Lazar went on Rogan’s show and he made me a skeptic

Lazar went on Rogan’s show and he made me a skeptic.

If government really did have an alien craft with an antigravity reactor, they could do a lot better than hiring a doof like Lazar.

I listened to the first hour and a half; Lazar presented himself has a physicist who was hired on a team to test the alien antigravity reactor.

Why doesn’t he describe the intricate and precise tests to determine it’s power output. Levers, scales, metallic vs non-metallic reactivity tests at varying distances.

Real world science (CERN, NASA Missions) spends more time planning these sorts of deterministic tests than actually carrying them out. But Lazar doesn’t describe any long term methodology, instead his team pokes around the reactor like a bunch of 10-year olds who found an old car.

Lazar describes how the reactor can bend light because of “gravity” and you can’t see it if standing directly below. Maybe, but the amount of gravity that would take is enormous, such that everyone on earth would feel its effects. Maybe this is a special exception, but Lazar doesn’t even comment on this; maybe he’s not even aware of basic physics.

Lazar buzzwords that element 115 is the power source, but doesn’t say how they know this or how they think it actually provides power.

If he was part of a long term, methodical research project, he should have said “we found this incredible piece of technology that we didn’t understand, but we were determined to take the very specific steps of A, B, C and D to gain understanding into its processes while also providing for the safety of the team and the preservation of the device.”

But he never says this. His story is just spooky machines and government boogeymen.

For someone who was supposedly at Groom Lake for months, his story too thin.

I want Lazar to be right, but he’s acts like an uneducated crank. He made me a skeptic.

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he's a gay con artist Mason probably too
Rogan too
Jones too

Don they have teams of small groups so only different teams work with random shit. Remember they can't talk to the others only their buddy

Why would he spend hours explaining minutia which would be lost on 99% of the audience?
I’m not saying he’s telling the truth, but this is a weird nitpick


because it is filler
if he was a real leaker, not going through the proper whistleblower channels either, he would be dead (also assuming what he says is true, which I do not think it is)

I’m still so conflicted about Lazar’s story. On the one hand, he stuck with it for 30 years and never went back on anything, and he was vindicated on a lot of things, but the holes in it remain so fucking huge:

>nobody at MIT remembers him, not a single professor or student
>no transcripts
>no papers of any kind
>no "welcome to MIT" folder every college kid gets
>no evidence of any kind attending MIT
>not even a Massachusetts water bill or any kind of paperwork indicating he lived there

You can make the argument that the government and the CIA somehow erased ALL of this data and got to everyone who might lead credence to his story, but somehow the government also removed his ability to recall the year his got his Masters from MIT and the name of his thesis. They also apparently made him accidentally misdate events from his life off by a DECADE and had to be corrected by that bearded spook he had with him.


he certainly fits the profile of MK Ultra and/or Controlled Oppo gatekeeper, doesn't he?
Bill Cooper is the only one I'm unsure about, but most of these guys are COMPED so to speak.

I'm torn because I believe him. Doesn't mean I mean he's telling the truth, rather I believe his lies because he's convincing as fuck. And the fact he passes so many polygraphs. They aren't impossible, but your have to be a serious nut and believe the shit yourself to actually pass it and still sound convincing. I don't know what to believe

Lazar goes on lots of shows, and has for decades. there is zero new info here. Why only spamming this fucking midget, whores? kill yourselves.

Have you ever done a science experiment yourself? Ever taken anything apart? Are you a scientist or engineer in any STEM field? Every bridge you drive over is pretty much ad hoc. All plans crumble and when dealing with unknown technology, throwing smart people at it is the best method anyone has. Full stop, faggot.

>Why would he spend hours explaining minutia

But the minutia is the story.

If I drove a McLaren supercar and wanted to tell my friends, I would have to do more than tell them about how it operates.

I would also have to tell them the backstory that led me to be able to have a chance to drive this car.

Otherwise they wouldn’t believe me.

>localized gravity well with the effective mass of the Sun
> standing under it

He says it in the podcast. He believes the only reason he hasn’t disappeared is because the tape was released and the damage was done. Had ANYTHING happened to him then everything would be legitimized and he’d be a martyr for the Ayyys movements. He stated that a lot of people he was involved with however experienced a lot sabotage in their business and whatever else they were doing. Loss of jobs and all that. The gubment did all the damage control they could without wacking the fucking guy.

There’s also the disinformation campaign and people like you who don’t know what real or fake. So be a skeptic. Did you listen to the part of the podcast where they shit all over skeptics and what losers they are because they fail at being objective thinkers?

He sounded like your typical pathological liar.

it’s anti gravity you brainlet the thing is powered by a white hole that’s the only physical object that produces antigravity

>If government really did have an alien craft

Are you retarded or something..

I was referring to scientific minutia. I’m sure he could explain experiments in detail - variables, constraints, etc - but he’s talking to an audience in which 9/10 people probably can’t balance an equation. It just doesn’t make sense to go into that much detail especially when you only have an hour or so to speak.

Again I’m not saying I believe him, just think it’s a weird nitpick

He's a fucking fraud.


I'm fine with the migraines, but what fucking REALLY chapped my ass was the moment when his spook handler started sperging out how the Gimnal craft behaved EXACTLY LIKE BOB SAID WOWWWWW

>rewatch the video
>It does nothing of the sort of what Lazar said, and is absolutely not tilted "belly forward" even more so with the F-18's 20 degree turn

I mean what the fuck was that, anyone can literally watch the video and see that it doesn't do what he says it does.

>Bill Cooper is the only one I'm unsure about
Cooper was a patsy that spread around a good amount of disinfo - Krill Papers, Majestic-12 papers. I think he was just a glory hound who wanted to break THE STORY, not nessecarily a shill.

The late 80's/early 90's UFO circuit was full of shizo narcissists and conmen, because there was no high speed internet readily available back then, so you couldn't verify people as fast. Yet, people still believe in the Bill Schneider's story despite the fact he obviously made it up as he went along, and was batshit insane.
>inb4 someone starts talking about his (((murder)))

>You can make the argument that the government and the CIA somehow erased ALL of this data and got to everyone who might lead credence to his story, but somehow the government also removed his ability to recall the year his got his Masters from MIT and the name of his thesis. They also apparently made him accidentally misdate events from his life off by a DECADE and had to be corrected by that bearded spook he had with him.
This is accepting the idea that the government doesn't want you to believe something. I was in the USAF for 17 years and dealt with pilots on a daily basis; some of them I got to know really well. One of them was a test pilot at Area 51. What if I told you that you're thinking about it the wrong way? What if I told you the government WANTS you to believe Lazar's story? If you think that there's aliens at Area 51, then it can be used as a distraction. I can't give the specifics as to what I know because it could be traced back to individuals.. but what I have been told makes it a very plausible scenario.

This is a better interview:

Attached: LazarOfPeace.png (606x330, 221K)

You realize Joe Rogan has physicists on who are 10x more detailed and are still dumbing it down for the general population.

You'd think the guy working on the most important physics-related thing in the history of humanity would have some depth to the details.

You can't be overly formal when talking with a dumbass like Rogan. Look how uncomfortable Lazar was in the middle of the interview when Joe started vomiting cheap philosophy. Lazar was completely objective and down to earth during the entire thing until then, and when Joe got his head in the clouds they disconnected. There's no way he would be able to express the engineering side of things well in that scenario.

From the Wilson Leak, who's in the know

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really? Bill Cooper was wrong?
I remember that he went from anti-UFO to pro-UFO for a little while... then he retracted what he said and said UFO was a 32rd degree SR freemasonry hoax
I'm not really an expert but bill cooper, from the few hours I heard (out of his 40 hour series) seemed like a really good intro. but he probably got a lot of things wrong, glory hound as you say.... of course. Narcissism is real.

In High School in New York State, he ranked 261 out of 369, which is in the bottom third. MIT would kill to have him
>I want Lazar to be right, but he’s acts like an uneducated crank. He made me a skeptic.

This video was posted 2013. He speaks of a shadow government consisting of bilderberg group, trilateral commision, intelligence agencies and the banking cartel. They have known about the existance of ayys for a long time.

If an alien force were to invade, that would unite humanity and allow for the creation of a (((one world government))). That's their motive for the soft disclosure currently happening. At some point they will stage a fake war.

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He literally said that they brought him in as an outsider to bring a new perspective, the implication being that they had already been trying all the usual scientific methods prior to his arrival or maybe just with the other teams working on the other 9 UFOs.

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Maybe. I never watch Rogan so I don’t really know. I just saw some clips from this guy since it’s been blowing up.

Better to listen to the podcast, I’d hate to look at Rogan for two hours.

Cooper was controlled opposition just like the rest. Always pushing the evil Nazi propaganda. Maybe he was just a dupe but he worked toward the very system he claimed to despise.
You can save yourself a great deal of time and just read some MPH if you want to know about the symbolism and what not instead of listening to hours upon hours of radio programs.

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I think the INTP's on this board need to be reminded that INTJ's are KNOWN as conspiracy theorists. They don't have good access to Introverted Thinking and it's visuo-spatial reasoning and latch onto words.

>listening to joe rogan
kys op

Anti-gravity is created via Love from our Hearts. Perhaps I've been traveling in time to give myself synchronicities but they’re boring now, the only fun left to have is to raise a family! That will finally slow my Mind down. I have been granted unlimited wisdom, but I would trade it for life! I just want to try out fatherhood by trying to be the best husband and father with children that I can be. I don't want to end humanity nor go to other worlds, we can transform this one into God's image. If only I could figure out how to find a wife, hahaha, first things first i need a girl friend. Never be tempted by nate the snake - ALWAYS chose the Tree of Life over the Tree of Knowledge! Serve your Fathers(God). Love your Mothers(Nature). Put Faith in their hands and Hope for the best!

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You can find photos, footage and patents related to the TR-3B, but it was built decades ago. CIA, DARPA and other government departments released info about projects involving wormholes, mind control, transhumanism and other black budget research.
You can't rely on overhyped UFO celebrities, but disclosed official documents are MUCH more convincing and reliable.

you sound like an NPC

based schizoposter

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Rogan cut him off when he started going into the details of the accelerator. Pissed me off bigly

He said he worked with only one other guy. Supposedly the military is paranoid and won't allow a large team of scientists to work together, only two men teams.

Glow you

They allow him to be around to keep people busy while more important shit gets swept under the rug.

Still he gets his shit raided for no reason, makes you wonder

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Your post is way too long and it comes across as self-righteous. It also has reddit spacing. In short, OP is a faggot.

>Lazar buzzwords that element 115 is the power source, but doesn’t say how they know this or how they think it actually provides power.

There is an old video on youtube where he describes the engine/reactor components in more detail, and there is an accompanying animation

Only schizoboomers believe Lazar, or think that ayys are from other planets.

It's just the ramblings of boomers who became disillusioned with Christianity, but instead of falling into plain Atheism, they dressed it up with new age mysticism instead.

>demanding that extraordinary claims have extraordinary evidence.
>OP is self righteous and a faggot

The state of Canadian education

this. OP is a fag, as usual.

my main skepticism about him and other likes him, is that the government would simply kill him if he ever spoke out about alien technology

Toe Rogaine's show is just glownigs talking to other glownigs

Aren't all elements after 85 radioactive? So he supposedly handled pure 115 and did not get irradiated.

Muh Aliens are Demons are literally a Boomer invention, though. Nobody was spouting that shit until William Cooper brought in Christian Fundamentalist militias into the conspiracy scene for (You)'s.

he meant moved like a dotof a laser pointer, don't think he was referring to the belly first thing

>boomer invention

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What’s your opinion on Phil Schneider?

No. He and his bearded spook handler explicitly said that Gimbal propelled itself belly forward, just like Lazar said. It didn't. You can literally watch that video right now and see it's propelling itself horizontally like an image of a conventional UFO would.

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>If government really did have an alien craft with an antigravity reactor, they could do a lot better than hiring a doof like Lazar.
If you actually listened, they were desperate and wanted an unconventional approach because reverse engineering attempts had failed for decades.
>Lazar buzzwords that element 115 is the power source, but doesn’t say how they know this or how they think it actually provides power.
The element itself isn't a fuel, it's the metal that makes up the core which they don't understand.

lazar is right.

> Phil Schneider
Schneider literally heard Lazar's original story, and then inserted himself into it, perpetuating he was in that "firefight" with the Gray Aliens. He was an absolutely batshit narcissist, with even less credentials than Lazar. He was also great friends with Al Bielek, who claimed to be a time traveller from the Philadelphia Experiment, and was at one point claiming to be his own father. They toured the UFO circuit together. Also, everything you think you know about Schneider's mysterious death was made up by his batshit crazy wife.

They were fucking nutcases, man.