There is no such thing as "dating outside your own race" as we're all part of one race, the human race. Whether your skin is white, black, brown, yellow, whatever, your blood is still unanimously red and that's all that matters.
Dating outside one's race
Other urls found in this thread:
>Two kids with white woman
>Break up
>Pay maintenance
>Get vasectomy
>Start banging Asian hotties and the elusive attractive black female
>They think we'll have kids together
>Lol no
It's the only objective way to live ones life. White women rarely make better wives than Asians.
In my experience white women are the worst. At least Asian, Hispanic and even black women are more loyal and family oriented than them.
This is inaccurate. There is massive issues with replacement organs. I knew a hapa when I was younger who died because he could not get another liver.
Imagine the smell
So then why are whites accused of being racist if race doesn't exist?
it is hard enough staying together if you have the some culture. not against it, just sayin
see it this way - white women worship the BBC and the black skin color
black women worship the white men and his skin color.
Why do minorities get special treatment for hiring, scholarships, or welfare if there's no difference in race?
Black women are loud af
Her husband was killed by a drunk driver you cunt
Mixed race kids suffer from low self-esteem, social isolation, and poor family dynamics.
Mixed race children are more likely to have health problems, high stress, smoke, and drink.
1) The highest rate of ADHD, at 15.2%, is in the mixed race category.
2) The highest rate of 'Learning Disability, at 14.6%, is in the mixed race category.
3) The highest rate of 'Behavioral Difficulty', at 12.8%, is in the mixed race category.
White-Black babies suffer higher risks of prematurity, low birth weight, neonatal death, and stillbirth.
Black-White children have family incomes similar to those of Black families, similar rates of fatherlessness as Black families, and are more likely than BOTH Whites AND Blacks to engage in risky behaviors like drinking, fighting, stealing, and doing drugs.
In the United States, an estimated 32.3% of multiracial women, 27.5% of American Indian/Alaska Native women, 21.2% of non-Hispanic black women, 20.5% of non-Hispanic white women, and 13.6% of Hispanic women were raped during their lifetimes
An estimated 64.1% of multiracial women, 55.0% of American Indian/Alaska Native women, 46.9% of non-Hispanic white women, and 38.2% of non-Hispanic black women experienced sexual violence other than rape during their lifetimes.
why was he driving drunk while fleeing, avoiding child support?
Baby Boomers need to go.
>There is no such thing as "dating outside your own race" as we're all part of one race
if that was true, babys would know that by instinct
Why are blacks considered minorities when they make up 15% of the world's population? Asia 60% of world's population. And whites only 11%.
This after studying medicine , race mixing should be a crime unless the races are already extremely similar , like a castizo and a white person.
if your children die in a plane accident or decide to become trannys. our line will die.
How can racemixing even be possible when race doesn’t exist
It's not bestiality, we're all mammals. Good argument bro.
That's a lie user. He run away, media covered the story here.
not all of them, there's this black girl I work with who's had the strongest desire for me for quite a while now. And ill admit she's extremely attractive, light skinned, super fit, and highly intelligent possibly even smarter than me, easily one of the top members of her species. But I've been trying to avoid her now daily advances, in hopes that one day a white woman might ever think of me in that same way. but this constant wearing at my defenses for months has me feeling like giving in lately. And It seems like every girl at my work is in on some conspiracy to bring us together, and I've noticed them using mind conditioning tricks on me. This girl literally won't take no for an answer, the persistence of her passion, and psychologically dominating aura is fucking hot. And I think next week I might finally submit, I'm in my mid 20's and running out of time.
Every mammal bleeds RED, they human too?
''mid 20s running out of time''.
????? You're a man. You could have your first kid at 40s, for all that matters. You're just a degenerate trying to hide it. Trust me, I know, I'm also a WN who happens to also be degenerate.
All card carrying racists I've ever know date outside of their race.