What exactly makes the legacy of American slavery so awful relative to other nations...

What exactly makes the legacy of American slavery so awful relative to other nations? Consider that slavery was present in essentially every culture at the start of the 19th century and slaves had far crueler conditions in Latin America or Asian nations. Was the clear distinction of the difference in race what makes American slavery seem more ugly than other cultures' slavery?

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The jews are inflaming our negroes

>Consider that slavery was present in essentially every culture at the start of the 19th century
It wasn't present in Europe and the British Isles. That's the entire reason they had to move to the the new world if they wanted to own slaves.

It has to do with the blatant brutality that came with an enlightment based slavery that arose in America. Black slaves were subject to early forms of social engineering that slaves in the caribbean didnt experience. Slavery by Catholics was barbaric and anachronistic, but it had a spiritual and almost traditional element to it. Slavery done by Americans was mechanical and cold.

I guess the problem is more that the blacks were slaves for hundreds of years but after being freed were kept separate from mainstream society through segregation, then later immigrants from Europe (including Jews) came and took all the jobs, wealth and power. In the South after segregation, most blacks and whites got along well because they were all mostly equally poor, same as in Latin America.

Of course, those European immigrants are what turned America into such a wealthy country in the first place, but that just makes the contrast more apparent between the former native slaves who were seen as subhuman and the wealthier industrious immigrants who built the new United States. When the blacks moved to the cities and couldn't compete with the white immigrants, it made the contrast of their slave origins even more apparent

>most blacks and whites got along well

As well as could be reasonably expected at the time, ignoring the KKK and such

source? I recall reading slave mortality being obscenely high in the caribbean and south america relative to the US.

its a jewish trick to create tension between groups of people =! jews
in reality jews made slavery and the holocaust happen and profit out of it till the white man wakes up again

Its just a psi op to make white Americans placid.

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The real problem with slavery is that stupid Yankees think it's evil.

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Slavery in the Caribbean saw 90% mortality rate, but I like to compare it to the two opposing sides of the Cold War. While the USSR destroyed your body with harsh conditions, the United States destroyed your spirit with social engineering. A Haitian form of rebellion could have not happened in the United States, and thats because American slave owners purposly broke their slaves spirit with "brainwashing" and demoralization.

Your pic makes me curious as to how 3rd generation hispanics are going behave. Its a common belief in America that you lose your ethnic identity the 3rd generation youre here.

>who are the irish
>what are russian peasants

Nothing wrong with slavery. As a matter of fact it isn't even condemned in the bible. Slavery exists right now. A nigger pimp was just convicted and was local news. He was sex trafficking a white teenage girl to local states and cities.

They are low IQ so about like niggers.

That's a load of bullshit, no one ever loses their ethnic identity except white people who have been bombarded by propaganda for 70 years that their identity is evil and shouldn't exist.

>That's a load of bullshit, no one ever loses their ethnic identity except white people who have been bombarded by propaganda for 70 years that their identity is evil and shouldn't exist.

Have you ever met a third generation american? Most lose the language, culture, and ties to the old country.

By the time mama becomes an abuela, her grandson will be calling her grandma.

No-one can tell me slavery was worse than life in africa.


Let's not forget Scottish political dissidents who were "transported" to the Americas and forced into indentured servitude...in lieu of execution.

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Black Americans care about it more than the (much larger) groups of descendants of slaves in other countries. Oh, and they have more free time to bitch about it on Twitter.

No negro slaves ancestors in the middle east because they chopped all the fellas junk off and killed the babies of the women they raped . Maybe the American rich folks shoulda been a little meaner so that all the black folks nowadays wouldnt be suffering .


First of all, black people still haven't assimilated despite being in the US country for a lot longer than 3 generations. Secondly, a hispanic child growing up in a white neighbourhood will likely assimilate as you say, however hispanic immigration to the US is in such enormous numbers that they live in their own ethnic communities, rarely interacting with white americans. They don't adapt to the culture or become an american. My dad is american and the town he grew up in in california was 95% white when he was a kid, I am not exaggerating when I say that 100% of the population is now hispanic/mexican. Every store worker, every person on the street, every child at school, every shopper in walmart, every police officer and gas station attendant. All mexican. And it is like that for every urban area for miles and miles around. Let me tell you, those mexicans are about as american as a chimpanzee is a fish, they speak spanish, celebrate only their own holidays and haven't the faintest clue about colonial history. This is mass demographic replacement and assimilation is impossible at these numbers.

Black people are similar to the Quebecois in that they will not assimilate due to their identity being based off not assimilating.

It has nothing to do with being barbaric, if anything, being barbaric is better for the slave to keep his humanity. The type of slavery that Spaniards and Arabs did was more in line with traditional forms of slavery. American slavery was very psychological and influenced by enlightment deconstruction of humanity.

black people are genetically incapable of assimilating due to their staggeringly low IQ, they are simply not built to be capable members of a complex society.

Low IQ white people can assimilate.

They all dont want to assimilate though because they've been treated terribly.

Nothing. It's all D&C and niggers being uppity divas.

I wouldnt say its because theyve been treated terribly, they were assimilating just fine in the first half of the 20th century despite discrimination. Its because they were used as proxy warriors against the power of the American cities.

stop existing, you're far too stupid to be posting anything and each time you take a breath it's robbing someone of vital oxygen.
Yes, this isn't an argument it's a declaration of your uselessness

It's not, it's just that whites are so obsessed over it that they constantly get the blacks riled up to try to get them out to vote. The US could bring slavery back and people would probably sign up for it if they could arrange for a share of the profit to be sent back to their family in the Third World.