> you've been redpilled
> you are aware there are legions that agree with your suspicion things are wrong
The only thing left to do is
> Lift, improve your health
> Read, develop your intellect
> Create, stoke your imagination and accomplish builds/art

everything else is bullshit.
sullying yourself with shills, millenial communists, zoomer crayon eaters and degenerate kikes daily on this Cimmerian Horticulture image board does nothing productive for you

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You're right.

>Cimmerian horticulture

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>expecting any of these faggots to get off their asses and not blame da joos for them being huge failures


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only if you knew how bad things really are

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I actually barely come here anymore, boards too negative. The majority of posters don't actually want to be happy. They want to simmer in their shit pot and stew in it forever and the more suckers they can trick into joining them the better.

The Zionist useful idiot has spoken

Thanks Wall Street

Also this. This guy is here. In every thread. Every day. A prime example of a failure that I've stopped caring to argue with long ago.

The board has lost its purpose beyond election cycles, and even then it will only ever be for shit posting and nothing more ever again. Too many leftists are aware of here for it to ever be good again. That and Trump winning dragged tons of faggots here who thought they were in good company being a lefty moderate.

That will work for now, but we need a plan beyond just working out to get these shitskins out of our countries.

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>we need a plan beyond just working out

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The only thing that got me off this board is biz board. Plus, I'm up 400% on my portfolio. You're definitely wasting time here.

sauce me them tiddies

>sauce me them tiddies
you must leave

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Working on Sunday fbi-user?
You must really hate your boss.

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Here here. Get out there and make something of yourself for yourself, your family, and your race and nation.

find the other 6 i posted

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Upvoted. Time to start living.

This. After having been redpilled past the Holohoax redpill, Jow Forums does nothing but waste your time.
Potential doesn't matter, action does.

I keep injuring myself doing it. So I come here to pass the recovery time

>Potential doesn't matter, action does.

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they're right you know

>"What does vagina feel like?"

Agreed. Im done shitting anyway. Legs are numb.
Time to go be a dad and raise the future.

If you gently bite a woman's boob, what does it taste like?

I've been feeling the same way. Half of the time, I can't even open any thread. It's always more of the same self-hatred. I refuse to believe that all women are evil. Without hope, life would be futile.

Correct, one should move on to the next step if they are ready, living a normal life as an aware individual.
Self improvement general?

My understanding is: they not "evil" they are different human species, with they own behaviors and aspects.

They lack qualities you would expect from a good men, because they are different species. Saying they are bad is like saying dogs are bad, or rain is bad in way.

They are indeed worse version of male, if you want to compare it this way, by our standards they are horrible humans. But they are able to give birth to new humans, as a big advantage.

Find a good trainer you stupid american. People who start to lift without proper real life instruction are fuckin niave at best. You have to spend money to learn how to do it properly.

yepp usually some here never want to leave they feel safe here where they can imagine what the world is where they are superior but it’s still kinda sad I just visit for the news about what’s happening in the world today but the rest are just very very sad I hope you guys find your way out