How have the Jews changed your views on homosexuality over the last 10 years
> & fuck off the the bullshit libertarian cop out
How have the Jews changed your views on homosexuality over the last 10 years
> & fuck off the the bullshit libertarian cop out
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They haven't. I've been aware of it creeping up on us since the 90s with My So Called Life (homo kid that everyone liked instead of beating the fuck out of him) but in hindsight Gomer Pyle acted pretty fucking gay. Alot of shots of guys running around the barracks in their underpants. Jim Nabors RL dick sucker. Liberace. Paul Lynde. Threes Company. Bosom Buddies. Perfect Strangers. Las Vegas tiger homos. Even Bugs fucking Bunny. It's always been around us but now it's just going fullforce
rare flag and cheecked
Well, I started out thinking "Bible says stone 'em"
Then the jews got me thinking "Live and let live"
Now I see what these sodomites do when they're not kept in checked.
Today: Stone these assfuckers.
First thought whatever someone does in their own bedrooms is fine.
Then I found out about the degeneracy and truly disgusting reality of fags.
Now I want them all to hang
What do you care what people do in the privacy of their own homes? It doesn't affect you. Being anti-gay is just an excuse to be a bigot for no reason.
I recently woke up to hell that transgenderism is and see now that the slippery slope is real and it goes directly, does not stop for any sane or moral thought, straight to pedophilia. I don't care about what fags do in their bedroom though. And marriage is a bullshit religious construct we are forced to use to ensure a proper home for children, so obviously pedophiles can't get married. Dyke-marriage is ok though, if they aren't crazy.
Unrelated question.
Why is there a male gspot?
This thread says it all
Damn faggot
I don't disagree with the rest of that, but the premise that you are attracted to men if you molest boys is flawed
>> & fuck off the the bullshit libertarian cop out
Why? My first answer would be who cares what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own dirty, dirty bedrooms
It's when kids get sexualized/tranny-fied and shit that I have an issue
That doesn't make any sense. The reality is if a male likes other males, there is not an age constraint.
Yes, I used to be more open minded about the issue, but having discovered that they were by the jews forged into a community, which was to function as a societal baton, to behave as vindictive bullies, attacking and maligning all that don't subscribe to their most subversive dogmas, I have since reassessed my disposition. I bear them no malice and don't intend to impose on their lives, but they are going to cease in these mafioso tactics and in recruiting children to a behavior that is dangerous, degenerate and promiscuously destructive...if anything, children should learn the facts about homosex and the perils inherent of it.
If I were a leader in the gay community, I would work to sharply attenuate the activism. All the principal goals established at the genisis of your movement have been secured...further pushes will only result in massive pushback -- such are the laws of political metaphisics.
I have two gay neighbors that are chill as hell and I have no problems with them. But I’ll never respect any of these attention whores who want special names because they fee like it now.
Unrelated question.
Why does eating shit foods feel good?
I've gone from tolerant to wanting to shove them all into ovens.
>Even Bugs fucking Bunny.
Explain desu
They haven't
Jews cannot change what is eternal. It eats them up inside. All they can do is try to bring others down with them.
There is also the issue that if someone likes kids, they don't necessarily have a male or female preference:
>Gay porn star opens up about his dad sexually abusing him
>Several studies show that a startlingly large proportion of LGBT+ people are survivors of rape or sexual assault.
In 2010, research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that more than a quarter (26 percent) of gay men and 37 percent of bi men have experienced rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner, compared to nearly three in 10 (29 percent) heterosexual men.
Were these people gay before they were molested or after . . .
I used to think live and let live
now that Ive become aware of the massive costs to our health care systems, the degeneracy, the breakdown of families, the loss of birthrates .... well Im leaning more towards "gas them all" these days
the older I get, the more I realize Hitler was actually right about alot of stuff
Again, read through this thread
It really explains it all
faggots are a blight
>Perfect Strangers
not gay
ok, the romanian was effeminate but they both had gf
They are going to start teaching kindergartners how to use condoms in my state.
>Why? My first answer would be who cares what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own dirty, dirty bedrooms
Because this leads to this
>It's when kids get sexualized/tranny-fied and shit that I have an issue
You imply homos will be sencible enough to just live in their corners and not bother normal society, but they will necessarily try to normalize themselves and are a bunch that cannot control their sexual urges. They always did this, they are doing this, and they will be trying to rape children and normalize degeneracy if you let them be.
Please tell me you will actually consider what I just said and if you want to disagree at least use logical orguments. Libertarians seem to just dismiss the question or are just not smart enough to unerstand.
I USED to be bi.
Now I think people who push this on kids need to be burned alive at the stake as witches.
I am 100% serious when I say sexuality is VERY fluid and traps can be used to make you gay. I am living proof.
We need to create a form of super-AIDS to kill these faggots with their own cum.
They're already doing that
yup, its summer
I was raised thinking we were all the same.
The older I grow the more I know and the more I understand how they used to treat the Homos
Aren't the LGBT faggots taking over your nigger island? Or is it now Venezuelan clay?
And so did Gomer Pyle. And so did Jack Tripper. And it softened up the public to the point of Will And Grace.
Pornography and cable in general is being used to convert people.
You mean why it was socially unacceptable?
See, this explains a lot of my experience.
>That upside down cross on the logo.
Didn’t care for their existence but now it’s in my face constantly. Fuck them and their gay marriage.
Does HRT turn fatties into downies?
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\dSQy3D3
I voted Yes to Gay Marriage in 2015.
Less than 4 years have passed and LGBT groups are already trying to push 'LGBT Sex Education' on young kids and trans groups are trying to push 'trans kids'.
The degeneracy of faggots red pills people every day.
Give them an inch they take a mile.
I would actually vote to make Homosexuality illegal again today.
I used to think they were just like normal people with a fetish that made them attracted to the same sex. Then I started seeing the numbers about molestation and mental illness. Then I went to college, and every gay person I met described the stereotype.
Now I understand that their campaigning for rights is often malicious, that they are not in any way normal people, and that they should have no say in how families are run.
>How have the Jews changed your views on homosexuality over the last 20 years
now i think that faggots are completely insane degenerates. before i thought they were only eccentric
I went from pro-gay npc to traditionalist who thinks homosexuality is a cancer that inevitably leads to pedophilia and social degeneration. Also turned me away from premarital sex and all forms of sodomy because I realized what sex is and that there is a moral component to it.
One of Bugs's hallmark routines is cross-dressing and pretending to be a woman to trick Elmer Fudd or whoever into making an ass of themselves and trying to fuck him.
Ten years ago I thought gay people were born gay, now I know they are brainwashed to be gay by Jews. We need to cleanse them all.
Over the last 10 years I've gone from being friends with lots of them to hating all of them and wanting them dead as a public health measure. But I think they're reasonably intelligent and talented people. So its another JQ - they're useful but the price is very high and can destroy you, so is there a tolerable percentage population, or do you police behaviors instead, or just ban the faggots entirely?
I’m a confused libertarian. Homosexuals are filthy degenerates.