‘These People Aren’t Coming From Norway’: Refugees in a Minnesota City Face a Backlash


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They're so mad that racial consciousness is growing. Too bad Boomers only seem to be woken up by Muslims and will let the whole country become Mestizo.

What a weird news story to run

Oy vey, goyims
You must welcome Somalia into your country

why would they expect them to come from norway?

Why would this guy even agree to the picture and interview? He has to have known that the NYT was going to make him look bad.

Somalia bad

Minnesota and Michigan have large Norwegian communities. Norwegians who came to America frequently moved there because the cold weather and snow and lakes etc is similar to Norway.

He's saying they're acting like a bunch of funding niggers but he can't say that explicitly so he has to say, "they're not exactly acting like the Norwegians now, are they?"

so Catholic Charities is in on it.
color me surprised

>right-wing news and conspiratorial websites
Confirmed 4chinz 1337/1488 hacker of the dark webz

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Bush brought in a ton of these fucks during the 2000s because (((churches))) cried they were being persecuted in Africa because they were christians. It is all bullshit.

I love how these faggots that write these articles word them as to imply that nation states that have stood for centuries don't have immigration policy and that "economic migration" is a right any poor nigger from anywhere in the world has , and that the term "economic migration" isn't
just a fucking buzzword that the leftist progressive media just up and started using a couple of years ago.

Never talk to the media.
But some gammas crave the attention.

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Because he is the only one that would finally speak publicly about the feral somalinigger animals that are ruining what was once one of the most beautiful places on earth.
He has balls as big as church bells

>john palmer reads right wing news and conspiratorail websites
Based, also wtf is culvers what food do they sell

it's ironic how when liberals argue with libertarians they'll often say something like "why don't you move to somalia if you want to live without a government" but simultaneously think that somalians will magically develop a civic sense if they live here

delicious burgers shakes. their gimmick is wisconsin-style so there's a big slather of butter on the buns

I don't care about this fat guy, I just came here to say that Culver's is the best fast food on planet earth and non-Midwest fags will NEVER understand this. A bacon butter burger with cheese curds and Culver's root bear is God-tier.

Hundred bucks says he didn't give them permission or was interviewed under false pretenses. That's how 90% of these stories go.

>there's a big slather of butter on the buns
I am truly jealous of your food. I plan on doing an american food vacation for my 30th, can't fucking wait

If Somalians did their gardening on the cheap boomers would welcome them with open arms.

Tip: If you're visiting the US for the first time - don't spend all your time in the big cities. Everyone comes here and does the monument/museum stuff in the big cities and while that stuff's fine (I mean, you can't visit New York for the first time and NOT go see Times Square or the Met or take in a Broadway show, and you can't visit DC for the first time and NOT go to the Smithsonians and the Capitol Building and shit) make sure to set aside a lot of time to just chill in rural parts of the country. Find a couple of bed and breakfast type places in small towns or rent a cabin at a national park - there's obligatory shit in the big cities but if you really want to enjoy a visit to the US don't stay in the big cities for long. Plus the best food is always at little rural diners and supper clubs, not chain restaurants.

Have you thought about what part of the country you're going to visit?

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Fuck off teddy spaghetti.

Norway is 94% white

And this pisses me off everyday I am alive.

Based old guy tells these people what they don't want to hear and doesn't give two fucks if you plaster his face on the new york times.

its too late for that state to complain about niggers. not a peep out of them when obama flooded the state with somalis

Europe DID look exactly like what they're imagining as recently as 40, 50 years ago. It's really only in the last generation or so (since the founding of the European Union) that Europe's suddenly become the "melting pot" they're talking about. Immigration from Africa and the Middle East has tripled, quadrupled, or quintupled for most European countries in the last 10-20 years.

>This potential future mass shooter white male reads RADICAL RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY THEORY TINFOIL HAT SITES every day

Have you ever been to Minnesota? No one I have ever talked to here wants bulbheads. They are being brought in regardless.


There were plenty of people raising hell about it... but as is the case with Illinois, New York, California, or any state with a major metro like the Twin Cities area, everyone living in the suburbs and smaller towns and rural areas gets ignored and talked over by the big city, migrant-loving lefty faggots who import them by the score and then dump them on everybody else.

study existentialism.

>he reads the sites that actually discuss the negative impact mass immigration has
>he is guilty of wrongthink

They could be coming from Norway at this point

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Fuck, that's from Flanders


is there any way we can make them go back?

Israel offered 5k and a free plane trip to Etheopians if i recall. I guess we'll have to initiate something like that because I don't accept the idea that we have to live even *near* them, should we get an "ethnostate" of some kind. They need to be peacefully forcibly removed

Thanks for the info. The plan was to land in LA and and drive around the states visiting a bunch of states by car. I don't care for big cities but Boston and NYC sound fun for a few nights. I want to spend most of the time where people are more friendly and nice which is mostly the south and midwest am i correct? ( even if it's faux i'm still happy with that).

is there a backstory on this?
this shit should be criminalized with risk of death penalty

>( even if it's faux i'm still happy with that)
I see a lot of foreigners make comments about this. It's not fake friendliness. We are just generally optimistic and happy. I guess that blows peoples' minds.

A piece of advice for finding things to do though. If you see some sort of weird attraction seemingly in the middle of nowhere, go see it. For instance, I was in North Dakota for work and stopped off at a place that touted they had the "world's largest buffalo". It was just a giant plaster thing, but it turned out to be a mock up of an entire pioneer town. Lots of history and sights to see, the food in the nearby area was great, and the people were all white and nice as expected.

>it's just white people being racist bigot islamophobes like always
>it has absolutely nothing to do with the behavior or the level of intelligence of these refugees
>and they're totally refugees who are in danger of persecution in their home country, guys, don't question it
DotR or a world-ending meteor can't come soon enough

Didn't you have such a successful election recently?

It was a children's workbook used in Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, and Belgium. Don't know much else, though I assume it was produced in different translations for those countries.

>I got called a racist at Culver today lads

Getting around to a large part of the country by car is difficult if you're on a tight schedule (see pic). If you've only got, say, two weeks. I'd say your safest bet would be flying into NYC, Boston, or DC - spending the first week doing the major historical landmarks and museums and stuff in the cities in the Northeast, and then spend the second week making your way lazily South, visit parts of the Mid-Atlantic coast and Dixie. Tons of Revolutionary and Civil War sites (and war reenactments depending on what time of the year you visit), you could spend a couple of nights camping/cabining at a national park like Shenandoah or the Great Smoky Mountains, see some beautiful countryside in the Tennesee/Kentucky/Virginia area, eat some good Southern food, tons of old whiskey distilleries if you feel like drinking some ridiculously good booze, etc etc etc and eventually you fly out of Atlanta.

It's a lot more travel than flying into LA, but to be perfectly blunt there's not a whole lot worth seeing on the West Coast. Don't get me wrong there's some amazing national parks out West and some of the prettiest parts of the country... but there's not much out there in terms of American history or culture. The Midwest/Heartland region has a lot of stuff to do and is comfy af, but it's very spread out and hard to enjoy on a shorter trip.

Visiting the US kind of like visiting big amusement park - you're never going to see everything in one quick trip and if you try you're gonna spend so much time racing to get to the next thing that you're not going to enjoy yourself.

lol forgot the pic

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Been to That part of the country before, really nice people, I’m a spic but not once did I ever catch any shit or even get suspicious stares. These Somalis must be some different kind of fucked up to get Minnesotans this mad, I can’t say I blame them

This. Norway has always been multicultural, mostly Black and Muslim. If these inbred Minnesotan hicks got the Norwegian immigrants they're asking for, they would look no different from Somalis. American lack of education strikes again.


If you come by Iowa, there is a brazillian food place that sells the "Best Burger in Iowa" in the City of Ames.
Cafe Beaudelaire.
It is fantastic. Just down the road is Zombie Burger in Des Moines that does some wild burgers made of Mac n Cheese, loaded French fries. Its pretty great.

Females shouldn't have political opinions

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Oh look. Another brain dead woman who thinks society did not exist until she became an adult.

>Come to Iowa!
>And then spend all your time in the Des Moines metro area! It's great!
People like you are ruining this state.

Don't bring people here to Ames. Ita bad enough we're surrounded by people from Illinois, Minnesota, and China (although every chinese person in College here I have talked to would be put to death squads if they go back because of their decenting opinion of their homeland). I don't need random people from further places here as well. Fuck off we're full.

I see you too understand our dilema. This guy is promoting the fucking blue counties as well. Of 99 counties we have like 6 blue counties. Cursed places.

Damn it feels god to be a best girl!

I demand a picture of Trump holding an anime waifu version of Norway

Alot of Catholic charities are run by left-wing psychopaths like nancy pelosi. They aren't actually affiliated with the Catholic church, they just brand themselves as Catholic

Tbh good point. I really only meant them.to be places for food. I really like eastern Iowa a lot (not cedar rapids or the quad cities).
Would suggest a small river town called Guttenburg. Love it there.

I don't know, with the state of Norway lately maybe they are coming from here.

Yes the west coast sucks dont come here

The dude wants food
Suggest other places then you faggot nigger

Walla bror jeg sverger bra saker bror

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