How will burgers ever recover?
How will burgers ever recover?
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By not fighting a war for Israel
By continually allowing drones to be shot down over Iranian airspace until Israel gets fed up and invades on their own.
Cmon, USSR is the Kmart of weapons
Why? Because they sell weapons to people the US doesn't sell weapons to?
By not caring
jews btfo'd
Soviet, so pre-1990? That doesn't seem good for USA.
lol what, its a done. They where made to be expendable.
why dont you care about a $134 million aircraft paid by your tax dollars being downed, due to the American politicians which americans voted in mismanaging foreign policy since 1953?
Because there is an actual invasion taking place in this country and my government is protecting the invaders, feeding them, housing them, moving them around MY country. Don't fly your little faggot toys where they aren't wanted, you fucking kike. Also, $134 million is like a month of jew payments to Israel, literally no one cares.
no shit, the vast majority of Iran's military gear in general is bought from other countries. this isn't even news
By disarming themselves to Mexico. Oh wait they already did that too
Pajeet rekt by first post
How is the hunt for the WMDs in Iraq going?
>tfw your drone is shot down by a blue light special
Pathetic if true
Wasn't it RAAD? I thought it was an Iranian improvement on a soviet system, with enough changed to be qualified as "their's"...
burgers are best goys ever.
>invade all of israels neighbours
>fly drones to spy em
>HUH wow they shot it down? WAR!!!!!
fucking retard
someone make a who would win pic
i am too lazy to google what that AA system is exactly
modern day tech is just 60s tech with unnecessary electronics. there has been no significant progress with engines for decades
>a giant, slow, unmaneuverable drone as big as a commercial air liner gets shot down by a anti - air missile capable of hitting air liners most of the time.
Because 134 million is not worth 150 lives
air defence system from the early 60s
>Spy on people
>They shot your spy drone down
>Get angry that you can't spy them anymore
What was Iran supposed to do? let USA spy them as much as they want?
>muh poor innocent drone
>134 million made up currency notes
We need to stop saying dollars and come up with a term that just feels derogatory when talking about Jew money
iran needs to calm down
We have thousands more we'll be fine
fantasy shekels is very accurate
That works, and it sounds like a bunch of Jews sitting around playing fantasy football
fake fantasy debt shekels
unlimited fake fantasy debt shekels
slave away goy
yeah but it's still too nice, it's way worse
it's terrorism and one of their trump cards
it needs to sound as evil as it fucking is
Every once in a while the sun will shine on a dog's ass.
Uhhh it's no big secret. Most countries use Russian air defenses
How sanctions can prevent them to obtain nukes?
There is only one solution and this is big war.
So you're goyim should prepare to die for Israil.
Get out Muhammed. No one likes muskims anywhere and we aren't fighting your jew war either.
I hope you muslims are exterminated by rising European nationalism.
I also hope a big war occurs in the mudeast and everyone involved gets a nuke up their ass.
You know why China puts you in camps, Philippines hates you, India hates you, Eurooe hates you, and even soft buddhists hate and burn your houses?
Because muslims are shitty people and no one wants you as neighbors.
No km atter how bad America is, everyone knows muslims are the worst people on the planet.
>How will burgers recover
From what? I don't see a problem?
>Its an old ass soviet system
your point?
Monopoly money?
Slave shekels?
Slave scrips? (scrips where paid to workers in lieu of real money and could only be spent at the company store, not much different than today except "real money" is used)
Debt dollars?
I'm out of ideas.
Tons of military choppers flying over day, think it will happen soon
>cold war
>weapons manufacturing through the roof
>cold war ends
>fuck ton of surplus weapons and defense systems
>i mean FUCK TON
>been selling it off for decades to everyone
150M interest generating units issued by ((((bankers))))
It's irrelevent, you could say that some president got assassinated through his office window by taking a Glock shot to the back of his head
who else would they buy it from? China?
for a second I thought the things on the back were chairs... badly placed chairs. or maybe used to execute prisoners while also bombing their house.
Fuck Putin and fuck Russia and fuck Trump.
>liberals: Trump is a Russian spy!
>also liberals: boy, I sure do love Soviets
Russian weapons are pretty good, much better than Chinese.
>The Russophobian
Ultra-expensive does not equal quality, the burgers are going to learn the hard way when they go to war with China or Russia that their fancy shit is irreplaceable after a certain number get sunk or shot down by far more efficient weapon systems.
"This isn't a throwaway drone whose loss the US will just shrug off," Ulrike Franke, a drone expert with the European Council on Foreign Relations, said on Twitter. But it's not just the price tag that makes the loss of this drone a big deal. The drone is designed to be harder to hit, she said, because they fly at altitudes beyond the reach of some air defense defense systems.
ISIS needs a man of your vision
For reference.
They shot it down over international airspace.
LOL wtf
Every shitposter is some foreign troll??
I mean shit stirer
oy vey, cut down with antisemitism
Slow moving unmanned disposable reconnaissance aircraft. It would be like picking off a biplane
The fact that it's taken this long to shoot one out of the sky is a testament to the accuracy of that Surface to Air missile system.
It didn't cover missiles and interference in the region, ad it was weak on nukes too.
Missiles in particular are very worrying because Iran can basically cover Europe (and it will when the regime starts to collapse)
I bet their Russkie junk can't take down a screen of 300 Tomahawks.
>implying he is dead
go fuck yourself stupid leaf
>Iran can basically cover Europe
fucking based.
I hope that mutts start some real shit with iran soon desu. Watching their satanist empire collapsing and world's economy going down in flames at the same time will be entertaining as fuck
Nice digits, and proxy.
it didn't cover missiles because not even the uk would go along with that.
iran has a right to self defence whether the righteous like it or not
Your brain on spray can cheese, the Global Hawk or whatever the fuck it's called is a bigass non expendable drone that costs hunders of millions of petrodollars.
I just looked it up, $134 million is closer to a half month's payment
>An aircraft with no countermeasures except "turn around and leave" is destroyed by an AA system that is old
>Somehow this is a massive problem
Stop snorting spray can cheese gas
nah, i lived in canada for 7 years, while there are tons of browns in canada, white canadians non stop talk about how they hate the usa, hating the united states and americans is pretty much the number on topic everywhere in canada, its really that insane
>With no countermeasures
>Not designed for penetration
There’s nothing impressive about downing a Global Hawk, it’s equivalent to downing a U-2 which the Soviet’s did in the 60s.
>Islamic fanatics
>self defence
Yeah no, they do crazy shit and they want impunity by holding a gun to our heads.
Also, a collapsing Iranian regime will definitely launch everything they have at the infidels. And they are collapsing.
Why are euro flags always absolute war shills?
It's funny.
The Russians "Soviets" have shot down numerous spy planes operating over their territory.
The USA hasn't nabbed a single one.
eu = globohomo