I hope that all is well this morning to you. Just remember that we are all the body of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Accept God's love and grace and it will help you through times of trouble and provide love and comfort for you.
God Loves Us
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what a beautiful message, I shed a tear.
People should ask for the kindness and understanding of Jesus. If everyone had that world would be perfect.
Based and christpilled.
God bless
In the last days people’s heats will grow cold. It’s happening people, read his word and repent.
still drunk from last night, been meaning to find a church to go to but all of them around here seem pozzed
I was baptized only a few months ago, but it did me a world of good. I hope everyone finds a church to attend this morning, no matter what denomination. I look forward to taking Holy Communion remembering that "The body of Christ, given for you. The blood of Christ, shed for you," means a lot.
Saturday was the Jewish (Passover) Sabbath. It was changed to Sunday because of Ressurection Sunday - the Lord's Day.
Actually not a Jew but 7th day worship hard to god a church 7th day Baptist
Changed by man to help convert pagans who worshipped Saturn and moloch
He warned us
they killed him for this
they changed his history
they gave goys a religion in his name
The lords day saying was also used to blur the lines of who you were worshipping. You should reed this book, like a history lesson. Rome actually passed laws to stop early Christians worshiping on Saturday. Man does not have the right to change a commandment.
I've wondered about this. I also wonder about Saturday being named after Saturn and that's the day a Jews use as Sabbath
In this context, you're actually mixing up the god that is properly called Yahweh, the Asian god of the Judeo-Christians with God, the contracted form of Godan which is Lombardic spelling of Wodan of Germanic paganism. Godan's name was often shortend to God, but remains the exclusive god of the Aryans. Judeo-Christians can shorten Yahweh's name to Yah, but they may not use the word God. It would seem that Judeo-Christians would want to use the word Yahweh given their Jew obsession. They do though say Hallelujah, which does include Yah, the shortend form of their Jew god.
Get the book kinda a hard read, but spells it all out. God wants you to keep all his commandments. Man is tricking almost every person into sin.
Saturn was the sun god day was Sunday
I hope he loves me
He does
amen brother
the Lord's day = Sabbath
Who is Lord of the Sabbath? Jesus is
Also real 10 commandments. The early church got rid is #2 and split op #10 to make up difference.
Galatians 3:28
"There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus."
Stream church online or go farther outside normally
It's worth it, God will lead you home
John 14:6
> Jesus saith unto him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one cometh unto the Father, but by me"
Bugging my brother to read bible. Said he would if I read quran, is it good if it leads him to Christ?
I think so. The Bible was not what I thought when I first started it. Suggest he start with the New Testament. Actually, have him watch, "The Passion of the Christ," which I thought was a good movie even when I was an atheist.
It doesnt' matter. God made it so that once a week you can feel a closer connection to him. What day you choose is up to you.
thanks user, same to you
Except Christian's were to ones to persecute Jews in rome. The pagans were fine with Jews.
Really god gave a commandment remember the sabbath day 7th day not first. He didn’t say pick a day.
Fuck off jidf.
Maybe he wanted you to not kill unless you got angry. Or honor your parents only if you agree with them. Or not be adulterous unless your randy.
Yes we do