
German establishment is scared shitless. People don't believe the media anymore. More and more are waking up and starting to realize what is happening. Soon we will organize and take our country back.

What happens when fascism reigns supreme yet again? We will propably be attacked immediately in a retarded war for "liberation" or some bullshit. Anons, if one country makes it to national socialism and abolishes FIAT money, other anons have to make sure their nation stands down and doesn't destroy the only shot we got. Understood? Good.

in mc

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Allowing the government officials and their families to live is a mistake so be sure not to make that mistake

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It is harsh but true, people will behave for the sake of their families when they dgaf for themselves.

If you put another authoritarian centralized state in place, you will have the same results you have now. This idea being popular among rednecks doesn't mean it works or should be taken seriously.

At some point the degeneracy will come back but somebody has to push the reset button

Normalfags can only take so much shit. The european caucasian man is going to go full RWDS in the next 20 years.

>Soon we will organize and take our country back.
you mean soon you will get organized in concentration camps and 'reeducated' by somalis, right? there is no way you cucks will ever do anything, if you try an armed revolution, merkel will just call for other countries to stop it claiming yall want to make the 4th reich and everyone will be trigger happy to kill some nazis

>Soon we will organize and take our country back.

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Better to die fighting than to do nothing and die like a little bitch.

Show us your real flag you smug cunt.

coming for the country that is famous for sending people to their deaths in wars for israel, thats a pretty fair statement

Let's make a deal upfront, just stay out of Western Europe and we avoid the whole world war thing?

fucking delusional. you are not white. anyone living outside of the nazi breakaway civilization in antarctica was deemed too unpure for the ethnostate. better luck next time.


>memeflag kike still doesn't understand

I literally don't want to live in this world anymore. Fighting for my fatherland is all I have left. My ancestors smile upon me.

Thank god we still have enough whites to make the race war a simple pest control. The US on the other hand wil get a real race war since they are less than 50% white.

One thing is certain, everyone would shit a brick at literal Nazis 2.0 and you would be the "bad guy" of the world

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i always hated that wojak because the uniform is the wrong colour, hollywood tier

The time to strike is when WW3 goes hot and the us is busy with its own shit

Which is why I'm asking anons in other nations to do what they can to sabotage if it comes to that

34% is not what you would exactly call 'enough whites' lmao

The next logical step will be to finish what we started. Cut the head of the beast and then cull the ones who have emboldened it

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I have been having dreams about the troubles coming to the world, no one will escape the storm and only those right with God will survive in the end

The "white" man is THE master of war. Shitskins on suicide watch.

quads of truth lmao

Look at your country lmao.

One of the worst sewages of the world

In 2034 i will found my Nationalist political party. If everything goes to plan by 2040 we will have more than 50% of votes or enough support to do a coup. When we leave the EU some financial support from Jow Forums would be apreciated

This time many would side with you.

Not the military industrial complexes though

Do it krautbros

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