Is there any reason why we shouldn't?

Is there any reason why we shouldn't?

Canada SHOULD join the US! And then we can form our own "United States of Northern America" or "USNA" for short. We would have our Monarchy (that great idea just came to me right now) led by a emperor named Donald J. Trump ! And within time, we could conquer Mexico. And the states of Canada and Mexico could add onto to the 50 states now. There's a rumor that this is already going on as we speak, and we can expect this amazing plan to have taken place by the year 2040!

Attached: USNA.jpg (1023x741, 115K)

Other urls found in this thread: &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

No. We're full up. And mexico... they're more fucked than Canada.

Anyone got a leaf blower... Take ain't gonna cut it...

Canada is the 2nd largest country in the world, geographically, with a minuscule population.
If we joined the US, we would have essentially 1/11th the say we currently do over how the country is run. At best, our land would be stripped of everything valuable in order to further fatten up their pork barreling and DEM PROGRAMS.
No thanks.
If both countries balkanized, we could see certain provinces and states joining together, which could be fine, depending on the exact arrangements.

Gtfo of my wallet, Canada. Fix your own shit. As a matter of fact, we are depending on you.

We should annex Canada, for the simple reason it would not damage our economy any more than it already is, it would free up resources to further secure our southern border, it would also allow us land access to Alaska politically, and increase our population and resources. There would be little to no culture differences and it would stimulate our economy, it would also bring the U.S.A to the forefront of World Politics, as our popularity with our allies has been going down due to Obama's flippant demeanor and lack of integrity.

Pending full statehood you'd mostly see Dems added to the Senate. Depending on electoral college votes, we'd probably be valued similar to rural states that have a disproportionally higher value per voter then highly populated states.

We'd mostly have no power in Congress.

The mistake of wannabe cucked OP is assuming we'd help America swing right.

It would be an absolute clusterfuck even in the best of scenarios.
Not. Fucking. Worth. It.

Other tread

Digits confirm North American Alliance

Attached: Canada-america-flag.jpg (612x408, 38K)

The only problem is the Canadians in Canada. If we can’t enslave them and dish them out to Americans as House slaves, I don’t see a path forward. I certainly wouldn’t want leafs to have US citizenship.

Get fucked, dog fucker.

imagine thinking we need Canada to conquer Mexico


> Senate Majority Leader Justin Trudeau

Canada will vote out truebitch October 21st

my vote is no

Attached: cricketpowder.png (442x511, 189K)

Ye boiiiiiiii

Attached: Trudeau will fall.gif (800x100, 3.06M)

Not only are we building a wall on the northern border, not only are you paying for it, but now you're paying for the one on the southern border.

Apparently those aren't moving much, since it's all on sale at nofrills.
It's right next to stuff like hemp hearts and Bob's Red Mill stuff.

>implying there is an option that will get more votes than dude weed man
Have quads ever been so wrong?

lemme acknowledge them numerals.
i wish you the best leaf

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Can't argue with those digits

I honestly think it would make a lot of sense. I think most Americans would like it. Problem is, I think Canada might be too proud. I know a big part of their identity is considering themselves NOT the US and being better than the US. There is no way they would want to be a part of us.

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What's he going to do? Legalize weed AGAIN?
Or maybe he'll try to make Electoral Reform part of his platform again this time, since he seems to think all of his voters won't remember him flipping them off right after the last election on that subject.

>And then we can form our own "United States of Northern America" or "USNA"
Ummmmm No. fuck off leaf. You can be the 51st state though except BC Ont Quebec.

Seems to me Canadian minds are changing quick especially after truebitch. And now trying to make gun bans. Bill c 71 was passed

>"United States of Northern America"
We are going to call it the "North American Reich" and only white people and anime weifus will be allowed inside.

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>Is there any reason why we shouldn't?

Attached: ultimate faggotry.png (800x500, 13K)

I'm just saying that his opponents seem to be purposely making themselves shit options so that the liberals get voted in again. Maybe not a majority this time, but I doubt another party is going to beat them.

USNA? maybe American North United States. ANUS

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>wanting Somalis on your wide open border
user... I think you may be retarded...

We'll probably see a CPC minority. With the PPC nipping at their heels, they won't be able to move further left without bleeding support. I wouldn't be surprised to see MP's cross over the floor to his party if the party leadership is being cuck-lite.

serious question to the canucks :

given how much fucks quebec gives about the rest of canada, what do you think will be their reaction ?

Would they join in ?
Would they go full independent ?
Would they try to form a union with the US and keep the rest of canada out ?

thank fuck

also, including mexico is a bad idea imo

I'm good with it. I, for one, welcome our leaf brothers.

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Quebec is the least likely to join up with the US because of language issues.


I could see liberals getting in again without majority. Then Trudeau being forced to step down with a vote of no confidence during his second term because Canada's currency drops below 50 cents to the US.

so you reckon they would go full independent or join in with the rest of you guys ?

Fuck you mutt.

You can have incorporated territory status as long as you remove the poos and chinks prior to joining.

Your right it's not even real French. Just retarded autistic tabernac speak

The USA doesn't need another California

Attached: canadian_bottoms.png (720x603, 638K)

Why would you want us to join your country? Do you seriously want another California?

if we can get rid of the old south and LA for them, I'd be all for it.

The conservatives are getting in, and there is nothing you can do about it.

You absolutely should. Canada is filled with based Anglos who will vote like southerners if allowed in the United States.

Attached: B883762D-307D-4C42-8B6D-14D98624539A.png (927x525, 648K)

There’s already Somalis up here.

>there is nothing you can do about it.
>implying they won't rig it just like they did the 2015 one

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Ehhhh, some parts of the Maritimes could feasibly join up.
IMO, Montreal should just become its own city-state and then the rest of Quebec will be set. Ditto for Toronto and Vancouver.
Strictly speaking, Québécois is closer to Old French than what is spoken in Europe, these days. There are fewer Anglicisms, but more Calques.
It just sounds weird because written and spoken French vary significantly from each other.
A good example is how we use the term "char" for car, whereas that's pretty much only used for tanks in Europe. The reason is that it comes from "chariot".
Another good example you'll hear a lot sounds like "icitte" to mean "here". What they are actually saying is "y site", as in "this site".


>There’s already Somalis up here.
A fucking Somalian runs our immigration, we are fucked it is over, he's a soros nigger to boot

Attached: soros.jpg (617x1000, 78K)

Because I don't want everywhere to be the hyper-individualist anti-tradition shithole that is Toronto. Liberalism is a cancer and the US is it's home.

Those digits

It's ogre. Scheer got this.

Some how this!

Attached: SmartSelect_20190623-142540_Gallery.jpg (1063x903, 792K)

>A fucking Somalian runs our immigration, we are fucked it is over
Pic related, a modern day Canadian school

Attached: canada_school.jpg (1200x900, 283K)

Holy fuck, those digits will make it so user.

That’s only Toronto.

>Not sorting by post count
What a loser.

Everyone get registered to vote. This guys fuckin outa here

It's on the rise

Yes. All of America belongs in the same reich. Canada will benefit from cheap American food. Mexico will benefit from more employment opportunities. America will benefit from the extra labor and not needing to worry about the U.S. Mexico border anymore. Everybody wins.

Attached: U.S. Canada Merged.jpg (1200x800, 72K)

Don't worry, the Canadian Government will correct that issue ;^) &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

Attached: canada_2018_feminist_cunts_and_stupid_shitskins.jpg (1200x800, 94K)

> &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca
>tl;dr: Canadian Government actively promoting diversity in all towns under 50,000

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les paypiggus

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Trudeau is to weak to stand against the God emperor trump

canada summed up

> gay whites
> shart skin wanna be gansters
> fat marxist ham planets

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the weed sucks and everyone who smokes it knows it. 14 year old me was smoking sour diesel and purple kush. can't buy fucking anything legally over 25% thc. what's that about, I've never smoked such shitty weed in my life, Mexican fucking brick weed is better than what the liberals are selling for $320 an oz

>30 million spics and $20T in debt being added to our country.

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Its literally the best option even with the complications

how about you just give us back alaska and then go fuck yerself

This guy even sits like a bitch

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