The future is Amish

>80% retention in faith
>8 kids on avg
>conservative culture
>Fastest growing faith in America
>superior genetics
>Hottest women
How do the other Christian's even COPE?

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but she left the Amish now she is a whore

a got a bigger key for her lock

She is a whore now, but she shows how their women look under those plain clothes.

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You left out another good point. They aren't enslaved to (((technology))).

It would be 99% retention
but they are foolish and let their youth talk to outsiders

Yea maybe, but then they would be a cult.

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you forgot:
>most environment friendly people

Oh I imagine a lot how my future Amish Waifus will look under their sexy pilgrim outfit

but then the people that leave actively work to subvert the amish
80% becomes 75
75 to 65

So the future is inbred? Well it is the southern states.

When the kids go on Rumspringa they do what they are told EVERY English kids does so the boys all drink and do drugs and an get in trouble with the law many of the girls get pregnant by their Amish boy friend. So both in trouble with no job outside the family business and no education have to come back to the church

Amish are in the North

This movies cover promised naughty Amish girls on Rumspringa but it was about a guy who became a crack head

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Obviously they need white outsiders to impregnate the girls on Rumspringa

Met one last weekend. 10 sons and 4 daughters. All White.

Can't say I'm not at least a little jealous.

Mennonites are also based as fugg.

read this in npr voice


Rhymes with tight

Americans Anons, how come there aren't that much non-Amish people joining their communities?
I have a hard time understanding how a close-knit community deprived of all of the hassle of modern life isn't attracting more people.

I knew one woman who converted personally. Bore them many kids. It happens.

Amish welcome christian africans with open arms just like all other jew worshiping christcucks. They are true Christian meaning the biggest ally of the Jews and the worst enemy of European culture and heritage.

The only good Christian is a non christian racist heretic who pretends to be christian.
Mormons are cucks even if they didn't race mix.

They also suck off israels cock. Christians worship a dead rabbi who said bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. The real christians who actually read the bible and dumb enough to try interpret it in the real world are destined to become Jew's slave.

Germanic Paganism is the only redpilled religion.

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We have a ton of Mennonites around here. The average young Mennonite woman here is 5'9", has perfect skin because they don't wear makeup, and has the facial structure and body of a high fashion model. Anywhere but here they would be pulling in six figures on a runway surrounded by fashionista types. Its truly incredible.

And they're all really goddamn sweet and trad. They're perfect, except they are just too good for me.

Mennonite women FTW. Big time!

Weev claimed to be from Mennonites and he claimed Jow Forums dug into his family tree and confirmed this.
I have no idea if that is true but he isn't tall so, lel

You don't even know how to perform the rituals thus connecting to the God's, that's just larping fiction and rpg tropes.

That's what you a lying Jew want us to believe?

We Germanic Pagans stuy the Havamal, it came directly from God. Everything else take it with a grain of salt.

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Your picture is state policy not religious rite.
Just give up already, israel, the future is amish.
In 80 years there"ll be 100 million amish.

If that was accurate then they would already be at 20%, after 170ish years. Your logic is silly

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First the Amish have little to no understanding of politcal history to even begin to grasp the deception of the Jew. Second, Jesus wasnt a jew stormfag, get it through your fucking head. Go larp in the woods with Odin, doesnt change the fact that in 50 years there will be 100s of million white amish babies while the best your pagan trash can muster is SJWs that do anal.

Apparently there are currently around 300 000 Amish people and they double in population around every 20 years, so in 50 years there population would be around 1.2 million, a far cry from the 100's of millions you are claiming.

Uncle Ted would be proud.

> 204. Revolutionaries should have as many children as they can. There is strong scientific evidence that social attitudes are to a significant extent inherited. No one suggests that a social attitude is a direct outcome of a person’s genetic constitution, but it appears that personality traits are partly inherited and that certain personality traits tend, within the context of our society, to make a person more likely to hold this or that social attitude. Objections to these findings have been raised, but the objections are feeble and seem to be ideologically motivated. In any event, no one denies that children tend on the average to hold social attitudes similar to those of their parents. From our point of view it doesn’t matter all that much whether the attitudes are passed on genetically or through childhood training. In either case they ARE passed on.
>205. The trouble is that many of the people who are inclined to rebel against the industrial system are also concerned about the population problems, hence they are apt to have few or no children. In this way they may be handing the world over to the sort of people who support or at least accept the industrial system. To insure the strength of the next generation of revolutionaries the present generation should reproduce itself abundantly. In doing so they will be worsening the population problem only slightly. And the important problem is to get rid of the industrial system, because once the industrial system is gone the world’s population necessarily will decrease (see paragraph 167); whereas, if the industrial system survives, it will continue developing new techniques of food production that may enable the world’s population to keep increasing almost indefinitely.

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What's their tech like right now?
Obviously it's good that they're getting rid a smartphones and all that shit, but last I heard they also deny a shit ton of modern innovations in every other part of life.

if you don't already know what women look like under their clothes maybe you should go be Amish

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>superior genetics
Amish have an extremely high rate of autosomal recessive genetic disorders, similar to what is seen among Pakistani and other Muslim populations that carry on multigenerational consanguineous reproduction.
The Amish are desperate for fresh blood, if you can find a nice girl on rumpfsprunger, lock that shit down. You can have a trad patriarchal lifestyle far from the cares of the modern world.
I wish we had Amish or Mennonites in Australia, I'd be raising barns all day while my tradwife helped stop me pitching tents all night.

You only get one ever if you are amish

That's only an issue among the old worlders.

Not true, they are very open to seekers in most communities.

How long before the kikes start poisoning their crops

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If there are 300,000 now, that means 150,000 women, 75,000 (half) of whom are child bearing. If they have 8 kids on average, thats 8 x 75,000 = 600,000. 600,000 + 300,000 = 900,000. Almost 1 million in the time it takes to have 8 kids, which is about 10 years. Also, the growth would be exponential.

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the Amish will be genocided by niggers/spics and mutt kike golems which will all have automatic weapons and explosives.
they will murder the amish white men and the woman and little girls will be "liberated" and brought into modern society.

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>The Amish are desperate for fresh blood,
>Since 1950 only some 75 people have joined and remained members of the Amish.
I have the feeling that wikipedia must be wrong, surely more than that have joined over the years.

I doubt more have. Willing going back over 100 years in terms of tech isn't exactly an easy thing to do.

They use tech and electricity, just not the way we do. Go live them for a few weeks, most have solar & are pretty rich

>>Willing going back over 100 years in terms of tech isn't exactly an easy thing to do.
>Runs the miliking machine off solar panels.
It's about the grid.

>hottest women

I honestly love the Amish, but HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

They won't last, the only reason they are still white is because there's a lot of whites in america yet, give them time and they will assimilate blacks, hispanics and others, otherwise they will be targeted by a strong socialist government trying to get their lands and using them as scapegoats for white supremacy and organized religion


They can use tech in their businesses but not in their personal lives. They walk to modern production facilities using oil lamps to get there. They have money because they work hard and waste none of it.

10% of the Amish leave the church, and that number is down from 20%, they know what’s up, and as the US degrades, that number will continue to drop.

Few people want to live, and work hard in pre industrial conditions, and this does a very effective job of repulsing niggers, and spics.

They generally aren't taking applications and they mostly keep to themselves outside of business relationships. If you get to know them somehow and they like you, they might gradually invite you in. Like if you're the son of a neighboring farmer and your dad trades work with them, they might take a liking to you and consider you a possible member. But that would take time, and they're definitely not looking for people who are just looking for the simple life and don't really know what that means.

First of all, "the Amish" aren't one group with one set of rules, so it varies. At the more relaxed end you have Mennonites, who may drive a truck but will remove all the chrome or paint it black so it's not fancy. The stricter Amish won't own any motorized vehicles at all, or have electricity. However, they may use a diesel engine to run equipment. For instance, I know of an Amish dairy that has a diesel engine to run the vacuum pump that runs the milkers. So it doesn't always make logical sense to outsiders.

Each group has some kind of council of elders that sets the rules. So sometimes an individual can get an exception. Like that dairy farmer was allowed to have a telephone in his dairy barn, because that was necessary for the business, but he couldn't have one in his house. Sometimes they'll have one phone booth at the edge of the community that everyone can use, but not in their homes.

They're good at finding ways around the rules. Some Amish will partner up with an "English" (what they call other whites) man in business so the phone and electricity and stuff for the business can be in the English's name. They won't own a tractor, but they'll hire an English neighbor to use his tractor to plow their fields, and they'll go work for an English neighbor and drive his tractor on his fields. They won't own a car, but they routinely hitch rides with English neighbors to save the trouble of hitching up horses. It doesn't make logical sense, like they don't think cars are evil or anything, it's just about staying detached from the outer society.

Wikipedia is wrong about everything that has any ideological implications, and plenty of other stuff too.

they look gypsy

You ever seen a blue eyed gypsy before, let alone one that worked?

>superior genetics
The majority of Amish descend from a very small group of immigrants. Due to this inbreeding is very prevalent and many of them have birth defects, trend increasing.

*dies of a cold*

Being anamish is to reject the Antichrist and the NWO plans. When there'll be 1 million amish living in communities nearby to each other they can no longer eliminate currency or force 5G unto these communities without receiving a fight back. this is the best christian answer.

I just get called gypsy without being brown, so yes, They exist (apparently for idiots like you)

ah! this is why the northern countries allow so many muslims. Basically no difference beetween Germanism and Coran.

Take the memeflag off, and gypsies almost never have blue eyes, if they do it’s because they have mixed so much with Europeans that they could hardly be called gypsies at all.