I admire how japs have a way of reworking black women in anime and making them way hotter and intelligent than their real life counterparts. It almost frightens me, even. Maybe it's just my dick talking but god damn are those fucking nips masters of smoke and mirrors
Nips got me
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I always thought she was Thai
She's not black you stupid fucking cunt
Went to shit after espada arc
Wait what about Tier? Or Mila Rose? Am I a fucking retard? Goddamnit...
>"ayy yorichi is black f.a.m!!"
>"bruh, killer bee is black!"
now I see why niggers are interested with shit taste (both color and pun intended)
She is only black when she is a cat.
Op here, I'm a stupid fucking cunt and retarded please forgive me for my stupidity
Anime is for incels
and niggers are for "in cells"
Niggers are so insecure anytime they see a tanned character they think he's black.
Kinda pathetic.
Killer Bee is a dark skinned guy who constantly raps. How can you say he's not black? Especially when some Asian's are big on hip hop culture.
As a retarded Californian anything my eyes see that is a little black I see as either spic or black. I cant stop what the system did to me as I became more and more indoctrinated, so forgive me for my lack of awareness
>disregard that, i suck cocks
they're not actually black, they're south asian.
This is what a black anime character looks like.
The only answer is to neck yourself
You never know with japs really, this is how Japanese make African tribal princess. Blue eyes and white hair don't really scream jungle features to me, Elena could as well be some tanned islander.
Making dark skinned characters attractive tends to apply just to female characters though, Balrog from same game series looks like a true nigger.
Thanks for the clarity my eastern fren
I was under the impression that she was supposed to be a mix maybe. Particularly Indian though, pic related.
If they try to draw them accurately they get called racist like with jynx and mr popo, and that new bullshit about one punch man being racist. Unless the nigger is cool and attractive it is offensive and racist, sounds like hollywood now i think of it.
>Bruh if she has brown skin she's balayuck n sheeeit.
>What are latinos, semites, islanders?
Lmfao retarded rofl.
Fun fact about the one punch character muscle whatever; he used to be fair skinned but became dark much like how bodybuilders are really dark on stage, except muscle what's-his-face basically didn't need any darkening oil.
>A toned blonde dude
Pick one
>B-but hip hop means you're black right?
>What are wiggers.
>Burger education.
It's atypical and most likely based on Tornado appearance from the x-men .
Any other "black woman" are typical. You see them recenly in the promised neverland or Food wars.
Remember it's not America or the west, a tanned character in japan is most likely a tanned asian (japanese or other asian country).
This needs to be a meme. Make calling people incels racist because it's referring to the sexual deprivation black men face when they're in prison.
>>"ayy uzumaki naruto is white f.a.m!!"
>>"bruh, son goku is white!"
>now I see why wh*toids are interested with shit taste (both color and pun intended)
They make japs that dont look like japs, lolis that dont look like children and niggers that don't look or act like niggers.
Nips can do no wrong
Yes most "black" women in anime are Asians. You do know they tan well right? You should also know that the majority of Asians whiten their skin because they get so dark they look like a nigger. Hell even that one from pokemon that every sjw bitches about is actually fucking Asian with the squinty eyes.
Dark skinned characters in anime aren't niggers they're tanned Japs.
Killer Bee is most definitely black.
Tanned and gyaru girls are a gift of god.
Yoruichi isn't black and no her putting on a fake afro doesn'tsuddenly make a nigger so don't bother coming at me with that bullshite
Harribell is as asian as my ass.
So basically zero plus it is obvious that she has a tan.
This is now a gyaru thread. Fuck nekkers.
Anime can make any woman attractive
>Make white woman
>Use bucket tool with brown
this is how Asia makes most of their black characters lol
No complaints here hombre
>He thinks that's supposed to be african
Japan understands me.
>leg lock
lol she's not african nigger you know that right?
in asia we have the tone and some people can turn from white(not pale white you cans say number 3 or 4 ) to this tone
They got me too. Now I have full Jungle Fever.
example nonsummerjack
Waifus are gods and so is sseth.
You are such a normalfag it almost hurts.
whoa momma
>Life preservers on shoes
They really captured the nigger mind. Even down to how the invention would do the opposite of what they would want.
>implying I watch shonen capeshit
you fucked up, euroshit :^)
I don't watch dragging balls, wan piss, nardo, blech, ect...
I watch actual anime like psycho pass, hellsing, black lagoon
yeah, shonenshit like dragging ball & nardo are shitty series, that's why I don't watch em.
you mad? larping nigger? :^)
You dudes should watch Evangelion sometime
it really makes you think
I thought she was supposed to be Indian or something?
It's the faces. Dark skin is pretty cash imo, but niggers are just ugly. Replace the nog mug with a standard anime face and they get way better.
It's really just the anime esthetic you like, not the fact it might be a nigger.
Glad you’re all having a good time
Japan does its best
It's typically not just the dark skin that people dislike. Difference between coloring a good character dark vs. changing their dialoge to wa pop a bitch ass abba tooba *pap pap pap*
>Jow Forums