at the image I posted June 14th top left" don't know if it's a twitter or what.
>defending a literal sodomite that acts every bit the jew/kike he makes fun of
aas far as i've gotten it ends with the picture from june 14th and "illegal broadcast?"
it led to a url trying to sell me some faggy shirt
fuck off Sam
Update to the last, top left episode number and timestamp
Some1 who paid for Happy World Daddy show us a screencap
also what does add 10 mean?
what does it say above the chain?
I give him money on
Gumroad dot com slash samhyde
Great content 5 dollars a month
One high quality upload per month guaranteed
get a load of this faggot
add 10 to the previous number of blinders
so far i've caught 3 dead ends:
the picture from june 14th
"illegal broadcast?"
hwd episode 6 10:53
The blind that is 4.25x4 - Add 10. Came out with 27. Not sure where that goes from there. We'd need to see that time stamp
He didn't read my name poor fag fat amerishart mutt
from illegal boradcast i got "it's opposable"
Doubt. The videos at his mom's house do not in any way signal wealth
it all leads back to the image on june 14...
I still don't get the point of this image
how much is Sam paying for this half-asses viral marketing ARG/campaign?
Not an arguement
Doesnt mean you arent a faggot
>>thinks white people should just wise up to Jews' trickery and engage in identity politics like every other minority
this is a bad thing?
>9 posts already
here the stalker is, boys
do you have some kind of alert for if 'sam hyde' is posted on Jow Forums, you weirdo?
sam hyde's a degenerate who fucks underage girls and abuses them and also fucks trannies
spotted another sodomite
He's a psychopath who manipulates people.
>based board quality poster calling out the trash
the rim - palm tree - come closer look into my eyes - the red poster - the green thing protects brain (helmet) etc.
just a waste of time
it is because it doesn't address the Jew problem in the first place.
Sam is a massive cuck and he backpedaled severely when his show got cancelled.
from the june 14th pic the clues come back to the 1st pic and it ends with the sam hyde episode, does anyone have a link to that????
his new videos are so shit. hydewars is basically just him bragging about himself now. i used to love his content but he seems to have become everything he rants against
can't he just do a kickstarter/indiegogo campaign
it's another case of shit shilling and spamming his lame shit here and a few actual retards falling for it and then seeking it out
nobody cares faggot
He doesn't want to put up ANY of his money (even tho he's rich), and a campaign like that according to him would only get him 50% of the way there.
He's a massive kike.
>thinks white people should just wise up to Jews' trickery and engage in identity politics like every other minority
Where's the lie though
you cared enough to post on the thread, get off of my cock nigger
Checked. Can confirm I saw him in Tel-Aviv when Trump was visiting our country. Make America Great Again concert. Great artist, great president
get off Sam's cock, he's irrelevant and just shits up this board/site with his spam
he unironically thinks we can live peacefully side by side with the kikes
It's a giant Sam Hyde in his giant house holding regular size Sam Hyde.
this. everyone from RI who knew him IRL knows dark things. cant believe he's a free man. he knows where not to show his fat face.
>16 posts by this user
take your meds
I found that without looking for any of the clues. I accidentally spotted two of them then started scanning the images and saw the hwd ep 6 note soon after.
He's a paedo
ur the sodomite desu
If his entire paying fan base vanished from the earth right now, society would only benefit.
His parents, by a series of coincidences, are rich Jews. Why else do you think he got a job so easily at (((adult swim)))?
Sam openly admits to getting poopdick from a 16yo thot and somehow Im the sodomite lol.
Stop shilling your shit, Sam.
yeah your the sodomite
you spend your time here arguing about what a conman does?
to what end? to get a few people you will never know online to not mby fall for his shit
what are you doin with your life bro
looks low t and vitamin deficient. and why did you post this on pol OP.
he's a shill, that's why he posts here
Is 16 years old legal there, though. it is here and while people may think it's a bit weird if you're in your mid-late 20s or older it's not illegal. It's post pubescent so not really pedo. We have people who seriously lobbied the government to be able to fuck dogs here, ok?
that's the joke
>18 posts by this ID
Whats the payment 0.2 cents per post?
>le alt right are jews because they want white identity politics
kill yourself civic nationalist schizo retard
he does it for free
god knows what his reasons are tho...
he is prob the "even hitler was a jew" type of person
his dad is black and that wasn't his mom it was his ex girlfriend dumbass
nobody is arguing about how illegal it might be, it's about a 30yo man taking advantage of his teen fans anuses for personal pleasure instead of setting a good example and continuing the white race
white identity politics are meaningless and futile if the Jews are not driven out
you're welcome
This guys an ugly faggit. Fuck you queers
why not both? you just sound like a shitskin civicnat who's scared of whites getting their identity back
that what a jew would say
thats a pay-to-view happy world daddy episode not hydewars just so ppl know
yeah this whole thread is a shilling operation because Sam wants to sell something
That's funny
maybe you are the actual shill who pretends to be a moarpheus wannabe for the sake of bumping this thread and shilling for sam
>implying Im bumping anything