Is this map correct?

Is this map correct?
Why don't Europeans create ethnostate from the red area?

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so the guys from the yellow area can fuck their women

>Is this map correct?

>lets just ignore slavs

no because it's simplified and simply not true, it's way waaay more complex

sure there was an expansion from here somtime before christ, but we're at least the fickifick of two people, the æsir and the vanir as it is in oral history...

snorri states that the æsir brought the language, what was spoken before them? some finnic language probably, there is nothing we know of this language but most of europes esp eastern europe's rivers are named in this language is all we got from it

and the point`yes well the æsir they came from southern russia towards the border of turkey, odin him self had wast propeties in turkey

see ossetia, æsir

your picture there is like nazi era fairytales, it's simply .. simple.. it's far more complex than this

3 memeflags in a row

report and Sag*

shut it east-german

no it's not correct, the fact it divides belgium through the political line is ridiculous.

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t. Alpine-Walloon subhuman

Well, aryans and alpines are ok. Mediterraneans not so much.

More like nordoflem chad

The Scottish Highlands shouldn't be included. Britain should look like this.

Attached: 2000px-Britain_peoples_circa_600.svg.png (2000x2481, 1.93M)

first is the "nordic" Vlaams Belang leader Filip de Winter
second is "alpine" Walloon leader Paul Magnette

Attached: DEMAGN.jpg (430x210, 37K)

what about Welsh?

Mr. Grant really thought Britons look similar to Scandinavians?

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It is spoken in the fairy-realm of Welshonnia
>what about it.

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Not Germanic and that's what the map is showing.

these maps look like autism to me

Uh the Scotts have been a significant source of science and engineering. They take knowledge and actually do shit with it.

Stfu retard and go back to work, lazy monkey
Even if all of you were 6ft. Blonde, blue eyed gods, you still deserve the rope, you fucks have unemployment levels that niggers dont reach, you vote for self-proclaimed communist countries and constantly want gibs.

Tell me btw what does Filip stand for and what does Paul stand for? Faggot Walloon


here are the two most prominent Flemish nationalists
Nordoflem chad my ass ROFL
in Wallonia they'd be seen as Spanish or Italian immigrants, which is normal since genomics has shown that middle eastern DNA was most present in the Antwerp area due to middle eastern merchants

Attached: flam.jpg (888x500, 38K)

I love Scotland but they're still indigenous Britons ethnically and culturally.

riled flemcuck

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Why are you shilling Guillaume?

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Wallonia is politically retarded but the whole "ethnic border" thing, claiming stuffs like flemish are hyperboreans and walloons are alpino-mediteraneans is a joke.

It's probably based on percentages, so obviously there is overlap but you can't deny that walloons are closer to the french that to the flemish which are closer to the Dutch.

he looks baltic eastern european lol, especially with that turned up nose, lappoid influence.

what do the green and red dots symbolize?

Because the Jewish ruling caste wants their africanized goyim cattle, and they will get it because the stupid European got refuse to vote in nationalists, sorry sweetie!

Attached: Africanized Goyim Cattle.jpg (1080x1293, 291K)

Wasn't the Anglo-Saxon invasion mostly cultural, without much of a genetic impact? That's what I read somewhere, at least.

Yes that's true, but they did have a genetic impact, More so than any other invader, whether it was the Romans, Normans, Vikings, etc. Especially in East England in the part of that map I showed where the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms were actually based.

Firs you need to decide if slavs are white or not

Jews are unironically based and redpilled. Most Alpha of any ethno-nationalist group in the world. Jewish people divide and conquer and dominate every realm they are found. If they were nothern European Scandinavian people or Germanic people, you would admire them. But because you can't achieve their level of intelligence, dominance, ingenuity, and success, you are jealous and you embrace an irrational hatred of them.

Pic related.
If it was not Jews, and if all the things they were allegedly accused of were done by people with muh Scandinavian / Germanic DNA, you would ADMIRE their ability to conquer and to dominate, to achieve and to innovate. Jewish success is evidence of how based and highly evolved they truly are. Scandinavian and Germanic people could never achieve the same level of success the Jewish have over the past more than 5,000 years.

Attached: western-settlement-greenland-skralingiar-norwegian-saami-lapps-sea-permia-bjarmland-1190465.png (500x482, 57K)

Can't we just make a compromise and say that they are white-ish?
Like, we can say they are white when compared to Greeks, Spaniards, and Italians. But they are not white compared to Germanic, Nordic, and Celtic people.

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