
Guess nationality

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Other urls found in this thread:\invite\CEmErv





My 2nd estimate is Chechen.


possibly gay homo?

ffs user how stupid are you, don't post your god damn fucking face here. this place is serged by norwegian fish spies and intelligence, russian bear police!! WTF HOW NAIVE ARE YOU


Moroccan, conquered by Rome.

From a country that was in the USSR


use a picture without a filter faggot




I for once do not work for e-tjenesten
and I love an accept whales
homosexual whales have always been a part of our life
part and parcel
nothing to see here
move on




obviously some kind of sand nigger

Attached: sssssS.png (112x152, 49K)

Swede or danish


no that is racist! and I take offence!


American biracial

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Bout to reveal

Neanderthal tribal territory

mixed race mutt, looks turkish but could be from anywhere that has been repeatedly conquered by shitskins



just tell us already ahmed.

I am drunk as a fucking kite man, how stupid are you?

stop posting your face here, moron!
lit russian and norwegian intelligence is crawling this place!!!!



Yes, I thought you were around that area upon first glance. I'm not going to spend guessing the 15 or so ex-USSR nations. Kazakhstan I had incorrect, so perhaps Georgia. If you answer something like "Latvia" or "Lithuania" or "Estonia" then I would be pleasantly surprised.


Ukranian. From the South-West of Ukraine. Not even close to Armenian or Kazakh lmao

Azerbaijani or Lebanese.

>I am drunk
bjorn why do you drink so much you fucking degenerate faggot

you still look like a sand nigger though. must be tough kek

I Know mine, you muslim

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fuck it's morning.. the nigger bird outside my window started again.... he does this strange song...

I can't repeat it.. it's a new bird there one before him he always came back year after year... I guess he died, so now it's this new bird, I can't follow him..

advanced bird song... I can't follow his song song, no stop birdo I cant follow too fast.. wait again

no come on.. then he is silent

I hear the raven and the crow, the crow in far distance, but my nigger bird he he is silent. I guess it's some cat... no there he starts again

la luz extinguiando.
Peak diversity.
White man.

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my parents are ukrainian father is german, everyone in my family has blonde hair. you have shit skin eyebrows. if you had lighter eye brows you would be white.

Ukrainians OFFICIALLY confirmed as NON-WHITE.

is what muh wikanz does man, wikangz does what wikangz do, and is drinking your self ass blasted in the weekend... till you get a father.. then you have to cut it down

that's how it works here, the womyn pick the worst of us all the ones the police are scared off, then they domesticate you, like wolf


I don't even follow your music yet, how does it go?

you're definitely a sand nigger from Lebanon idgaf if you say you're Ukrainian

Iranian mexijew

in all my drunkeness over the years, in all my fighting.. and my hacking and having to isolate my self...

I thought it would never come to this... but .. I just want a tiny beibi too

A big one, that hates whales with a big beard and loves fishing! this is all man asks for and titties loving titties!

that's a sad story bjorn. have a bottle on the house

no come back nigger bird, why is there no sound? is it a badger? an eagle?

it's dead silence outside... what's going on?
not one sound.. a lynx? all birds are silent, not normal something is going on

i think that shitlord is not ukrainian. he's just some sand nigger who migrated there or his parents did. a lot of south slavs who larp as locals are in fact sand niggers. something happened in the past and many sand niggers ended up in south europe

my god it's probably jews that's why all the animals are silent

My last name ends in -chenko and all my ancestors had been from Galicina

I urinocally want to go to your country one day, go to argentina, then to you and panama and what not. but your sneks freak me out though, this is urinocally what holds me back, I am very scared of sneks

still total silence, there obviously is some predator outside, which has scared all the birds

complete silence, before this they were pissing me off

naah I don't think it's a wolf, it's probably just lynx

nobody gives a shit what your last name is ahmed. you're clearly a sand nigger gene carrier.
you belong in the gas chamber along with kikes.

yeah, visit. you're welcome. i went to norway in december last year. just for a short trip. got drunk with norwegians that same day in the forest neear oslo

also we don't have sneks. it's in brasil.

Eastside chin strap?

tried to find... this rather epic picture here...
of a lynx catching a rype mid air

but because of youtubes censorship and algoritms all you get is a retarded lynx with a crow in it's mouth....

fuck I hate these anti nature people, fuck swine

they have removed all the lynx pictures..

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Can Jow Forums guess ethnicity by body types? Is that a thing?

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>n the forest neear oslo
no WAY! user! why didn't you concact me!!! this is my forest!

shut up Urugay cuck


No but what makes you think Irish?

the birds are still quiet.. I don't know my hunch is a lynx, walking around here when people are sleeping.. no sound whatso ever, mostly those birds go on all day but it is total silence.. I tried to watch out the window looking over the street, but I couldn't see anything

no wit a small bird started but he flew away, all the other birds are silent... it means a predator is walking about

it's been wolves here before, but I think that's a far reech it's obviously a lynx

I really want to catch one, and keep it as a pet, but that doesn't work.. they can't be domesticated it's their nature

in this thread we're whispering really carefully.. to listen to some noice.. sssh!

I think he is there



cucknada shut the fuck up before i invade you and destroy your whole faggot bitch ass shitland in three easy steps.

A durka durka blow shit up Country

don't worry bjorn, you were represented by your bros. we fried mofucking pork necks right in the forest at night and got shitfaced. everything went well. i also tried kombucha in the morning for hangover. that's some weird drink but i liked it.

This Norwegian is a schizo. He posts weird shit quite often.

i think he's a good guy.. quite honest and struggling through hardships of northern life

yeah i second that irish potato look kekekekek

He just posts really weird stuff a lot.
What makes me look irish though?

Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?\invite\CEmErv


Irish wifebeater


Not irish though and never been married. Guess my age as well? Lol

Jew nigger faggot

Ay Dios mío....

boy you trannies are out in droves tonight

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>Guess my age

are you single? Also post more pics pls

Non Huwhite

21 and yes I am

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i donno, your flexing reminded me of connor mcgregor, also irish are generally shirt and you kind of have redrish hair if i'm not mistaken. but beats me.. you can be any kind of celtic.

in any case reveal you kind. what are you?


short. fixed

>Not even close to Armenian
You're the only person in the thread to mention Armenian. You must think you're a Churka or whatever. This is classic projection, lol

Chechen. You look like a Boston bomber

Oh that makes sense. Im 6’0 though and just my facial hair is reddish but my hair is brown. Im czech mainly.

Boston bombers were from Dagestan I think

How did you get fit like that?

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>Guess nationality

damn.. you're taller then me. i'm 5'10'' kekekekek.
>Im czech mainly
ohh that guy from cobra cai series is czech and one of the chefs at the parilla that i like here. both blond guys. but ok.

we have quite a bit of czechs here. actually a lot of really white people migrated to uruguay. we're kind of poor tho. also many uruguays are tall as fuck coz we eat good meat here and our diet is great.

good luck czeck bro. may be if you visit uruguay, don't forget to have baby beef at garcia restaurant.


Im DYEL as fuck. Its just post workout pump and good camera angles and flexing.
I was blonde as a kid but my hair got darker As I got older. Im french and part native too. But yeah I’ve seen pictures of Uruguay and the people looked really European. Whats baby beef? Just like baby cow meat?

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