>leaked US Air Force briefing detailing the threat posed by bitter, sexually frustrated men hating on women.
>A leaked screenshot –complete with Jow Forums memes– shows - the dangers posed by the so-called“incels.”The term describes a loose online“subculture”of men struggling to find any female companionship, who seek refuge on internet forums >the ‘incels’ have finally received the attention they so desperately yearn for: not from women, of course, but from the US Air Force, which apparently views them as a national security threat. >Incels believe“they are owed attention from ‘Beckys,’”the USAF brief states authoritatively. Most of the groups’ activities, however,“fall under First Amendment protected speech,”
Maybe you should think about leaving your bedrooms, just so you get droned.
>Several high-profile shootings and attacks have been carried out by self-described incels
I guess when they start causing problems they will be a threat. Maybe a independent life with lots of random sex and little emotional attachment is not so bad, it's kinda what lots of men want
The military pays colleges to produce papers or training aids. This shit is probably from such shitty leftist cunt from a university who received a military contract.
i always wondered who the "trolls" were. people said it was a letter agency but it was the USAF all along, testing psyop combined with drone tech.
Ethan Howard
fuck. now your death squads are gonna get nuked from orbit before they even hit the streets
Aiden Roberts
youll find my name among the test subjects. bastards made bets on my "event horizon" which never happened
Anthony Evans
That was it's purpose >“the intent of the brief was to educate the Joint Base Andrews commanders on the behaviors and activities attributed to the group to safeguard our Airmen/installation.”
Hunter Cooper
>The only reason you hate the government, is because you aren't having sex.
This is nigger tier, lizard area of the brain thinking. That is the level of Western society now. Not only the plebs think like this, but our elite too.
Jason Cruz
>wake up >turn on my phone >start browsing Jow Forums for morning news >see this >read the article I still refuse this is real. Have entered some other dimension? What is going on? I just... this is beyond me. I am beyond speechless. This is beautiful.
Do I look like I want a fucking Becky? You dumb glow niggers? I deserve a Stacy
Jaxon Butler
>Sexual Assault Awareness training >Equal Opportunity training >Witch hunts after Lackland AFB scandal >You can't look, touch, or even yell at a woman in or out of the uniform >Also have sex you fucking incels
no. the article is pure PR. it signifies that the real tests are ended.
Jaxson Bell
What if I’m voluntarily celibate because women are trash?
Tyler Walker
>not knowing I have an anti-roastie SAM-1488
Angel Johnson
Incels yearn for woman? Fuck, they took that seriously? One jerks off long enough, and young enough, makes a mistake and can get self-conscious about the permanent marks on the penis by forgoing the lube. No matter how drunk I ever got, how high, how messed up- it was cemented into me to never allow anyone to see this penis ever again. Hardwired. Pants on. Penis covered. Everything I said about wanting a woman was a lie. I lied and lied and lied and lied and lied to everyone. hahahahahahahaha
Brody Taylor
They're afraid. They should be, fucking nigger force.
Jason Perez
am i the only survivor of these tests?
Adrian Jenkins
>t. incel Who are you kidding, US Air Force will bomb your house anyway. Have sex, sweetie.
But Becky is white while Stacy is a nigger trying to be white. Seems like the Air Force really fucked this one up.
Mason Morgan
I don't even know where he is.
Gavin Morgan
>to see this penis ever again I mean, since penis inspection day at school. That shit messed me up as a little kid.
Austin Davis
found the newfag
Carson Ross
volcels unite, drone strike these incels giving us a bad name
Bentley Nguyen
Join the party my man once its spread, we can get everyone focused on the richest jews
Michael Hughes
Why are they so afraid of us? Is it possible we have more sway over public opinion than Israeli shills want us to think?
Christopher Barnes
It's like they're deliberately trying to turn reality into self-parody and satire. I still refuse to believe this is real. This is just insane, this is fucking insane. Memes create themselves these days. What on earth is going on?
I can't fucking believe that this is where our fucking military budget is going No lets ignore Mexico violating our border, lets ignore China draining our wealth and workers, lets ignore Israel, oh wait we fight for them instead. Listen here to any military faggot watching me right now. The lack of sex is not what makes me mad, I could buy a ticket to GRU and have the time of my life. NO NO AND NO It's the fucking fact that I will never enjoy the quality of life my grandparents and parents had and will become a minority in my own country while still being accused of everything going wrong DO YOUR FUCKING JOB USAF
What possible threat could this group of people pose? Do they realize how wide of a description incel is? The military couldn't possibly do anything with this info. This sounds an awful lot like some busy body shit an out of touch office "military" worker thought was important. >It's nothing
Kinda cope, but that's how lots of men are. it's like being thirsty around contaminated water. You're still getting droned regardless
Aaron Bell
perhaps. but we certainly die
Gabriel Hall
Thomas Hall
That meme was totally made by a male feminist, Becky got off way too easy. It's missing the point of the meme.
Ryder Martin
Just visiting this website, even if you are not an incel, puts your name on the Incel Watchlist.
Incel Droning will become the new Swatting. I'll report you faster than fuck, too.
Austin Brooks
Oh? That makes some sense. Free speech though, sorry. Go ahead and try to make demons out of innocent men. Just an absolute 0 awareness of history. It'll come back for you, assuredly. The moment talking = action is the moment people start killing each other.
Ayden Ramirez
What if sex is the poison and not the cure?
Kevin Hill
you airfags couldnt even take droning and stalking. lil bitches the lot of you