the aryans were nordic peope who lived in iran

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persians are faggots, they score high east asian from turkic and mongolic tribes..

Attached: centralasianpower.png (780x510, 76K)

show flag

Author of this map is mentally ill.
Iranians live in Middle Eastern climate and never would look like Northern Europeans.

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not anymore they dont, though there are still people who have nordic features in the region

They never looked like that. It's literally pseudo-science.

No it's not, they did look like this, and still are , take for example this man.

newfag same id

Faggot, i posted in other thread with another memeflag and I left it as it is now. I don't even fucking care if I keep changing memeflags, I know about the ID.

You are the newfag loser because you thought of this.
I'll keep changing memeflags, because it seems it makes you butthurt.

Jesus, that Iranian looks like Hitlers dream Aryan male!

Attached: Hitler WOW.gif (300x259, 1.68M)

Rare albino Persian doesn't prove anything.
Most of them still looked like these shitskins.

he looks like pewdiepie.

DNA has debunked this

Attached: 1495696156780.jpg (946x941, 420K)

Iranians are shitskins, just like all non-Europeans.


this is the female equivalent of him and the morph in OP's pic

Do you know what "very atypical" means?

Off this topic, but...
What is this sudden surge of Iraqi posters today?

Yes i know memeflaggot, I just present true iranian aryans, the rest is indian mixed.

Anyway, more aryan than iraqi negroid faggots.

Probably niggers / kikes with proxy.

Very pretty Iranian Aryan!

Attached: Hitler and the ladies.jpg (500x426, 44K)

Europe doesn't exist retard it is a mental construction

Vast majority of Iranians have always been shitskins.

>That one Jew kvetching full force in this thread

Attached: Assad hunting Jews.jpg (238x276, 14K)

this thread is about proto-iranians you fags

Very true. ""Europe"" is just an extension of asia. Basically a large peninsula, just like subcontinent of India.
It is regarded as West asia or west eurasia.

umm sweaty... europe is very obviously a peninsula!

Attached: 807186_graymap.jpg (900x720, 119K)

Hey Achmed, how many Indo European are left in Iraq?
Have seen some a while back, looked like brunette European with Green eyes.

mutts are seething

Attached: 1560095060935.jpg (502x350, 44K)

very little in the north

The one on the left is Khomeinis son, right?
He looks Hungarian.

Hitler is here with us.

They need to be protected, like a rare breed of tigers!

those are both khomeinis

Could be Austrians, the phenotype of his younger son is very very common in upper Austria and in the Alps here.

Plenty of them here in rural areas.
Fair skin, fair hair and coloured eyes (mostly green and grey)

Nice, i find it interesting how common Green eyes are in middle Eastern Indo Europeans.

Green eyes are very rare, and Iran for example has a lot.

Almost as if the Green eyes would originate from that Indo European tribe that settled in the middle east.

How many Austrians have blue/gray eyes?
Is it closer to Germans 39%, or to French 22%?

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oy vey don't look into history goy, that's antisemitic... you're like hitler

Attached: Ally.png (595x420, 277K)

A good amount, brown eyes are very common here.

Most people who live high in the Alps have dark hair/eyes (has probably something to do with sun light and height).

Bait aside why do people believe Iranians are some aryan descendants or something. That's actually the same as saying Indians are, they mixed with the natives already living in iran (aka non aryans) like the Indian aryan invaders did. They might be better than your average Arab shitskin but they are still majority shitskin themselves.

The North is still full of blonde and blue eyes Iranians.

The Aryans probably packed their bags and left as Iran was mostly colonized by other migrants.

Keep telling yourself that, there are most likely more albino niggers here than there are almost white looking iranians, even if they were they are a very small minority and says nothing other than the fact iranians are majority shitskin still.

Even Caucasians who live near Russians look like Arabs.

Not fully true though as said here A full Aryan tribe (Jasz) migrated to the kingdom of Hungary in the 13th century.

Those Ossetians who settled in Hungary also look like Arabs.

show flag, russian mongoloid ape.

They're both Persians. People don't realize all of Iran doesn't look the same and it really matters where you live, southern Iranians look like arab sandniggers whereas northern Iranians look paler and more European

The only mongoloid here is you, churklet

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the only faggot who posts anthroscape links is a russian hapashit cretin.

what took you so long to reset the router igor mongolovsky?

Why aren't you fucking a goat, Ruslan Osloebov?

Jasz aren't Ossetians Rabbi Goldberg!

They Aryan Iranians!

Oh look, he is upset to know the truth about his ethnicity.

>t. samefag

how many IPs/routers have you got there?

t. Historically illiterate. It is not even a controversial theory but instead accepted fact that the Steppe tribes from which the Persians, Parthians, Vedic Aryans, Scythians, Sarmatians, Dahai etc. were all what is now considered the broadly "North European" phenotype set, and this has been proven by DNA testing of archeological finds.

Nowadays Iranian DNA is 56% Arabic and the Steppe tribes have been blacked to oblivion just as much as the pre-Arab J1/J2 Caucasians whom the Persians enslaved have also been blacked by Arab niggers.

But back in the day Persia was basically a society of Greek/Italian-looking hillmen ruled over by Swedish horse-tamers. Really makes you wonder what Sweden will look like in 2,000 years...


They are pure aR1Ans

More than you could afford in your aul

I guess you really want to starve under a new commie regime, ok faggot.

These are Jasz people, they are predominantly blonde!

Attached: IMG_5382.jpg (480x480, 59K)

>Iranian DNA is 56% Arabic
not only arabic, they also have some australoid genes, just like the ruskies.

they look so R1A(original PIE nordic),, hitler would've been proud of them.

Some probably stayed behind, but not enough to make a big difference in the region.

Aryans are not Semites

ITT: bunch of shitskins and memeflags with inferiority complex argue over some irrelevant bullshit.

>a tribe that LEFT the region like 600 years ago means the region they were once in is still white.
Iran is majority arab/shitskin and the paler ones are just like Northern Indians, less shitskin genes doesn't change anything. Better than full blooded desert dwelling arabs but still blacked

sweden will look like iran in the next 2000 years.

but they still cut their dicks just like the amerimutts.

It's good to see that even after a long time they sort of kept their lineage, unlike in the south of Brazil where race mixing is getting rid of the strong European heritage.

>(has probably something to do with sun light and height

Or it's just that your people have a much higher % of descent from Near Eastern farmers who had swarthier features than European hunter gatherers.

>race mixing is getting rid of the strong European heritage.
>strong european heritage
>strong european

It can't be strong when it easily gets race mixed into oblivion

I always wondered what the Original Fino-Ugrics hair and eye color is.
Finns are out of the question btw, they're not Finno-Ugric. They're pretty much entirely Germanic in DNA.

Attached: 8249.jpg (788x1024, 178K)

ENF had the white skin mutation, memeflaggot ngiger.

ehg were the ones with brown shit , swarthy steppe skin.

Fuck, that is ugly.

maybe for you... gypsy.
go back to street shitting, stupid half indian subhuman.

Do you even make sense?

Strong european heritage doesn't exist if it gets easily replaced. Where are your reading skills castizo?

Nobody cares who was "Aryan".
What Hitler actually meant was "Germanic" because Iranians are shitskins and Slavs are literally dysfunctional apes.

Attached: 1561126667695.jpg (1120x840, 320K)

That a picture from Poland and Polacks are not Slavs. Polacks are your fellow Germanic brothers

Hitler was a brachycephalic Türk from the balkans with albanian E-V68 ancestry, his opinion is pretty much irrelevant now.

No, my retarded slavic cousin, the polacks are the leftovers from germanic + russian invaders. Same goes for the czechs.

that's academically correct, said Aryans would later emigraye to north west india, conquer it and influence the wroting of the vedas in some way.

If we look at the use of the word Aryan in diferent cultures, we can deduce that it was used by at least Indo Aryans. And if we decide to place Irish Gaelic outside that area of influence, then we might deduce it was a term common between all the Indo European tribes.

Lol, do you even know what a castizo is to apply this to a brazilian? What I meant is that the south was easily recognized in tha past by its european immigration component (strong european genetic heritage). It's not anymore.

now show niggers, spics and asians on the same graph


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spics usually plot between caucasoid and mongoloid, in the same spot as central asians.

negroids are far far away from iranians and central asians, indians and arabs are closer to them on the pca map.

Let me ask you something

what does the word iran mean?

Iran literally means "land of aryans"

Hes mixing up persians and iranians. One comes from the indo european line and the other doesnt. Theyre two different ethnic groups

aryan meaning nordic is a perversion though

the Nordic and alpine race is literally just the taller and paler version of meds

The Caucasoid race is of dual origin consisting of Upper Paleolithic (mixture of Homo sapiens and Neanderthals) types and Mediterranean (purely Homo sapiens) types.
The Upper Paleolithic peoples are the truly indigenous peoples of Europe.
Mediterraneans invaded Europe in large numbers during the Neolithic and settled there.
The racial situation in Europe today may be explained as a mixture of Upper Paleolithic survivors and Mediterraneans.
When reduced Upper Paleolithic survivors and Mediterraneans mix a process of "dinaricization" occurs which produces a hybrid with non-intermediate features, epitomized by the Dinaric race.
The Caucasoid race extends well beyond Europe into the Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, North Africa and the Horn of Africa.[2]
"The Nordic race in the strict sense is merely a pigment phase of the Mediterranean",[3] created by the combination of Corded and Danubian elements.

so if you made any italian taller and paler, they'd look nordic?

not all, of course, many have north African features but many don't

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