Who agrees?
Communist Hate Thread
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Are you supposed to be anti Communism or Anti Nazism?
>implying capitalism isn't the driving force behind mass immigration and cultural decay
>demonizing and avoiding the left instead of offering pro-White counter-narratives and critique
why is the lft not rpotesting against open borders then?
Why not both
>why aren’t neoliberals protesting open borders then?
the people you see protesting are university liberals ...no consciousness whatsoever
They all deserve to be exterminated. At least 100 million of them - as payback
Why is commie propaganda always just violence?
Are they not capable of presenting it in a manner showing the positives, rather than through a display of force?
communism has not killed 100 million you retard. the black book of communism is widely discredited and its authors shamed into oblivion.
By commies...
Sadly there were very few instances in the 20th century where communists were duly treated the way they deserve.
Fuck off, parasite
by its own authors. they admitted it was bullshit and propaganda.
yang gang is ghey
Why are right wingers on this website such pussies? Lmao hiding on your gay little website have sex
I dont like communism, but they arent cucked like the west
>right wingers are pussies
>can't even show his flag
Oh man reds are pathetic
Left-Nationalist renaissance soon, comrades.
>Cursed boomer image
Has to be one way or another
>we aren't really
show flag beta commiefag
>builds a wall to keep people in
>builds a wall to keep people out
looks photoshoped as shit
What the USSR did in regards to immigration was nesessary and right.
Also, you don't need a wall to keep people out retarded burger. Police patrols and armed borderguards.
Capitalists and Communists are the same side of one cancer - concentration of capital, and treating property in terms of efficiency and profit only. Fuck capitalism & communism.
Not really. Anti-liberalism, anti-Yanke, anti-long nose tribe
Boomers & MIGAtards eliminated
All left-wing parties in Europe are pro open borders. Except in Denmark
have food
always remember folks, communists are not people, so do not treat them like one, it does nothing but confuse their subhuman mind.
daily reminder to burn anything m*rx ever wrote
You sure? marxists.org
Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew – not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew.
Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew.
What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.
Very well then! Emancipation from huckstering and money, consequently from practical, real Judaism, would be the self-emancipation of our time.
An organization of society which would abolish the preconditions for huckstering, and therefore the possibility of huckstering, would make the Jew impossible. His religious consciousness would be dissipated like a thin haze in the real, vital air of society. On the other hand, if the Jew recognizes that this practical nature of his is futile and works to abolish it, he extricates himself from his previous development and works for human emancipation as such and turns against the supreme practical expression of human self-estrangement.
nah, dont burn it, just move it to the fiction section under 'comedy' where it belongs.
try metapedia.org
y these antifa fags are stealing our flags???
>it's Marxs fault he was poor
Not this. Marx was woke af on the gun question.
doesn't matter what he wrote about kikes when they usurped his retarded ideas anyway and used it to kill tens of millions of whites
The page doesn't matter, the source is original and unchanged
Sort of. And then Stalin rooted out the (((rootless cosmopolitans))) and turned Bolshevism into Russian imperialism.
>don't ever work, rely on money from Engels all the time
>happy to live in fucking squalor
I wonder what the problem is
if he was alive in the soviet union all his children would have lived
Actually yes. He was terrible with money.
Since when does communism represent or help the worker anymore?
he'd still be shot for refusing to work
This, this is exactly why the 21th century gommunism isn't as revoltuionary as before. It's all just IDPOL now desu
it sure hasnt felt like its ever been implimented to help the worker. feels more like a system designed to give all the power to a few people under the guise of altruism for all
Anyone with two brain cells to rub together. Communism is literally the deadliest ideology to ever come from the most depraved annals of man’s mind.
You can be both, they’re cut from the same cloth.
This basically the communist version of holocaust denial.
Marx was a piece of shit neckbearded neet, but it's really Lenin who's the progenitor of cancer that came to be known as "communism" and modern """marxism""". Strike the true source of the disease.
Daily reminder to actually read Marx unlike the 99% of Jow Forumstards who have no idea what Marxism is but dismiss his ideas anyway since they think TGSNT, PragerU, Ben Shapiro, & Jordan Peterson are valid sources on Marxism.
He wrote about Jewish nature which Marxists have historically been against. The Jewish-Bolsheviks sending millions of bourgeois Jews to labor camps proves this. And Soviet Communism killed less than tens of millions. Looking at the Soviet population over time proves this.
Do communists support the ideology because they actually care about the well being of people that are poor and not given the chance to be all they can be or because they have a hatred for people better off than themselves and wish to see them thrown down several pegs
There is a special place in hell for communigger apologists like you.
Marx's work isn't bad at all. He was a philosopher writing about anti-capitalism and he had a lot of good ideas. He wasn't an economist, nor did he write how to develop a communist society.
His ideas were co-opted into many movements, many of which sucked or actively suck balls. The philosophy is solid though.
Read Capital Volume I.
Do Nazis hate Jews because they're jealous that Jews are better off than themselves? No.
Thats a question youll get a different awnser on depending who you ask
There is a special place in hell for idiots who actually believe Soviet Communism was responsible for the deaths of more than 0 innocent people.
An actual anarchist that isn't a bleating commie cultist sheep? Is this what sighting Bigfoot feels like?
There is nothing more disgusting than first world bourgeoisie larping communiggers like you. At least you will soon pay for the crimes of your purported predecessors soon enough, Comrade Cocksmoker.
I just want incompetent faggots out of government. Competency drives a successful society, not ideology. That's why I meme flag as anarchist.
Incompetents are drawn to government like flies to shit. It's a pipe dream, unfortunately.
Chuckling at the dishonesty.. why did no i w ever tell me about the brown Utopia of 30 million weathy Latinos in South America?!?!
Oh because it never actually existed
>tfw read marx and bread book, commies accuse me of doing neither
Waste of time m8