State Of Canada

I'm starting to think Canada need to join the United States Of America.

Attached: stateofcanada.jpg (639x386, 91K)

Keep dreaming leaf.

Lmao canada can EASILY BTFO united sharts of america in 1 day if they attacked mutts on suicide watch.

1812 we been fighting for so long. Is about time we just joined and become the biggest super power the world has ever seen.

Why would we want you faggots?

>muh 1812
That was the British you colossal faggot.

Same reason you wanted Alaska

>Canada should join the US
Nah, Alberta is fine without the rest of Canada or the Americans. You sound like someone from outside of Alberta

>Seems ironic that my Captcha wanted me to select tractors

Thats irrelevant it was still the same people that eventually fought for independence from Britain

I move to allow the Snow Beaners into the country.

Nope Albertian pipeline worker

An Albertian Pipeline work? I didn't know there were any of you fuckers left.

There many but we are all struggling for work. We need trump to fix our economy. Truebitch fucked everything.


I keep saying this too, but also about every other country and personally I'd like it to be part of a vast bloody war of conquest that leaves behind a tiny fraction of the current population, but we still both want the same thing: those fresh water reserves to be entirely within this great country's domain.

It would plunge both Canada and the United States into a progressive dark age. NDP and Liberal voters would hand every election to the Democrats and we would both be absolutely fucked. Apart, we both have a chance due to having separate political systems.


Number of revolution

We can get all the benefits of your natural resources and none of your pozz by keeping the status quo.

Canada 40 million compared to usa 400 million. I wouldn't be to worried.

As long as you don't think a fucking maple leaf will be anywhere on our flag, I don't have a problem with this.

we dont need another california


I dig it. I'm in

We just need to kick all the Chinese out of BC then Alberta and bc split off

Yes, the land locked nation of Alberta can do just fine on it's own. Imagine it now... Whoever that faggot is in charge of Alberta right now playing hardass with John Horgan over the pipeline... Yes, Alberta wouldn't be completely, totally and legally cockblocked.

"Derp and herp, being faggots that suck cow dick, we would just go around."

Washington, Oregon and California are even bigger NIMBY assholes than we are. Don't even think for a second your single source economy, no manufacturing, bitch ass cucks could take us in a war, either. You'd get fucking dominated before you could even reach Radium Hotsprings.

"But muh agricultural shit."

We can always import it from overseas. Alberta is vulnerable as fuck without this country. Bitch ass niggers.

Or Americanada

It's like having a second California, dude. It would be over.

Way too much debt. Think die-off, then self-sufficiency, or circumpolarity at worst.

The only thing you got right in your low iq post was Alberta being land locked. The rest suggested that you're a ass mad frenchie.
Get fucked retarded.

Attached: fucking retard.jpg (300x126, 12K)

Not really most of canada are not leftards. We are just not as load.

>Canada joins the United States
>Open borders between the two countries
>Nogs start flooding into the country
>RIP our already declining white population

I'd rather deal with nogs than the mudslide truebitch has coming in

Besides usa has a bigger problem

We need to be a stronger north American nation.

China and Russia slowly moving in our resources in the Arctic. China will be the new super power soon if we don't become unified .China is buying up land and resources all over the world if we don't do something it won't matter we will all be working for China.

I give up. Even on pol Canadians ask for annexation. Our media and economy is americanized while at the same time we have no freedom. We have the worst of both worlds. People who fly the Canadian flag half the time are first wave immigrants from Africa or asia.
RIP white European Canada. I barely got to know you.

Believe me, not all of us want to join your clusterfuk 56% mutt/nigger/beaner cesspool. Enjoy your niggers today burger.

Digits confirm North American Alliance
>1 year into Trudeau seizure of the government
>resistance grows in Alberta and BC
>Trump annexes western Canada
>letters of marque issued on all Trudeau officials

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