Serious Question

We managed to do it in 2016 but can we do it again? Are we planning on getting him reelected?

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No, I'm voting for Bernie because he will be an accelerationist. Trump will just give us 4 more years of complacency. I want the Happening now, not in 20 years.

Have sex.

>he thinks Bernie won't be just another 4 years of complacency
Oh sweet summer child.

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Who the fuck is we and why do you think voting actually does anything

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Ask in two days.

Nope, he's going to lose and he deserves to lose.
Only white men voted for Trump in substantial numbers.
Guess who he hasn't done a damn thing for?

Fuck the union

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Yes. Trump is our only chance of stifling the leftist influence in America and minimizing the degenerative impact of (((their))) agency. Stop paying any attention to shareblue bots and actually come to terms with the harsh reality of things. He is our only option and most people advocating against his second term are paid shills. It's as simple as that, I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings and while I'm sure you don't want to side with your enemy, excessive criticism levelled at Trump clearly attests to one's ill intent. If you don't want to support your enemy, you have to vote for Trump. Simple as that.

We thought he was anti-ZOG in 2016...

oy vey trust the plan they're all shills

The (((leftist influence))) will never be stopped by any politician, especially not Trump. The only way you will finally see the end of this shit is if the whole system collapses and we rebuild from the ashes.

It's like having a cavity, but instead of going to the dentist, you just keep taking pain pills.
You're only treating the symptoms by electing Trump, not removing the actual problem at its root.

Well it's not like there's any other choice
2024 is the election that matter more though

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only people voting him are double digit iq and jews. which one are you, op?

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If President Trump slam dunked a black baby into a wood chipper during press conference while yelling 'fuck off nigger!' he'd still be re-elected by a landslide. The Dems' only chance is to abandon identity politics and try and win back the white working class. But the far left is too arrogant and too stupid to do what they need to.

Not your personal army Shlomo. Now fuck off back to plebbit and the_zognald.

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Wow, a Plymouth bought at a Jeep/Eagle dealership. That thing is a relic.

Who’s running in 2024

Are we planning on reelecting the jewish puppet? No, no we are not

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Would you say Trump has a 98% chance of winning?

He will win without a doubt. Btw, remember how pro-trump Jow Forums was in 2016? It's pretty obvious that people from reddit etc are trying
to demoralize us by saying things like jewish puppet, not supporting the white race etc. Pol has always been and will always be pro-trump.

It'll be easier for him to win this time since he's shown to be a lot more normal than he was made out to be and now the normalfags and softcore democrats aren't as scared of him.
Bernie won't win
Biden isn't crazy enough to work for accelerationist shit
So unless someone else comes along who actually has a chance we should probably just reelect him and hope he does more this time now that he doesn't have to worry about if he can get reelected

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I don't like him but I'd rather he stay another 4 years just to see the liberals foam at the teeth for another 4 years. If anything he has provided some nice roast.

He will be reelected.

We've done our job. The movement of history can not be undone. You'll see a lot of crazy things happen in next couple of decades, Some that will excite you, some that terrify you. Just understand that none of what has been set in motion can be stopped. They lost.

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>remember how pro-trump Jow Forums was in 2016?
Yeah that's when he wasn't a disappointment and Jow Forums was at peak Reddit mode
>It's pretty obvious that people from reddit etc are trying to demoralize us by saying things like jewish puppet, not supporting the white race etc.
There are plenty of shills trying to demoralize us but in other ways, pointing out what's wrong with trump does not make one a shill
>Pol has always been and will always be pro-trump.
Fuck off back to Jow Forumsthe_donald, we're don't have to worship him just because he's not as shit as the alternatives.

At this point Trump is pointless and has proven he has no interest in fulfilling his 2016 campaign positions unless they overlap with Jewish/Israeli interest. Trump's time has come and gone

>Voting between the person wearing the red tie and the person wearing the blue tie
>Thinking the won't fuck us over in the same way
No true, resistance candidate will ever get into office. Trump turned out to be a shill for the establishment and Israel.

>remember how pro-trump Jow Forums was in 2016?

Remember when he was going to build the wall?
Remember when he was going to drain the swamp?
Remember when he was going to lock her up?
Remember when he was going to make peace with Russia?
Remember when he was going to end regime change wars?
Remember when he was America first?

The fact that he has done a 180 on all his campaign promises must be the fault of Reddit too.

>that's when he wasn't a disappointment and Jow Forums was at peak Reddit mode
This pretty much. That doesn't mean Trump isn't incredibly useful in combating the media, something he's done quite well. This could lead otherwise traditionally unelectable candidates in the eyes of the establishment to gain headway in certain states.

Regardless, he still plays ball with many establishment republicans with regards to liberal internationalism which we would be better off without.

>We managed to do it in 2016

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Source for that article? Though I wouldn't be surprised.

Yes, but we need to craft this contest so it is as good as possible for us citizens, we need a Laroche type against Trump but Bernie is the best we have for that role, none of the limousine libs can win they won't do the campaigning because they hate common people

Trump has done a lot, and he's trying to keep his promises.
If it weren't for him, we'd be stuck with a TTP that would have drained jobs from this country at an accelerated rate, and placed control of ALL the countries that signed it into the hands of an unelected board of judges, appointed by corporations...the very definition of globalism.

He's also tossing away NAFTA and replacing it with a far more balanced trade deal. He's building a wall, right now, on our southern border, no matter what anti-American shills keep puking up on this board, and today is when ICE starts the deportation of the millions of illegals wrongfully residing in our country.

He's got Mexico to stop the stream of south & central American invaders that have been traveling north to cross our borders and pretend they're asking for "asylum" (if you had to cross Mexico to do it, you're already ineligible), and they've already killed two "migrants" for not complying.

"Trans-Atlantic Partnership" which is just TPP for the East, is DOA as long as he's in. Globalist hate him, and that's enough for me.

No, he's not gassing the Jews. But he's not giving them anything, either, and there has been no new wars started under his watch, While Hildabeast & company openly declared they'd "destroy" Iran.

And he's been fighting for all this pretty successfully (and smugly) with all the Democrats against him, as well as the neocon globalist trash that still infests the Republican party.
He can do a lot more, if he has 4 more years and public support. you really want creepy Uncle Joe in the White House? Because the Democrats have already decided it's going to be him, just like they decided it was going to be Hildabeast.

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I think watching Bernie back pedal on all his horseshit would be amusing, even though he is basically unelectable

Kill yourself, circumcised neoliberal shill.

There's also dupes here, but they'll vote whichever way they think the wind is blowing, anyway.

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>only people voting him are double digit iq and jews.
Get lost kike.

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More importantly any dem we elect will hire hillary who will use power to murder every user who has posted here since 2015

Since it’s going to be Biden vs Trump he will win

>today is ICE's big day

It's been pushed back by two weeks, bud. McAleenan is to blame. Now Mexico acting as Trump's wall, that is one pleasant surprise.

I'm more Republican than your entire family could ever dream to be, we still need a good honest contest to try and wipe away voter apathy, barely 15% of people vote

Kill yourself, circumcised neoliberal shill.

And you're just going to sit there and cower in fear at your current address waiting for them, aren't you.
Most Democrats want Hillary dead too, you know.

>look the poor sjw jews in the US voted for Hilary, that means Trump totally isn't a kike

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Last elections we made fun of libtards and this elections we'll make fun of ziocons and civic nationalists.

People got tired of responding to constant shill bait. The shills then took that as a sign they’re actually changing minds when they’re really only replying to their own bait threads.

Yea, you can always tell the shills, posting facts never stops their endless, paid-for rhetoric.

Jews love Trump!!! He's bought and paid for by Jews!!

The official contribution records deny all that completely, but you'll just keep parroting what you're told to, won't you, shill?

Attached: JewsHateTrump3.jpg (600x392, 29K)


You don' t have to. It will be an automatic win.

Hillary got too much dirt on most, that's why we can't push Pelosi and Schumer out, we need amnesty bill for representatives who come forward and testify, we also need action on election reform, do a power outage election day and have no die bold voting machines made in Israel available for use, only hand written paper ballots in cities

That shit will be hilarious because nobody votes

Doesn’t matter. We taught the Boomers everything we know. Only Kek can decide what he wants to do now.

Hes won already

im still voting for him only to make the shitlibs angry, voting is literally only about spite

plus who is the alternative? kamala Harris? buttgig? Bernie Sanders the jew?

gimme a break rofl

>He will be reelected.
Effortlessly even

>No, I'm voting for Bernie because he will be an accelerationist. Trump will just give us 4 more years of complacency. I want the Happening now, not in 20 years.
Kys you kike lover


We need a Laroche style Democrat to push Trump where he needs to be

>Jews don't take both sides
>Not knowing the difference between diaspora Jews and Israeli Jews
Man, I remember being political naive like you. Lemme guess, you're either under 21, only recently politically active, and/or you're a braindead boomer.

Attached: right-left-two-wings-of-same-jew-bird-of-prey-best.jpg (857x681, 61K)

General questions:
>niggers hate spics
>vote for more spics
>spics hate other spics and niggers
>vote for more spics and niggers


This isn't facebook you goddamn newfag. Are you even old enough to vote?

>hurr durr donations are the only metric of influence
You money-grubbing kikes always project your own craven circumcised brain-damage onto other people. Please die.

I see the Likudnik is afraid.

>did 180 on literally everything he promised
>first thing he did was pardon a merchant
>MIGA is not a meme but reality
>no wall but Israel get 40 billion dollars
>his entire presidency so far has been in service of Israel
>1/4 of the world under crippling sanctions and entire "diplomacy" is based on threats of violence and economic destruction

This user gets it.

>Hes won already
I support him, but it really doesn't matter, he will win again, and nothing will stop it.
I'm still going to vote, as it is the duty of every American to do so, and I will help him win.

As for the rest of you, just ask yourselves...would it be better if commie-Jew Bernie wins, or creepy Uncle Joe?
Because not voting, and not supporting Trump, that's who you get.
And you can kiss your gun rights goodbye with either one, as well as welcome in globalism with open arms.

Those are the choices, the ONLY choices.

Attached: BidenForTheLoveOfGod.jpg (474x496, 36K)

If only for another supreme court justice pick

probably, i guess mossad can do it again

Yup voting Trump again

Democrat establishment shill located

Jewbots are getting even less effective.

Hello newfriend

I honestly wish there was a better option. That being said he's probably done more good than the last 6 presidents. He's shaking it up with the trade deals at least. The only thing I really trust him on is the economy though. We need a better president for immigration. I also dislike his mindless support of Israel.