I just caught a fucken pokemon

I just caught a fucken pokemon

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That's a digimon you fucking mutt

eat it

wrong board ni[B][B]a

Cum on it

is there a bug and insect board?

No you didn't.
Holy BASED, AmeriMUTTS irrevocably BTFO

Congratulations, you just ruined the wings of an endangered Luna Moth by grabbing it with your grimy sausage fingers, displacing and removing delicate scales which dust them in addition to other possible structural damage.

this. op is a retard
release it before it kills u

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Based and conservation pilled

Don't touch its wings you fucking ape.

Take this to /sci/ and /x/ for an anyalyis t

Please be gentle with it, if you truly appreciate it you should not be so callous with it.

>eating bugs

im not eating it, i'm telling the fatass burger to eat it.

>Grabs it from its wings

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I like where this is headed.

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Whack it with your dick to assert your dominance

We bros now: he has also gifted me with ancient knowledge

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Any chance this isn't a Luna Moth? Either way, I know next to nothing about butterflies and moths of the sort but I've heard that too. Poor thing.

Good job damaging it's wings, faggot.

Cum on it

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It is

Your a faggot. Hes chillen flying around my deck and we shooting the shit. Hes got only a handful of days to bang some moth bitches- but we chillen cuz the bats are out in full force right now

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good taste. thats what i smoke when i crave non menthol

If it's that easy to kill them they deserve to die.

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Wtf is going on with this board tonight?

Reminder; you can choke on your own tounge.

Who fucking even knows anymore
Still better than the niggerdick and b8 spam

everything is premeditated

Everyone feels the change before it's started.
This is one of the most intricate and difficult to understand phenomena of existence.

My bro


Little fucker is seriosly just flying around hanging out

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Its not
Buy chainlink

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Seems like a nice fren you picked up there user.

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Huh? They're not endangered.

I'd rather make art pieces and do honest work than that, for if you put money in and withdraw it at higher value, you devalue the system and take another's money.
This is why bitcoin cannot survive currently.


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Ahh it's so pretty.

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>We're here for the job interview.

Speaking of which, can anyone tell me if this optical illusion I am working on is functional, or give advice on how to make it work better?

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Please leave the country so your spot can be taken by a far less retarded immigrant who may not be a total waste of oxygen.

We should give reparations to bees instead of niggers.

damn those feather antennae are cool

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Ur wrong and a faggot. Claming lucifer and not being saturnpilled. I dub you a jew.

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I'd hit it.

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just post the moth doujin

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Nice collection of cubes you rat kike (or kike LARPer).

My car is a Saturn, I was given it by my grandpa when he died.
I know about the esoteric nature of Saturn as well.

Are you retarded, user? They aren't endangered

>reddit nigger meme
Gas yourself faggot

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OM This so much
God i wish that were me

Super pretty
Super cool lookin. I was like. Whattttt and he was all yooo and i was want a beer and he drank 3. Cool bro

Your seriosly so gay bro, tripfags are on the same level as traitors. We are anons here

>buy chainlink anons

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Hexagons, you see.
It's simply because the fractal I am working from is based in 6 that it takes the shape you see.
Also of note, the Fibonacci sequence is employed in the size of the hexagons.

>finds rare pokemon pokemonpilled
>proceeds to break fucking wings

Throw a fucking pokemon ball at it faggot

It's so that I may review my own words later, and that others who are interested may as well.
4plebs is a tool you are aware of, yes?


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no you cant, fucking retard. thats a meme

Jow Forums is a joke at this point.

Mods do your job.

Unironically this.


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Huge flaming gay namefag faggggiiittt

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You see a hexagon and cannot think anything other than the Jews, and you're going to say they're not in control of you and that you have put them there yourself?
Get a hold of yourself, you're hysterical, double entendre.

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no one cares about what you say other than you, faggot.

>t replier

No, he can't fly away now that you broke his wings.

luna moth isn't endangered

Huge gigantic flaming blimp sized flaming fagggggggottttt.. jews will be destroyed thru decentralized autonomous hybrid cloud computing applications running open souce protocals allowing free flow of information data and value.

This we know, this we have built in the shadows, corporations will bend the knee to this new industry standard

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a luna moth?

Do you want the Jews destroyed, or the Synagouge of Satan?

Hes literally flying around chillen under my deck to stay away from the bats that are out right now. I have a fucking ton of bats, no mosquitoes its great

Also ur still a huge gayboy flaming jew tripfag fagggggggittt

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Faggggggggittttt.. larping faggggggggoottttt

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this is actually so sad. :(

Do you want the Jews destroyed, or the Synagogue of Satan?

Fuck it. Explain yourself fagggggggggittt

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You don't even know the difference?
And you're on here?
Greener than a new leaf.

The (you)s are so good!
my negro
It is certainly a luna moth. I grew up where they were fairly common.
Even if it can still fly around, any amount of screwing around with moth or butterfly wings is NOT GOOD for them. Take a picture, wonder at their beauty, but stop touching them, you degenerate.
>easy to kill
It doesn't outright kill them, but screwing around with their wings certainly does not help anything. Think of it like pulling feathers off a bird. It's screwed up.
No shit. It made you think, though, didn't it? If you do some more research, you will find that certain areas do consider them endangered, but they are not large enough areas to make it on an official list.
See above.
See two above.
That is a perfectly fine way to handle them. Just because there are a few retards here agreeing with your fat digits blubbering around without any thought behind them, that doesn't mean you are right. Develop some respect.


Why do tripfags never contribute anything of value. Ever.


Dude. Straight up. Ur a fag too... moths fine, im watching him flying around and chillen..

But no shit if that coyote pack comes up from the hillside of my property by the river im going to get a new pelt tonight

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this isnt /b/ you fucking faggot

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also kys as well tripfaggot

I'm not going to spoonfeed you, and your temperament lends to my disengagement from this conversation.
Good day.

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>>pulls a couple feathers off a bird
No. It's still a screwed up thing to do. Do not mess with the wings of butterflies and moths. Not only does it screw with their abilities to fly (even if it LOOKS fine to you, it may be taking a whole lot more energy for it to fly around and make navigational adjustments during the breeding period in which it DOES NOT FEED). So you hampered bro's or chick's ability to fly around to find another to make babies with. Just don't do it. What's so hard about that? FFS.

fuck off retard

Oh fuck the faggot finally got mad and left. Fucking huge faggggggggooootttttt. Grow some thicker skin u jew

Fucking dumb tripfag jews. Stay poor faggot

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I meant to add that you could easily destroy capillary action in the wings with a little pressure.

fuck nature. fuck all animals and plants. anything that isn't a human deserves to die.

TRIPS decides what we do. I have tannerite and own 40 acres of land

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Gee Bill, two moths?

Cum on it

The moth, the tannerite, or the land?

blow yourself up

Well, did it? I see at least three people who cared enough to look it up. Unfortunately they only cared enough to see if it was on an official list, rather than look into any population statistics. Their populations are severely hindered due to light pollution and intentionally introduced invasive species.

It made me think why you'd lie to a guy posting a comfy thread.
Bye kike. Enjoy your babydick sucking and cube worship.

Eat a nugget of your own shit.