How you guys hanging?

I'll probably get banned for this post, but gosh. Hope you're all having a great night. You too mods.

On my way home right now. It's just one of those days man. One of those days. It's all so tiresome but I manage. I pray for a force to lift me up sometimes but it never happens. Wherever I am in life, it's a result of my own actions. But I digress, we'll all get through the mundane lives we live. And maybe someday do something great. God speed, all of you.

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Other urls found in this thread:\invite\CEmErv

Why you walk home, op?

Why no Uber?

My condolences

I'm taking the bus, I live in NYC.

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Nah it's fine. Could be worse. A lot worse. Sometimes this place is /comfy/
Especially if you don't live in a shit neighborhood.
Only think that sucks is nogunz and having to be 21 for smokes.

You're not alone. Keep fighting for America.

Let us know when you get home okay so then we can call you a faggot for shitting up the board

Why not change your life if you hate your current one so much, what have you got to lose?

Then again, same could apply to me

Cool post op. Stay safe fren.

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>then we can call you a faggot for shitting up the board
This board has been shit since Jow Forums harbor boi.
Hate is a strong word. Dissatisfied is the right term. Also I'm a zoomer.

I've been to the times square 7-11.
$18 for a pack of marlboros.
$42 a carton in missouri.
stay safe

I'm fucking high as balls right now. Hope you have a wonderful night. Wish on a star man. Someday we'll make it. Never give up.

Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?\invite\CEmErv


You're not planning on harming yourself are you user?

Wow thats terrible get out man, you are a bugman IRL.

It's a tourist area man. Don't buy anything from there. Marlboro reds are around 11-14 dollars. All the cool kids Juul now anyway.
I was tripping in acid one time and shitposting on Jow Forums. Needless to say I had a bad trip, people were sending me some scary stuff.

Kill all blog posters

I knew you weren't dead Etika

Bugman? Mate, everyone here who is not a richfag takes public transportation, and if you are a richfag you take an uber. Half of all people here don't own cars.
Nah bro. Not in a position for that.
No u bong.

Hey man, we all have ups and downs. Get home safe, get some rest, and have a better day tomorrow.

you are dead to me man...go back ot reddit with the fren bs...we live life on hate

Are you a Christian?

Jow Forums is unironically the most friendly board.
If you can't call your friend a kike nigger faggot, then are you really their friend?
Nah. I'm agnostic.

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It's better than the constant trolling.

Hang in there. Everything is going to be okay soon.

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Stay safe fren. I know it's hard at times. It's going to be okay, promise. We're all in it together so we can build a better tomorrow.

It's OK zoomeranon. Life has ups and downs. As long as you resolve to learn something from negative experiences and apply it towards future decisions you can make your life better each time.

Hang in there.

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Is it weird that I just hang out in house clubs on the weekends and shitpost on Jow Forums?

Based kind nightwalk poster

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Good bless you dude.

b6 or the b11? live in the area

Jannies iffy, uh, user got the stiffy, uh Got piccies, uh, thread it holds 250, uh


Pop these Jannies like a wheelie nigga, They all silly niggas In the hood with my user niggas, and that Hiro nigga They run up and they banning niggas, we just dabbing nigga No GF, they all losers nigga, fuck that boomer nigga

In the thread, memes in my post, Waifu on the phone She wanna fuck but keep her clothes on, I only want the jaw Man that's really all I use her for, I kick her out the door I don't want her, you can keep the whore, she fiendin' for some more On /sp/ my niggas Milly Rock, my niggas shitpost bop

Blow a case a jannie throwing shots, I run 'em off they block Quarter milli in the stash box, I grinded for my spot Jannies talking 'bout that cash but my bag worth a lot I don't fuck with no good posts, only shitposts Put my dick in jannies asshole, I pass him to my bro Mods they all sad hoes, they all bad hoes I'ma fuck them I dash home, to the cash hoe

I'm on some cuck a janny shit, take a jannies bitch Do the dash in the whip, count the cash in the whip I pull up with a stick, I let that shit hit Shut up, cus I fucked that jannies bitch

Jannies iffy, uh, user got the stiffy, uh Got piccies, thread it holds 250, uh

Move milli', all my anons on fifty, uh Talk down, pew pew pew, you silly, uh Hit a stain, fifty bands, all hunnids Spinning through ya block like a pop shove-it Banning me Change IP, jannies suck it I ain't wanna take his life but nigga, fuck it

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Not good at all. I've been feeling waves of depressing thoughts lately, they aren't "poor me" thoughts, they're sadistic thoughts. I was very close to checking myself in last week, I didn't because I realized I'd get 5150 and put in a cell.

which 3rd world country is this?

that explains the crumbling sidewalks

I took the b6 to the b68 then took the b68 home lad.

large cities are shit in every country. People ain't meant to be that close together all the time.

focus on positive things user, read a good book, stay away from dark things, you'll be okay

Safe journey home user and keep your chin up. Your post is a refreshing break from the usual shit.

nice, glad to see some bk posters here

I feel you fren. I work a waggie job at Home Depot and it feels soo tiresome. I can’t wait until summer is over cause then I start my campus job so I don’t have to commute between uni and work.

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>you too mods
Ahem, Fuck nigger, Fuck kikes...

he really set the tone for tonights future. I hope everyone can live up to this kind of world

Live in Upstate NY, commute to NYC 5 days a week, how you doing OP? How can I help you?


How long is your commute each way?
Do you take train, bus car?
How much is your rent/mortgage upstate?

not op but in NYC nonetheless - preserve nature, it's so nice to escape into the wilderness upstate

>usps van

what the fuck are they still doing out that late? we generally get bitched at to wrap up by 6 at the latest. 7 tops.

t. mailfag

Sometimes a bit of honesty and reality can make you relate to people. I'm sure most of us here have had a day like he is having, all of us have probably felt the same and all of us have taken that shitty solo journey home when we just want the day to be done with.

they usually park on the street, no post office parking lots cuz city

having a shitty day, but this is Canada so a shitty day here would be the best day in the world for someone from the third world.

puts things into perspective a bit.

shit id hate my life too if i lived in that shithole

That was you??
Good times..
How you holding up m8?

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Disgusting, why would anyone in their right mind fight for jewmerica.

Not as bad as some people here make it out to be, not as good as the tourists make it out. It's like any other big city. Meh. But the people are alright. I genuinely mean that. Niggers and all.
Christ man, that's a long commute.
We get deliveries as late as 8 over here.
HOLY SHIT MAN IT'S YOU AGAIN. God damn that image still freaks me the fuck out. God damn I hate you so much for posting that. When I clicked your pic relared I felt like I was in space getting my body ripped to shreds by demons. What a fucking picture. The trip ended up being alright and I ate some ice cream. It was around 100ug and my first trip, and I was all alone. So I'm impressed of myself for keeping it together. God damn.

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Just remember it’s all an illusion. Here’s a good read for your journey back home

nick is that you?

I hear ya man. I'm just coasting through life with no direction, ambition, nor dreams.
Have in there, brother

Astoria here. We’ll be alright bud

Also pic related.
I'll read thatz thanks /x/ user.
Nah bro.

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Haha damn bro I didn't know it would be that bad kek!
I never tripped on hallucinogens b4 so not too sure what it's like one time I took shrooms but I think they were very week cause didn't feel a thing.
Sorry bout that I guess heh.
That was a fun thread.

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Thank you for this.

Wow that was a month ago already... damn time flies.

Have you seen ghosts?

I am laffin at your pavement, looks third world.
Also don't rely on God to help you

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Fucking lucky man, we get told to wrap it up by 9:50

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Just don't be a nigger. Make babies. Live and die. It's really that simple

Needless to say it was wild. Like something out of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I saw things I otherwise wouldn't have seen on a dosage that small. But yikes, I've seen everything from Aliens, to Succubus and other Demons, to some flat out MK Ultrashit. Some user posted a video with trigger words and colors. After the last two threads had bump limit reached it was around 3AM. So I just helped myself to some icecream. Needless to say it was the best tasting ice cream I've had (Haagan Dazs). I felt like I was eating it the first time in my life. I don't know why but it really made me appreciate it as a commodity. The rest of the day, I was pretty discombobulated as I pulled an all nighter. I did some voice recordings and wrote down sone thoughts at the time. I'll look into them again to see if I said something noteworthy. (Probably not, lmao). Needless to say thanks for being in that thread user. Maybe our paths will cross again one day.
Any time man.

>I'm taking the bus
I'm sorry, user

>I live in NYC.
GOD am I sorry, user.

Why keep going with the same shit if you're not enjoying it? Start anew. There or elsewhere.

>having to be 21 for smokes.

Jesus, don't smoke, user. It's just what They want you to be doing. WTF are you thinking?

>literally lives in the richest country of the world
>can afford an expensive phone and internet
boo hoo pussy ass soiboi.

"nooo op don't do it you have so much to live for" - every plebbit faggot in this thread

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Shit fucking New York. I don't miss it.

Not how it works man. I'm but a student. I am dissatisfied but I'm working on it to the best of my ability.
Nah I don't smoke but I'd at least like to handroll my own shit once in awhile. At least buy a pipe. Not that it makes any difference. Fake IDs are fucking easy to get these days and I got friends. Not an issue for me.
Those are material items user, it's more of this alienation most youth today feel. Depression rates are insane and the average zoomer has the mental stability of a mental patient of the 50s. Life is out of balance.
No one said this, nor am I saying I'm suicidal. Fucking leaf.
Well they say the grass is always greener. I never lived anywhere else so I can't say for sure.

Damn I'm down that road all the time. Small world

Damn man. 3 Brooklyn anons here. But I mean we're the largest borough.
If there ever is another meeting in NYC I'd probably attend for the bantz. Hopefully it's not as cringy as the one in 2017.
Pic related, the face of /nu-pol/

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i hope you get Hep C

Kek that was also me that posted that haha
There's some weird fucking shit if you search that title on YouTube.
Anyways i was just messing around, and I'm glad everything turned out okay and you didn't eat your face off or anything lol.
Hopefully you gained something from the experience.

>college dropout
>few $thousand in bank
>student loans
>wasted years becoming redpilled
>all the knowledge I've gained makes me toxic to young women
>genuinely thought I could fix the world
>cant afford to move out of parents
>drive a beater
>actually handsome and decently tall
>witty and fun personality
>still forced to be lonely due to pathetic life situation

I want to go back and finish school, but I also want to be able to move out and enjoy my last summer before I turn 28. It's all so hopeless. I could have stayed in school and could have been making 6 figures all throughout my 20s, but due to a family issue I dropped out and overdosed on redpills, and I've been working shit jobs ever since. Now I'll never date a young beautiful woman, when I otherwise could have had many girlfriends. Everyday I think about the amazing life I could have had if I remained an ignorant normie, and only focused on my own life rather than spending all my free time trying to become a philosopher king. It's literally driving me crazy. I never thought growing up I would be such a loser, yet here I am. What can I do?

Nah it's gotta be Eric L.
He ran into Moot once, near the gay quarter.

when i get depressed about stuff, first thing i do is i stop going here, this place is just a constant reminder of everything wrong with the world
but then when i go anywhere but here, i see so much normalized and nonchalant moral degeneration and evil that goes completely unopposed by anyone that i get depressed again and come back
then i remember there are good people who hate things that are bad and i feel good again, until the cycle begins again
i guess my point is, you should go live in the woods

We are with you, OP. Jesus is always with you.

>you too mods
get out

At a wedding for a cousin I barely know

That's not Emily Youcis in the bear kigurumi, is it?

You have to take a lot of shrooms for it to affect you, acid is better though.

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Keep working hard user. Be nice people, build up contacts. Keep you eyes open for opportunities. Don't burn bridges. Opportunity is all around you, but you have to be ready when it comes.

Be strong brother, my thoughts are with you tonight and you have my energy.

Godspeed user.

Keep hoping fgt.
Yeah, though if I was on something stronger I think I would have been fucked. I was indeed "self aware" I knew I was tripping and could comfort myself in that fact. It's as if my room was normal and fine and it was my computer screen that was the portal to this, otherworldly evil dimension.
Can I say I learned something? Not quite sure. I did experience ego death, in the sense that I realized I am nothing but a shit in this earth (but that's okay!) And that I should at the very least try my best to appreciate the smaller parts of life, even though it's difficult for people to do. Nevertheless itbwas exausting and it took me 3 days to recover. But again, I think it's because of the all nighter.
No bro that's Venti. Venti is a Quadoon. Youcis is a slav/med mix.
People here give acid a lot of shit because of the MK Ultra experiments and such. Thing is it's a lot more convenient than shrooms. Easier to ship, easier to keep concealed.

Yeah that seems like fun. Never thought i'd see a street corner I see every day while scrolling Jow Forums. weird

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You're here forever.

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Sounds like you overdosed on blackpills friend.
27 is still young. The best thinf you can do right now is take whatever steps are neccessary to be economically stable. You're no where near fucked when it comes to searching for love. You plan on going to school again don't you? Assuming you have the financial means to go to one just study hard and pull through. You might be able to find yourself a nice non pozzed girl there too. It will be difficult, but you'll have to step out of your social boundaries and find a girl like that whi exists. Despsite what most people on this board will tell you, yes there are girls that exist who aren't whores. Just difficult to find.

Change your mind and the rest will follow.

Ask yourself this, all those days you prayed, did you even give that day a chance before you went back to being a hypocrite and a cynic? No. Your smug arrogance oozes out of your text. Fix yourself. You are the problem.

Do you even reading comprehension bro?
>Wherever I am in life, it's a result of my own actions.
It says straight in the OP man.

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NYC what up!

6 figure job
home owner
fiance soon to be wife
2 dogs

life is great when you work hard and make the right choices

Buddy have you ever considered getting out of the city? Trying something new? New people, New Job, New state, New scenery?

Just consider it man. NYC is a fucking grind. Life is so much more laid back in other places in the US.