not sure what to do or who to talk to
Black bf hit me today
Coming here was also probably a mistake
you know the drill
>tits and timestamp or gtfo
don't you have anything better to do than to make larp threads like this
Post time stamp with face
I wish he killed you. You got off easy (not that you're even a woman. You're just a faggot who posted a Google pic).
Burn coal pay toll bitch
You know the rules. Time stamp and Tits or GTFO
funny poasta swollow then let him make u match fukin pasta threads SAGE
>week old shiner
op is a faggot
You’re a strong woman and I respect you. I pray to G-d you find peace of my mind through this ordeal.
>Not sure what to do
Leave? Fuck white women are so fucking stupid. You know what? Stay, assuming you're not some fat 20 year old white guy sitting in his room you deserve to stay with a nigger. Everyone warned you about niggers, and you just wanted black cock SO fucking bad. Now look at you. You're nothing more than nigger food now. No self respecting white man will ever want to fuck you. Too bad though, you could have had it all....
Bob's Vagene
Tits or GTFO.
stay with him regardless of his violent conduct, remember that he had a tough childhood and that he has a tender heart for you.
>you could have had it all....
You're pathetic mate.
Holy shit a jew!
Do you have evidence or you just hit yourself? If yes contact popo.
that's something you downloaded from a chan.
probably Jow Forums. faggot
>white man wants a wife who stays home and can handle the homestead
>Black man wants pussy for a few months and then beats the shit out of his old masturbation machine
Comparatively. She could of had it all.
You deserve it.
You're not very good at bait. Lurk moar
Astonishing how many of you fall for this slide thread. It’s fucking posted every other week. Sage like motherfucker.
the police and the news.
Why must you faggots LARP
>Assuming you're not some white guy
Nah, you can safely say your dealing with a jew here
It was the pathetic nature of the phrasing I was referring to. Tailing off when you make a statement looks pathetic, especially when you're talking to a woman about a relationship.
Go back to your failed thread faggot user.
go fuck yourself kike.
You post this so often I'm starting to believe that you are being paid to do so.
he is though
Talk back some more. Maybe he'll beat you to fucking death you race traitor.
Go larp somewhere else you fucking loser.
Pour water on his face while he's sleeping; and when he wakes up spit in his face. That will solve all your problems in life.
PFFT If anyone here is the fucking kike it's you. Posting on Jow Forums for 12+ hours using the same fucking flag typing the same bullshit in every thread. I fucking pitty you. I know you're not a nigger. I know you're just some fat fuck 25 - 35 year old white guy looking to get (you)'s on Jow Forums because you have nothing to live for. Unironically kill yourself.
Fucking normalfags. A coalburner only pays the toll when she's killed by the nigger she's with. FUCK YOU NORMALFAGS!
>LARPing this hard
I remember this bait thread. You already created it about a month ago.
Talk to someone about them eyebrows goddamn.
You know the rule coal burner
>Post tits or GTFO
the “people” who unironically think OP is a woman are the reason democracy is a mistake.
Israelis are so fucking hilarious, man.
Be you, date a nigger, get beaten goto /pol for sympathy.
Sounds legit
This is her.
Her bf.
google image search is a thing you know?