What went wrong?

>be chad jock
>fucks pussy regularly
>produces 6 children with 3 different women
>turns into a tranny


Attached: bruce-jenner.png (642x377, 339K)

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long-term side effect of steroids

Deep rooted mental illness, which has recently began to enabled by the media and governments in the Western world.

Imagine how many serial killers would come out of the woodwork, rising to stardom, if society suddenly decided to champion the likes of Ed Gein and Jeffery Dahmer as pillars of freedom and positive sexual expression. People who may otherwise stay hidden their entire lives.


They're part of Project Monarch

They did it to an athlete to crush the idea of a white man and make it effiminate, symbolically.

PS didn't sage

I don’t see what’s the matter with this. He looks very happy now and he is enjoying the bbc.


My money is on childhood sexual abuse.


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I thought he said he struggled with gender identity most of his life and was on and off hormones, which makes sense because he has always looked a little girly, and started to drift into old lesbian status after 50

Roadkill happened. Instead of going in male prison, became person of the year.

Childhood sex abuse is part of the torture that is elites, celebrities, politicians to make them dissociate and have a multiple personality.

This is a good documentary on how much it cost to be an famous and powerful.

MK Ultra

probably molested by his coach when he was a young lad

Observable issue is he drilled oil.

/end thread

daily reminder roids seriously fucks with your t levels

He was never a ‘chad’, his words. Bitches and faggots can run as well. Living within a cluster of zero-standards, no morals, sidewalk whores who lack basic mental function was no help for him trying to keep his weak facade in place.

Steroids....not even once.

Too many early steroids

hes a mason.think the creotors of the matrix

America's founding fathers were all mason

He seemed like a pretty normal man in this interview. youtube.com/watch?v=74CBnnGaTqY

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He married a witch

he got jewed

He married a whore

>OJ Simpson ‘brags about rough hot-tub sex with Kris Jenner that sent her to hospital’

Norman claims that the tale describes all four of them enjoying the hot tub together, but then Robert Snr. and Nicole left, and OJ reportedly took advantage of his alone time with Kris to make a move. ‘OJ said he stood up, pulled his shorts down and, I’ll give you exactly what he said: “Her eyes bugged out of her head and I f**ed that B until I broke her,”‘ said Norman.

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i guess this is a reasonably common take but from what i understand celebrities are all orphans/abductees that are molested and groomed from birth by elites and then inserted into the industry as actors directors singers etc to promote degenerate lifestyles and degrade society while keeping commonfolk preoccupied so the lawmakers and financial powers can increase their stranglehold on the monetary system

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Because he killed a man and this was the way out of it.


money, and fame. it seems some will do anything for it.

It's a pretty good case of autogynephilia. Look it up, especially Anne Lawrence's book "Men Trapped in Men's Bodies". Probably he had fantasies of being a woman for as long as he could remember and developed such an attachment to it that it became his life's desire. A lot of normal men would destroy their lives or make huge sacrifices for a woman they want to be with - for these men, it's something similar, but their goal is to become that woman.


He literally went mental. Hopefully he will 40 percent soon.

You remember how "intelligence" agencies do assassinations with poisons and such? They can do character assassinations as well, with hormones and slipping shady shit in your water like they did to my boy Gary Johnson (maybe) in the most recent presidential election. Now that might sound a little wacky, but keep in mind that the CIA once allegedly had a plan to poison Fidel in such a way as to make his beard fall out so he would be embarrassed and lose his iconic visage and credibility.


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They're narcissists who are sexually attracted to themselves. Seriously, that's what's going on with him.

kek, fonzie *is* cool

Jenner was a shitty athlete and a shitty battlemech and he deserved to have his dick cut off but not like this

tgirl is prettier than girl, accept it, loser.

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>we either spill the beans on your pederasty or you take the HRT and shill this shit
>woman of the year it is!

he was normal. it was roids

look at Chelsea Manning

>>He made a deal with the Jews to promote the trannypedo agenda on a major media platform in exhange for clemency. Do you people really not remember the memory holed vehicular manslaughter charge he was was facing leading up to the whole Vanity Fair tranny psyop media blitz?

>took this long to get to the reason
I am disappoint

No bro, you're just gay

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not quite. aroused at the idea of being female. it's not being attracted to the self, but aroused at the thought of being what they've always been attracted to, women.

some have theorized that it's caused by what's known as "erotic target location errors". they are attracted to women but somehow that attraction became inverted somehow, and they want to be the objective of their attraction

He made a deal with the Jews to promote the trannypedo agenda on a major media platform in exhange for clemency. Do you people really not remember the memory holed vehicular manslaughter charge he was was facing leading up to the whole Vanity Fair tranny psyop media blitz?

Nothing, he is more famous and rich now than ever.

>the home wrecker

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with all the anaerobic steroid use he got away
with before testing for it happened, it's not a
shocker to see him wanting to be a her. he
messed his brains up and now has a boner
for himself.

You looked better in the left picture.


a diet full of ONIONs and Onions
