Why do britbongs allow this?

What is the deal with your police doing "weapon sweeps" where they literally just go into someones shed and steal all their tools?

How have you dumb fucks not had a civil war yet?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Look at the smile on this pricks face after stealing someones sledge hammer, what a cunt.

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Someone explain this tomfoolery.

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Hey, it's legitimate work

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Isn't that thing in the center left a tire repair tool?

>face melting
>should I do something about my fucking face melting first?
>no better pick up the phone and call the police while I can still move my mouth

the absolute state

>leave tools outside
>police steal them

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>where they literally just go into someones shed and steal all their tools?
they're picked up in public places where gangs are

this stuff isn't confiscated from anybody.
police send teams into parks, alleyways and other public areas to basically look for shit like this.
it's glorified litter picking, and then they tweet about it to fool the public into believing the police are actually fighting crime.

Don't be a loser please.
This is the same line they fed us in NZ for decades. They act like the laws that are on the books don't actually apply to ordinary people in real life... until they do.

i do not know

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We don't. This is illegal. They usually do this to crackheads who don't dare take it to court.

see. some lazy gardener left his tools in the park, police find them, and tweet about it to give the false impression of crime reduction.

dude FUCK everything that happens to you bongs
because it's a fucking preview for us, that's it. they use you to get us used to it.

mother fuck
you better .... drink tea about it or something i guess. watch some footy

USA is a preview for the UK.
>Can't cross the road.
>Can't walk the dog without a lead.
>Both of these are now strip-searchable offenses due to Obama.
>Can even get fined a thousand or so dollars for 'misgendering' a tranny.

So, how do carpenters, gardeners or mechanics get through the day in the UK without being clubbed to death for not owning a screwdriver loicense?

for gardeners, the only equipment that needs a license is a chainsaw, and chemicals. but you can use both on your own property without one, it's only needed for professionals.
that said, i used a chainsaw unlicensed for work for ten years and nobody ever questioned it.

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It's a bureaucratic trick.
>Crime rates rising? But look at the 500,000,000,000 "weapons" we confiscated!

This. Too many retards responding a sourceless faggot OP

Some bong go wave a spoon or think a thought crime in front of this guy.
I wanna see gay rainbow police bugs chasing autist nazi larpers.

What the fuck do they do about cooks and chefs? I would say more then half of my people I have worked with in restaurants bring in their own knife rolls because the available knives are shitty quality, and they get fucked up from people not using them right, or not sharpening them right.

Don't worry man you've still got your steak and video games.
..You can still afford steak right?

No, it seriously won't get this bad here. We blow a bit hard about our guns, but, some have said that the one things our guns will prevent, is preventing gun confiscation. And if they can't confiscate guns, they won't confiscate garden tools.

don't give them the ability to freely stick a needle in you either then. spread the word. that's the real issue about vaccines. it's just a civil right. they don't need to take any guns if they have free access to inject you.

mandatory vaccines circumvents even guns

Any Anglo genes worth saving left and became American citizens by now. The island of Britain is filled with cucks and should be walled off Escape From New York style so their beta genes can't spread any further.

Because the English are literally a peasent race just like the Russians
Difference being they can actually use their brains (UNLIKE rooskies)
And peasents don't have rights, every right afforded to them is done so by the state and no other. And I'd you have to ask for rights that means you don't have them

Dios mio...

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Do you think that they might not need to take your guns? I mean, where were your guns at the Patriot Act? Where were they at 90% White? 80% White? 70% White? 60% White? After the Snowden revelations about government spying?

I'm a vegetarian
That's how bad it is here. part and parcel.

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>Implying you wouldn't laugh too because some retard actually thought his sledge wasn't going to get confiscated

Invegs are the worst. Eat meat.

I legitimately didn't know that Straya used the US dollar symbol
Then again, they call their currency dollar and I've heard them use it many times
Man I feel silly now

So how did they take over the police?
Did they just threaten their pensions or gradually only hire antifa members and pushover faggots to be the cops or what?

what's the process of cucking the cops like

I legitimately worry when I'm cutting the part of my hedge that is on the street facing side whether the police will arrest me for having these in public.

>What the fuck do they do about cooks and chefs?
nothing obviously. it's for their job and they probably aren't hiding them on their body.

They didn't need to. It's literally hardwired into Anglo genes to be naturally submissive. It's a hard concept to grasp for first and second amendment having people like you and I, but these people genuinely find pleasure in living in a real life 1984.

fast track hires out of university

do you really want to know, user?

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>Unloicensed chainsaw

He's trolling you asiatic rapebaby well done for taking weak bait

>We don't. This is illegal
>it's a fucking preview for us
No it isn't, again we have Rights
They do not, we have freedom they do not
The only reason Lincoln, Teedy Roosevelt, Wilson, FDR, Kennedy, LBJ, Carter, Reagan, Clinton, Daddy Bush, and Obama were allowed to reduce them was because of the lack of information available to the public.
That doesn't exist anymore
It won't happen anymore

We need to meme this with various nonthreatening items until it makes rounds on the retard platforms. This shit isn't right.


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So the Snowden revelations, which were entirely released online, don't count?

>It won't happen anymore
you have 5 years at most left. then the eternal dem rights removal begins.

>Calling anyone a rape baby
That level of irony is illegal in your country my son, not even a loicense will help you here
Also the fact that post is actually capable of fooling people is what you should be pissed at

Jesus fucking christ

There definately was one where they bragged about finding tools in a shed.

>he thinks that's the point
It's so it looks like, on paper, they're "stopping the cause of crimes" while the actual crimes increase daily.

Actually nigger we haven't dropped below 68%(my state is 74)
Meanwhile you'd be lucky if you haven't dipped below 50 yet
It's sad that literally your only hope is poor Poles looking for work


>63% in 2010
Under 50% by 2020

Attached: FireShot Screen Capture #252 - 'Demography of the United States - Wikipedia' - en_wikipedi (576x315, 17K)

individualism, free market worker bees, they have no power. The only way our of that is collectivism and gangs, similar gangs to Muslim gangs, but probably you need even more powerful native gangs, after all it's your country. Step up and start beating up non-natives and cops. Just doing my job isn't an excuse, neither for cops, nor for wageslaves.

Fuck off. You don't need a chainsaw licence.

>we haven't dropped below 68%
[this is what americans actually believe]

>Watch out guys, stay back. He's got a bycicle wheel

You absolutely do


They call it a certificate but it's basically a license in all but name. Costs ~£800

Do you have a loicense for that attitude?

>How have you dumb fucks not had a civil war yet?
Because we've been disarmed. Which makes it far harder to get going. It would take major social upheaval to kick off.

> Chainsaws have the potential to cause horrific injuries. By law, chainsaw operators must have received adequate training relevant to the type of work they undertake.
>They are also required to wear appropriate chainsaw protective clothing whenever they use a chainsaw.


>Americans unironically believing their country is more white than Britain

It's true gangs hide all sorts around the cities so they are always in close proximity to a weapon without actually being armed.


When they do a "sweep" what exactly are they doing? Are they even searching people?

UK Police are like US Niggers.

What little Snowden put out that had fuckall to do with the US(most of it was boo hoo much sandniggers) was all stuff the 107th Congress made legal with the Patriot act, reading comprehension
You won't live long enough to see yourself proven wrong, but I'm rootin for yah just so I can say fuck you I was right

Most of the "weapons" are pliers though, who uses pliers as a weapon?

74% is still way less white than Britain.

>required for most public liabilities insurance certificates

An old tape deck for a car? wtf way passed 1984 levels of retardation now

You're right, they do look at areas where gangs, because of how far their society has fallen, hide items that can be used as weapons.
They also nick shit off of peoples property where the placement of an item isn't the result of malicious intent.

But as I said, the actual problem is the state of society where these control measures are normalised.

so for work. who cares. hse may seem ott but it's better than just being a body for your employer to abuse.

fuck it mate, i'd rather get shot any day of the week

imagine you have a choice. someone will kill you with either a pistol or a pair of plyers...

>Be UK thug.
>Walk up to a guy.
>Smash him over the head with a bicycle wheel.
>Now it's stuck on his head. Serves him right.
>Feeling a bit extra-thug today so I bash him with the cricket bat too and drag him into the bushes.
>Stick a screwdriver through his hand so that he can't get away.
>Pour petrol over him.
>Clip his balls off with my pliers.
>Light it up with my lighter.
>Couldn't find a use for my butter knife but I know it'll come in handy some day.

>How have you dumb fucks not had a civil war yet?
They did, it was called the american revolution. that's how some of us escaped.

>It's so it looks like, on paper, they're "stopping the cause of crimes" while the actual crimes increase daily.

The fact that this can take place without everyone including their superiors laughing them out of existence... enables this shit to be enforced.

>gardening tools found in garden

You reek of desperation
>Anglos are so mentally fucked that they still refuse to look the truth in the face
I don't even feel sorry for you anymore, you've literally gone so far off the rails I legitimately am happy that you're being wiped out
>Toothpaste pretending he knows anything about the world outside his quite fucked up little country
I bet you think you're still above 70% yourself lol

if only you had guns
oh well


That's health and safety law for employers you muppet. Like the previous site you linked that talks about public liabilities insurance. It's no different than saying that warehouse workers must be licenced to pick stuff up because their employers must give them manual handling training.

And the sad part is I bet you legitimately think Germany is less white than you are
And the Germans are brainwashed to think they're at fucking 84%
You eurocucks are like happy little pigs to the slaughter
Don't even think about trying to escape to my beautiful nation when you finally pull your head out of your ass, none of you are welcome here

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maybe some norf lads started castrating the fugees themselves now ?

do bongs even know about luty? do it just do it

Why would I want to 'escape' to North Mexico?


U.S. census site, you're deluded you mutt

i've been cutting hedges along public streets for over a decade and nobody has ever stopped me, because it's not illegal, though i have to wear a high vis and put cones either side of me to avoid getting sued by some mong

Thank God for these brave police

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The only people who beat the shit out of rapeugees in that side of the world are the northern Irish(and a good chunk of them are actually Scotts)
They might use them to circumcise their sons though kek

most states in america require gardeners to have licenses. iirc california has a license just for lawnmowers.
whereas we only need one for chainsaws or chemical spraying, and only if done professionaly, not for private use.

you do if you are using one professionally

Like another user said it's likely there just lost gardening tools.But when knives and scissors are found it's likely planted there for an unexpected chimpout.

Boomers across the Isles can sleep soundly now.
Sans pillows of course.

Here's the actual law regarding carrying "weapons". It's called the Offensive Weapons Act and it goes against the natural right of self defence but whatever.
>you must have "good reason" to carry a prohibited item in public
i.e. If you're a chef and you get spotted carrying your cleaver, you'll be fine if you point out that you took it home to sharpen, and you're bringing it back to the kitchen now. Or you're a gardener with tools. If the copper thinks you don't have "good reason" he'll nick your stuff and you'll get a court summons to argue the case, but that's a risky approach for the copper in all cases except with faggot gang children, which is who the law exists for really. As usual it punishes the law abiding too.
A "prohibited item" basically means weapon. A notable exemption is a knife with a cutting edge

Escaped what exactly?

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