Trump CANCELS ICE raids

The bait and switch Jewish puppet has blatantly lied once again as illegal immigration reaches the highest levels it's ever been.

Meanwhile Jow Forums is being flooded with slide/bait threads with low quality, board-culture killing spam topics.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Anyone who trusts (((democracy))) at this point is beyond redemption.

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Also, holy shit is that a lot of slide threads. It must be close to litterally 40% of the catalogue.

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>Anyone who trusts (((democracy))) at this point is beyond redemption.

I wonder if Trump is some kind of psyop designed to erode the right's trust in Democracy.

But I'm not sure if the dumb boomers even posses the capacity to learn from their mistakes anymore and adapt.

Most boomers I speak to about politics (on both the left and the right) are like trained automatons who have lost the ability to think critically. They religiously hold their political beliefs and get REALLY upset when those beliefs are even slightly challenged. Boomers were trained to blindly trust the media and after years of shoveling down the (((conditioning))) and (((propaganda))) they're completely brainwashed.

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Nah, he was a pressure release valve for dumb, easily conned, angry white suckers.

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I think he should focus on bombing Iran.

Are they really THAT stupid though? Like will they not see through the charade that "it's just the left sabotaging him" and realize that both parties are controlled opposition?

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I think you need to take your medicine.

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Fuck off schlomo.

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Why do you hate Israel so much?
It is amazing! You should visit Israel

You are shill for Iran

From what I understood, Trump delayed/cancelled the raids because it was leaked to the media.

You should see the amount of post on social media alerting Hispanics about. Good call if you ask me.

next week faggot trust the plan bitch boy.

fuck off.

>From what I understood, Trump delayed/cancelled the raids because it was leaked to the media.

Bullshit. There's always an excuse.

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Learn 2 shill.

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Go away jew.

Are there any non-shill Trump supporters left here who actually want to defend this failure?

Based proxy user bumping the thread with rage-bait.


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Be warned, Salvini isn't much better.

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There were plenty of threads about this, you just weren't around I guess

1) It's Trump. After 3 years this shouldn't surprise you.
2) It's summer. It always gets extremely trashy when the kids come home from school.

Oh don't get me wrong user, I perfectly know that Salvini, deep down, shills for Israel. He's trying to sell the "muh only democracy in the middle east" meme and cringeworthy shit like that. I won't be happy until I'll see a real leader in Italy, someone that will finally deport everyone and close the borders. Not a pathetic cuck like Salvini. He's a civnat at best.

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I don't think they ever had the ability to think critically user.
They're like a plug in a pipe, stalling the waters of change, and eventually they will become too weak to hold it back. The pipe will burst like a dam.

>Are they really THAT stupid though?


>Trump delayed deporting about 10,000 of the ~30,000,000 illegal invaders

Le shrug.

No. They're 100% shills and shitposters at this point.

Be careful, all politicians and military leaders should be assumed to be controlled opposition no matter what they say to gain your trust.

They may even pretend to kill a few jews.

Hi kikes, nice source, oh wait, there is none! Stay kvetching, shlomo! MAGA


I feel like the shills aren't even trying anymore.

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Eventually the day will come.

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It's hilarious seeing how slow /ptg/ is moving today.

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Don't just wait, network with like-minded individuals and train/prepare.

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Didnt the head of the dhs leak where the raids were going to be? Seems like a good idea to wait a bit and get a new plan in.

everyone not suckin trumps dick must be a shill
so they ever finish that wall trump talked about 3 years ago little based pedes ?

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>There were plenty of threads about this, you just weren't around I guess

I only see one other. There should be multiple threads with hundreds of replies about this on the catalogue.

I would love to if only I'd know a way to meet said people.

>Didnt the head of the dhs leak where the raids were going to be?

There is ALWAYS an excuse. But it's all bullshit.

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>all these slide threads
You best start believing in summer boards.
You're in one.

It has nothing to do with summer, this is a long-term coordinated effort to dilute board culture and ultimately kill Jow Forums.


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I'm not going to visit that bigoted and hateful place until they embrace diversity and open their borders.

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What is there to discuss? If Trump won’t act against this invasion, these are the options:
>overthrow the government (lol yeah right)
>start murdering all illegals (lol yeah right)
>stay home and play video games
Do you have any actual suggestions on how to deal with a government that hates us? I tried voting in 2016 and the results I’m seeing are censorship and invasion levels I envisioned under Hillary. Like, what is there to actually do about any of this other than to bitch and moan?

You are a kike or leftist shill.

Fight or perish.

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Maybe. But pol isn't one person. It is most certainly divided along user lines, as you have everything from libertarians to ethno/civic nationalists.
I say this as someone who would be considered racist by most normies, however I'm not really a hardcore ethnat.
Some people are going to support Trump solely because he is a Republican facing Democrats. Some are going to hate him unless he nukes Israel.
2016 did see an influx of users who want the freedom to say nigger, but aren't necessarily in agreement with biological determinism by race.

If you aren't an ethnat then you are part of the problem.

Civnat does NOTHING to vault the jewish agenda. Minorities vote OVERWHELMINGLY for anti-white, pro-socialist policies.

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Where the fuck are all the mods?

Half these threads fall under the "low-quality topics" catagory.

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There were yesterday, believe me. Majority of Jow Forums understands that he's traitorous lying scum at this point, even boomers are starting to see

I want to disagree with you user, but I just had this very conversation with my wife. Why does he have to wait two weeks to throw literal criminals and invaders out of the country?! The fuck is wrong with him? Why does Brennan still have clearance? Why is our DHS secretary still employed? Why haven’t any of the “coup plotters” been indicted? I voted for this man to clean up illegal immigration and judges. I thought he was going to be a leader like this country hadn’t had in years. Why is he surrounded by people without our best interests in mind? I’m starting to lose my patience with him and I have all but given up on him draining a bathtub, let alone the “swamp”. I understand he’s been crippled with these dumbass investigations, but what the fuck does he gain by allowing illegals to get a 2 week head start? He better turn a 180 and fast, or I’ll vote Green Party in 2020 or just stay home. Tired of stupid boomers not holding him accountable and claiming he’s playing some 103D chess. Wake the fuck up before it’s too late!

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I disagree since I don't believe only in biological determinism. Our culture matters, and even an all white ethnostate would eventually fall to degeneracy again and again.
Furthermore, in north america it's far too late to try for that. No one is going to genocide 40 percent of their population, even in your wildest wet dreams.
In my personal preference, the races would live apart and eschew miscegenation. But that's not our reality.
What we need to do now is present a positive vision for the future, one based on morality and tradition, with a center left economy, but socially conservative. No such party exists.

Trump is not interested in deporting them. He wants to scare them in to marrying American women for citizenship. The government doesn't want to take care of women so they are forcing immigrant men to do it.

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Seriously tho, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH HIME?! I swear he’s being blackmailed. Why else would he be such a neutered cuck about his core campaign promise? This republic is gone and it makes me nauseous. Since laws seem to not matter anymore and democracy is a sham, when do we start balkanizing? When do states start separating?

I have to wonder this too. What the fuck was the point of saying he was going to deport them, then backing out like a bitch and going on twitter to call it a win. How fucking disappointing. He's 70, why does he even care what people think. Do the job you were elected to do.

Two sneeds
One term
Zero wall

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Stand together or fall

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The irony is I just got in town from a trip and went through my mail. I’ve got 5 letters from gop, rnc and Trump and they all are touting this bullshit wall and immigration policy etc. I’m fucking tired of the illegals, but I’m furious over the whole strzok, Comey et al walking around free. I’m tired of blue balls over this fantasy OIG report etc. I’ve never witnessed such a blunt any disregard of the law I’m my entire life. Disprove my theory of blackmail. I betcha they’ve got him by the balls and just waiting him out until 2020.

>The bait and switch Jewish puppet has blatantly lied once again as illegal immigration reaches the highest levels it's ever been.
Maybe his purpose is to keep his nominal base from taking matters into their own hands and *actually* solving the problem:

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>>From what I understood, Trump delayed/cancelled the raids because it was leaked to the media.
Maybe his big mistake was using civilians for what should be military operations, hm?

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>Maybe his purpose is to keep his nominal base from taking matters into their own hands and *actually* solving the problem:

Republicans exists for people to fall asleep for four to eight years.

You see zero mobilization anymore. Remember the tea party? Neither do I.

>Maybe his purpose is to keep his nominal base from taking matters into their own hands and *actually* solving the problem

This. He exists only to placate whites while his Jewish buddies in Big Tech companies censor us across the internet to the applause of the anti-white, brainwashed left.

I wouldn't even be surprised anymore. I love how it's controversial to deport illegal invaders. I love how the supposedly extremist president is exactly the same as the other ones, just with a bit more noise.
It's dead similar here, with our conservative party a serious joke. They are completely socially liberal, and their conservatism extends as far as giving tax breaks to the rich and corporations to rape natural resources. "What's wrong goy, you have a problem with us creating a few thousand jobs in exchange for all your profits from your land ending up in the hands of globalizes power brokers and the Chinese government?"
Conservatism is dead. For now.
Let's pray something better rises from its ashes.

He cancelled it because someone in his administration leaked it to the news. The first thing I thought when I heard about this was "Why the fuck would you let everyone know that it was going to happen".

>Remember the tea party? Neither do I.
Tea Party was *MASSIVELY* subverted, the _biggest_ success it had was putting that slimeball-shithead lawyer Ted Cruz --who revealed his character when he reversed himself on birthplace being important for natural-born citizen qualification so he could run-- gaining office.

I think the reason it disappeared was because a lot of people realized either (a) how compromised it had become, or (b) how cock-blocked they were.


shilling for iran is good#

incels need to admit they are weak and need to make it to the final stage where they cease being an incel and become an eunuch

todays problem has an ancient solution
tried and tested in every great civilisation from the far east to the far west.
greece egypt rome china even the ottoman empire had such people
some were forcibly introduced to the way
some volunteered
but the vast majority were devoted to various cause such as fighthing for their country

you do not need to cut or mutilate yourself to become a eunuch
you shun sex to the point you can be in the company of women without getting corrupted

you have thrown away sex and gone to the next level of not needing it nor needing women

(you) for based pic

Keep making excuses.

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also u mustbe the bbc white women like